Showing posts with label Happiness experiment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness experiment. Show all posts

Today's "Reasons to be Cheerful" list is going to be restricted to one HUGE reason to be grateful. Maggies Centres Don't take my word for it, go see the website and see how fantastic and supportive they are. Maggie's : Welcome to Maggie's

9 months ago I'd never heard of them either. It was Nurse Linda who suggested I go in and see what support there was for the cherub and myself. Now at the time W wasn't talking to me. Communication was via short sharp texts only. And since I was the ex partner, I didn't see what the hell I was meant to be doing looking for "support". Anyhoots, feeling like a major Drama Queen, I slunk in under the guise of "looking for support for the cherub".

And they were lovely.
Did anyone say "Um hello... you don't actually have cancer Ms Macy..."
Or "What the hell are you doing being so upset about someone you finished with five years ago?"
Was there anyone on a reception desk sucking her teeth and booking me an appointment for five weeks hence?

Nope. Nope and No.

I was sat down immediately with a lovely counsellor person, who supplied coffee and tissues, and listened, and reassured me it was completely OK to feel as though I'd been dropped down a deep well. Once I'd sniffled my semi-coherrent way through the main points, she got the Cherub enrolled on the next kids open day, and arranged for me to join the weekly friends and family support group.

And because of my meetings with Maggies I've been able to reach out to W, and apologise, and help myself through helping him.

And because of all the support we've both been getting there, we're spending some last quality time along with the Cherub.

And I can't thank them enough


Reasons to be Cheerful 3

Posted on 14:35 In:
Still not clear if this experiment is working. But then a weekly listing of things to be grateful for in the belief that it could increase levels of happiness and stamina can't hurt - can it?

So, this week in no particular order we have:-

  1. There were TWO money off vouchers inside Ned's dog food, not one... £1 sterling, instead of the ten shillings promised.. HA!
  2. We live in an area of outstanding natural beauty which also happens to be very conveniently located near a Poundland. Entirely possible that there is no better shop yet. Everything's a pound! DUR. Check out the bangles - Missoni inspired and £1 for three, yes not £1 each, but £1 for all three of them. Read it and weep oh ye outside of Cheesetown.
  3. I have a voicemail from a recruitment consultant who wants to talk to me. It's entirely possible I won't phone at all, but just listen to the message "Macy, I'm extremely interested in your CV..." endlessly...
  4. Being redundant means ever getting that Monday morning feeling.
  5. The sun is out over Lothian. Repeat THE SUN IS OUT.

Reasons to be Cheerful 2

Posted on 08:54 In: ,

The experiment continues, five reasons to be cheerful need to be listed today if I am to achieve 25% increase in happiness, fitness and general well being.

And who better to test this theory to the nth degree? OK, here goes, this week's reasons to be cheerful.

1. I have a dishwasher that actually cleans dirty pots
2.W is feeling slightly better today
3.Capri Sun is on two for one at Scotmid (strictly speaking this is cherub's reason to be glad)
4. We saw not one but two rainbows this morning.
5. Got a great photo of Ned, hey?

Practicing Gratitude Can Increase Happiness by 25%

It must be true! It wouldn't be published on the internetweb if it wasn't would it?

For those people who can't be bothered to click the link, basically listing five things a week to be grateful for results in happiness levels increasing by 25%, energy and optimism increasing.
What's not to like? And frankly, I'm the ultimate test case for this one....

OK here beginneth the experiment... five things to be grateful for per week for the next ten weeks.

Week One
1. The dogs are getting on better than expected. Having had full blown fights on night one, we've now settled down into a peaceable enough routine. Both have no opinions on what to watch on telly, both think I'm great.
2.When I leave the Big American Bank at the end of this week there are some people (they know who they are!) whom I will never have to meet again.
3. I live in an area which has access to broadband. Not amazing speeds by a long chalk, but we do have some kind of string driven broadband.
4.The Wire is being repeated - and this time round I have a Sky HD box which records automatically for me.
5. Madonna is older than me!

Welcome to the car crash...

I have a complicated bereavement. I was only reconciled with my ex, W, months before he died of cancer. Luckily (for him) I was made redundant and able to care for him while he died here at home - October 20th.
Currently getting through it with our son, aka the Cherub, dog Ned, and friends here in CHEESETOWN.

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Who Needs a Booker Prize?
Sunny Thinks I'm Stylish

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