Showing posts with label Modelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modelling. Show all posts

Monday, 28 January 2013

Skies of Blood : Stormraven Build Pt I

Some modelling progress at last, my two Stormraven kits have made it onto the Forge workbench; construction motivated by a recent big game played up at Warhammer World with my fellow gaming buds from our League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (a report and some pics may follow if I can bear reliving the pain of such a total arse whooping).

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Raising the Dead : Abraxas WIP Pics

Here are some work in progress pics of yesterdays completed Death Company Dreadnought Abraxas for those that may be interested.

I know I got these posts arse about face, but I just couldn't resist putting up the completed work first as it's such a rarity. Also I still don't take enough pictures when I'm working on a project to show detailed progression (takes me long enough to paint something without all the breaks for a photo shoot)!

But I did take a few of the little bit of conversion work I did on the banner which may be of use to some.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Showcase : Tyranid Scenery by Anton Magdalina

Following on from the earlier Space Wolf Showcase, how about a bit of scenery? Again not mine (mores the pity) it belongs to a fairly new member to the forum on Pesties PPE; why do I always think of Personal Protective Equipment when I abbreviate that? *shrugs*

Friday, 11 May 2012

Gaming Table Project : Chapel of Sanctuary

As promised in my last postcard , here are some pictures of my old GW Chapel of Sanctuary; it's a great piece of 'ready to play' scenery that's sadly been long out of production; but I think is still fairly easy to pick up online.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Forge World Open Day 2012 : An Unexpected Journey

Due to a last minute outbreak of goodwill in the Departmento Munitorium (either that or a data loom blew out) I ended up with an unexpected day off today and as luck would have it, my darling wife suggested that I had earned enough brownie points for a day pass of my choice. There was only one place I needed to be and with a roll of here eyes she nodded understanding; 'Go on then, off you go to Weirdy World.'

So it was that I set out early doors for a journey up to Nottingham and the Warhammer World hosted event of Forge World Open Day. Here follows my account of the day, some scraps of information and a few photos...well you didn't just drop by for my charming banter did you?  ;o)

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Blood Drinker Tactical Squad Gaurus

So here's that Tactical Squad I was so pleased about completing; pleased because at my current rate I should have a fully painted army in time for 40k's 50th anniversary!

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Blown Away : Vehicle Destroyed Craters

Been meaning to get this review up for a while now (sorry for the delay Magnus) but as usual my attention decided to go out for a drink with my imagination and caught the wrong bus home; yes I've been tinkering with the 'Drinkers fandex again.

At the beginning of the month I took delivery of an order of markers that represent craters following a Vehicle Explodes result on the damage table.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Pressing Matters : Green Stuff Press Moulds Pt I

With Valentines Day all done and dusted and with a few brownie points banked for not only remembering the significance of the day, but actually buying my good lady a card to acknowledge the fact (sometimes I amaze even myself). I trotted off into the forge to tend to my 'other' relationship in an attempt to get my creative mojo fired back up; this was quite a challenge as my hallowed work space currently resembles the Death Star trash compactor.

However inspiration was at hand for not only had I bought my beloved a card, I had also splashed out on some cup cakes for her sweet tooth! (Truly I am a God amongst Husbands!)

With the thought of baking firmly in my mind, I decided to turn my hand to some press moulding; having seen this done on many blogs and youtube tutorials over the past few years I've been meaning to have a crack at it.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Drop Site Massacre : Death Company Drop Pod

Taking far longer than it had any right to and damaging my calm along the way, I present the first of my (almost) completed Drop Pods.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Gaming Table Project : Another Brick in the Wall

You may have noticed in yesterdays Death Company post (if your eyes weren't riveted to the foreground by the sheer awesomeness of the painted miniatures) ;o) that there were now two blasted buildings crumbling in the background of the gaming table.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

UK Games Day 2011 : Pt II Selection of Golden Demon Entries

As it says on the tin, a picture is worth a Thousand Sons...sorry, words; here is a selection of 40k entries from the Golden Demon cabinets at last Sundays UK Games Day 2011. The bar was once again high although I thought the volume of quality pieces was much reduced from previous years, not sure why that may be as I don't enter; any thoughts?

Monday, 26 September 2011

UK Games Day 2011 : Pt I Forge World Studio Pictures

The sun has set on another years Games Day; I'm back from a rain drenched Birmingham, foot sore, tired and with a much lighter wallet. I was planning to hold off on posting for a few days and cover the event in depth as I did for the blogs inaugural post on UKGD 2010.

Sadly despite being a sellout gig this year, having a well padded official program, both of which I saw as good omens promising much; Games Day 2011 was...well a little Meh!

It wasn't a bad day out, it was just lacking in wow factor, there just wasn't all that much on show and a distinct lack of new product to tease the paintbuds; perhaps we were spoilt last year with the Dark Eldar. (I wouldn't know, somehow I missed them!)

Anyway, I still managed to take plenty of pics and those that I messed up were mostly duplicated by Will and kindly given to me, cheers mate. Over the next couple of days I'll endeavour to bring you what was on offer, for those of you who couldn't make it...or were stranded in the queue for the sales hall!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Gaming Table Project : Bricks and Mortars

I can't believe it's been four months since I completed my gaming table, some of the Gents are hankering after blooding the new battlefield and I still haven't got a shred of cover to put on it. So in the absence of a multi-million dollar Atmosphere Processor I had a rummage around the Forge and located my scenery supplies.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

New Life into Old Lead Pt II

Before I get into today's post, I'd just like to pass on a belated big thankyou to Brian aka The Inner Geek for his invaluable help in setting up the quotes gadget you may have noticed appear over to the right in the past week. He sourced me a very easy to use script and if it wasn't for his assistance I'd probably still be locked in search engine hell.

Following on from my success with my Techmarine last month I embarked on another renovation project; this one was going to be much more of a challenge and I'd been putting it off for ages through a lot of fear and doubt in my own ability. Many years ago, my good friend Pestie aka Paul of Pauls Painting Emporium painted a conversion I had put together of a Terminator armoured Sanguinary Priest; whilst he did an outstanding job as always, there were now a couple of bits that didn't quite sit right with the look of my Blood Drinker army or the rules of the 5th edition Blood Angel codex.

Friday, 15 July 2011

In the Company of Wolves : Thunderwolf Alternatives

Since transferring to the Space Wolves, Bish's fortunes as a commander have taken on a decidedly upward momentum, with a string of victories against several of the Gents. The Wolves of Fenris have bitten sizeable chunks out Pestie's Orks and then cocked a leg at their remains after a rematch. Stomped rather mercilessly over our newest member Danny's freshly founded Imperial Guard and but for a misinterpreted rule, come close to turning Will's Eldar into Pedigree Chum.

Looking to bolster his forces with some Thunderwolf Cavalry and with GW shockingly still not producing figures for a unit they published rules for three years ago! He turned to me for some advice about what alternatives were out there and as he's yet to reignite the age old war between the Lycans and Vampires by battling my Blood Drinkers, I was only too happy to oblige.

Monday, 27 June 2011

The Eagle Griffon Has Landed : Pt I

I've finally got my hands on the plastic High Elf Griffon kit from GW's Warhammer Fantasy Battle Island of Blood boxed set, picking it up for a very reasonable price on Ebay and have set about my 'admittedly slightly bonkers' conversion project for the Captain of my 8th Company 'The Talons' of the Blood Drinkers Chapter.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Blood Drinker Assault Squad Idus

At last, another squad ready for deployment, I'm sure the Emperor would be mighty miffed at my tardiness in readying my Chapters forces; but he's been lazing around on the Golden Throne for the last 10,000 years, so he's one to talk. I mean you'd have thought the guy would have run out of reading material and bog roll by now and the queue outside must be worse than at a Forge World stand!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Lazing on a Sunny Afternoon : More ToS Pics

It's an awesome sun baked Bank Holiday weekend here in the green and pleasant land and as Sol has seen fit to grace us with some rays, something that happens all too rarely in this usually grey, rain soaked Isle; I'll be outside making the most of it.

For your viewing pleasure whilst I'm away sunning myself a shade of Blood Red and lighting up the BBQ like a Flamestorm Cannon; here are some more pics from my recent trip to Throne of Skulls.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Throne of Skulls : Been there, Done that, Got the T-Shirt

Back from a fun packed day at Throne of Skulls, held at Warhammer World, Nottingham; very tired and still sorting through a mountain of very poor photos I took, trying to rescue enough for a half decent article.

Those lethal hands have struck once more (Grrr) and to reference Robert Capa again for an analogy; he managed better focus whilst under fire, hitting Omaha Beach, than I did in the (mostly) peaceful environs of the gaming hall.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Throne of Skulls : Trooping the Colour

Another guest post today, this time by brush myster Paul aka 'Pestie' from PPE; he's been painting Tomo's army in readiness for this weekend's Throne of Skulls tournament and shares with us some work in progress pictures and thoughts.

You have the Con Number One.