Showing posts with label lucy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lucy. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

Release Day Launch: Act Like It by Lucy Parker

Act Like It RDL Ban

It’s release day for Act Like It by Lucy Parker! I am so excited to share this new contemporary romance with you! Lucy is sharing an excerpt and a giveaway with us today, so be sure to check it all out!

ActLikeItWeb (1)Act Like It
by Lucy Parker
Publisher: Carina Press
Release Date: November 30th 2015
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This just in: romance takes center stage as West End theatre's Richard Troy steps out with none other than castmate Elaine Graham

Richard Troy used to be the hottest actor in London, but the only thing firing up lately is his temper. We all love to love a bad boy, but Richard's antics have made him Enemy Number One, breaking the hearts of fans across the city.

Have the tides turned? Has English rose Lainie Graham made him into a new man?

Sources say the mismatched pair has been spotted at multiple events, arm in arm and hip to hip. From fits of jealousy to longing looks and heated whispers, onlookers are stunned by this blooming romance.

Could the rumors be right? Could this unlikely romance be the real thing? Or are these gifted stage actors playing us all?

It would have helped if she’d got further than the couch part of the couch-to-5k training plan she’d printed off the internet. Lainie crossed the finishing line and immediately dropped her head toward the ground, leaning her hands against her thighs and fiercely rejecting the urge to vomit. She was embarrassingly unfit, but if the chain-smoking, foulmouthed comedian two steps ahead of her could finish with a smile on his face and no visible signs of nausea, then so could she. She straightened with an effort, cringing as her back made an audible cracking sound. Performing in a play was a physical job, for God’s sake. It required stamina. She didn’t even have the excuse of sitting behind a computer all day.
Camera lights flashed as more participants made it over the line. They included several soap actors, a controversial political commentator, a popular abstract artist, and a DJ from Radio 1. The fund-raising committee had managed to put together a respectable hit list of names for the Shining Lights UK 5k, considering that Fun Runs were among the least popular of charitable events. She couldn’t even say the term without an ironic inflection on the first word. What kind of half-witted masochist actually enjoyed running on a drizzly October morning in London? On a weekday, no less, when there were plenty of people about with laptops and coffee cups, observing the mania with perplexity.
Lainie had tried to suggest an alternative—a bake-off, a rock concert—but the director of the foundation was a jogging enthusiast who refused to believe that other people might not share his predilection for spandex. She saw him now, standing by the refreshment table, doing some kind of yoga stretch and looking cool and unfazed. He didn’t even have sweat stains in his armpits. Unnatural.
“Well done!” he called to her. “How was that?”
About thirty-five minutes of pure, wheezing hell, thank you for asking.
“Great,” she said, desperately sucking air into her abused lungs. “Brilliant way to start the day.” If you enjoy unrelenting pain. “I beat my personal best time.”
Which was true, in the sense that she had never run a 5k before and hopefully never would again.
Oh, well. It was all money for worthy coffers.
“Couldn’t agree with you more,” he enthused. “Nothing more invigorating than an early morning run.”
The poor man had obviously never had early morning sex. Or a caramel latte.
He nodded toward the throng of spectators, shivering under their support banners. “Good to see the SOs out in force, as well.”
“The SOs?” she asked blankly, trying to follow the direction of his gaze. Had she failed to swot up on necessary athletic jargon as well? Safety Officers? Sports Officials? Sulky Octopi? She had no idea.
“Significant others. Always helps to have a cheerleader on the sidelines, doesn’t it?” He chuckled. “Yours looks a bit worn around the edges. Dragged him out of bed early, did you?”
Completely at sea, Lainie didn’t respond. Then she finally saw what—or rather whom—he was looking at. Richard was leaning against a pop-up art installation. The enormous statue of a polar bear wore an identical frown and a similar amount of facial hair. The bear was evidently very worried about the status of global warming; a stroppy and still unshaven Richard appeared more concerned with his own warmth, or lack thereof. His hands were thrust in his pockets and he was doing the standing jig-dance of the cold and crabby, bobbing from one foot to the other.
Absently excusing herself from the grinning director, Lainie hurried over to him, blowing on her own ungloved hands. Now that she had stopped running, the chill was creeping in.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, amazed and irritable. This had not, as far as she knew, been on their agreed list of activities, and she couldn’t imagine he was pining for her company. She felt justifiably annoyed with him for turning up when she was a red-faced, snot-nosed mess. Not that she had ever exactly bowled him over when she was a painstakingly curled, professionally made-up siren, either.
Although he hadn’t seemed repelled during that one rain-saturated moment earlier in the week. Which she was never going to think about again. She’d been telling herself so all week.
He hadn’t wanted to kiss her.
Had he? 

Lucy Parker lives in the gorgeous Central Otago region of New Zealand, where she feels lucky every day to look out at mountains, lakes, and vineyards. She has a degree in Art History, loves museums and art galleries, and doodles unrecognizable flowers when she has writer’s block. 

When she’s not writing, working or sleeping, she happily tackles the towering pile of to-be-read books that never gets any smaller. Thankfully, there’s always another story waiting. 

Her interest in romantic fiction began with a pre-teen viewing of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (Firth-style), which prompted her to read the book as well. A family friend introduced her to Georgette Heyer, and the rest was history.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

FFBC: Welcome to the club, Love, Lucy by April Lindner

Love, Lucy
by April Lindner
Publisher: Poppy
Release Date: January 27th 2015
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While backpacking through Florence, Italy, during the summer before she heads off to college, Lucy Sommersworth finds herself falling in love with the culture, the architecture, the food...and Jesse Palladino, a handsome street musician. After a whirlwind romance, Lucy returns home, determined to move on from her "vacation flirtation." But just because summer is over doesn't mean Lucy and Jesse are over, too. 

In this coming-of-age romance, April Lindner perfectly captures the highs and lows of a summer love that might just be meant to last beyond the season.

Jane Eyre

My current favorite is Downton Abbey. Old favorites: Gilmore Girls and Northern Exposure.

A Room With A View, the 1985 version with Helena Bonham Carter.

Bruce Springsteen’s Thunder Road.

Cacio e Pepe—a Roman specialty. Three simple ingredients—pasta, romano cheese, and black pepper—make magic together.

Stars Hollow, Connecticut; Cicily, Alaska; and Downton Abbey.

Henry Tilney from Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. He’s kind, funny, and forgiving.

“What you seek is seeking you.” The poet Rumi said it, and I hope it’s true.

So many things! Bruce Springsteen is number one. Some others: The Fault in Our Stars; Gilmore Girls; musicians Butch Walker, Jesse Malin, and Ryan Adams; novelists Francine Prose, Meg Wolitzer, Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters; anything having to do with Downton Abbey….and the list goes on and on.

Emily Bronte.

Thank you for loving books! Spread the word: books are the closest thing we have to real magic.

Hello April! We are super excited to have you in our FFBC tours.

Lucy’s a budding actress whose Dad pressures her to study something practical in college. When she agrees to major in business, he rewards her with the backpacking trip of a lifetime in Europe. Lucy falls in love with Italy and with Jesse Palladino, an American street musician/wanderer—but leaving behind Jesse and her acting dreams proves harder than Lucy expects. 

Lucy’s full of love and enthusiasm for all she encounters on her travels, with emotions that live very close to the surface. Jesse’s a free spirit who believes in living out his dreams, and who genuinely wants Lucy to be happy.

Love, Lucy has two inspirations: it’s a retelling of E. M. Forster’s amazing novel A Room With a View. But it’s also informed by my own long-ago European backpacking adventures. 

“Though later she would think she should have seen it coming, she didn’t. Jesse’s arms circled her, tightened around her, and drew her in, and a moment later he was kissing her, his lips soft and warm and searching. This wasn’t Lucy’s first kiss—there had been a few others—but it might as well have been. In a way—in the only way that counted—it was the first.”

When Lucy and Jesse are running around Florence and Rome—riding a Vespa, getting onstage at an underground nightclub, pretending to be Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck on the Spanish Steps…basically any and all of the scenes in Italy were the most fun to write. 

Begin your time in Florence by wandering through the city in the general direction of the Duomo, the city’s central cathedral. You’ll see its massive and magnificent red roof rising from almost every spot in the city. Climb the 463 steps to its rooftop for a glorious view of the city. And when you’re back down on terra firma, head straight to Gelateria Grom and reward yourself. Actually, any gelato would be good, but Grom’s dark chocolate is to die for.

Here’s a website on the Duomo:

And here’s one for Gelateria Grom!:

I’m not sure I can pick one song, but I’ve made a whole playlist of them. You can find it here.

We would need a time machine! Jesse would be played by Milo Ventimiglia in his Gilmore Girl days. And Lucy would be played by Helena Bonham Carter circa 1985, in her A Room With a View days.

To get into the Love, Lucy vibe, watch Roman Holiday and A Room With a View. Snacks you should have on hand: a cappuccino—even if the Italians don’t believe in drinking it after breakfast—and a cannoli. 

I’ve been working on a retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion set on a prep school class trip to Athens and the Greek islands.

Thank you so much for everything, April!

You’re very welcome! This has been a blast.

Follow the Love, Lucy by April Lindner Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

April Lindner is the author of three novels: Catherine, a modernization of Wuthering Heights; Jane, an update of Jane Eyre; and Love, Lucy, due out in January, 2015. She also has published two poetry collections, Skin and This Bed Our Bodies Shaped. She plays acoustic guitar badly, sees more rock concerts than she’d care to admit, travels whenever she can, cooks Italian food, and lavishes attention on her pets—two Labrador retriever mixes and two excitable guinea pigs. A professor of English at Saint Joseph’s University, April lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons.

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