Showing posts with label curd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curd. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Release Day Launch: Iron Pendulum (Periodic #2) by Megan Curd

Iron Pendulum RDL Banner Final

We are thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for Megan Curd's IRON PENDULUM! IRON PENDULUM is Young Adult Steampunk Fantasy and the second book in Megan's The Periodic Series!!

Iron Pendulum (Periodic #2)
by Megan Curd
Release Date: August 28th 2014
Cover designed by Mae I Design
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A month ago, Avery thought the world ended outside Dome Four. Thought she was one of the few of her kind. Thought the war that brought the human race to the brink of extinction was over.

But a month can change everything.

After fighting to escape a tyranny she didn't even know existed, Avery has had to come to grips with all the secrets she's uncovered. But more secrets continue to come to light, revealing how little of her world she truly knew. When evidence starts to show that Dome Four might be under siege, Avery knows what she must do.

Returning to the dome she longed to escape is a challenge for Avery, but now she knows there’s corruption lurking in the shadows. A massive steam shortage leaves half the dome without power, and people are falling ill. Dying.

And they’re blaming Avery.

A month can change everything. One more month could kill everyone. The clock is ticking.

Megan Curd is a graduate of Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota. While having always enjoyed reading any books she could get her hands on, Megan didn’t begin writing until a friend encouraged her to do so while in college. When not writing, Megan enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Photography, traveling and snowboarding are hobbies she loves, and she doesn’t turn down the opportunity to play xBox with her brother and friends when it presents itself. Megan currently resides in Ohio with her husband and son, where she is trying to convert them into Buckeye fans.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog Tour: Iron Pendulum (Periodic #2) by Megan Curd

We are thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for Megan Curd's IRON PENDULUM! IRON PENDULUM is Young Adult Steampunk Fantasy and the second book in Megan's The Periodic Series!!

Iron Pendulum (Periodic #2)
by Megan Curd
Release Date: August 28th 2014
Cover designed by Mae I Design
 photo addtogoodreadssmall_zpsa2a6cf28.png photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg


A month ago, Avery thought the world ended outside Dome Four. Thought she was one of the few of her kind. Thought the war that brought the human race to the brink of extinction was over.

But a month can change everything.

After fighting to escape a tyranny she didn't even know existed, Avery has had to come to grips with all the secrets she's uncovered. But more secrets continue to come to light, revealing how little of her world she truly knew. When evidence starts to show that Dome Four might be under siege, Avery knows what she must do.

Returning to the dome she longed to escape is a challenge for Avery, but now she knows there’s corruption lurking in the shadows. A massive steam shortage leaves half the dome without power, and people are falling ill. Dying.

And they’re blaming Avery.

A month can change everything. One more month could kill everyone. The clock is ticking.

Iron Pendulum
by Megan Curd

Alice huffed, the sound sending static through the earpieces. The Alliance had provided us the new and improved masks, capable of allowing us to speak without lifting our masks and exposing us to low oxygen levels. It was a great development, one that Sari had worked on for months to perfect. One that was currently annoying me, since all I heard was a flurry of irritation at my momentary attention lapse.
I adjusted the map and clicked on my headlamp, its dull glow illuminating the wrinkled, water-stained blueprints in my hands. I traced the lines of our route. “I think we need to go left.”
“You think?” I heard Jaxon’s voice, not through the muffled sound of the speaker, but loud and clear beside me. His lips grazed the side of my cheek, not exactly kissing me, but dissolving my focus all the same. His musical tone sent shivers down my spine, even when he was being infuriatingly sarcastic.
Jaxon’s ability to breathe in lower-oxygen situations was because of his father, Riggs, who had performed research on Jaxon from a young age. While Riggs had been forced to do it by Xander—the man behind the Resistance, and the one responsible for the fact that we were living in hiding—I still didn’t have much love for Riggs. He’d hurt Jaxon, and that hurt me. It would be a while before I trusted Riggs, no matter what he said or how many times Lexie vouched for him.
Jaxon leaned against the cement wall with his arms crossed, his dreads pulled back in a standard leather tie. His headlamp sat cockeyed, as if in tribute to his off-kilter humor and devil-may-care attitude. I wouldn’t want it any other way, even though I knew he did care, and he wasn’t nearly as unimpressed with the world as he’d like everyone to think. He’d proven that when he’d taken a vial of my blood, allowing himself to be a test subject once more for the sake of learning more about my abilities. We didn’t know how the blood would affect him—would it hurt him? Give him abilities like mine?—but it was a chance he was willing to take.

Listen to Megan's book playlist for Iron Pendulum

Megan Curd is a graduate of Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota. While having always enjoyed reading any books she could get her hands on, Megan didn’t begin writing until a friend encouraged her to do so while in college. When not writing, Megan enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Photography, traveling and snowboarding are hobbies she loves, and she doesn’t turn down the opportunity to play xBox with her brother and friends when it presents itself. Megan currently resides in Ohio with her husband and son, where she is trying to convert them into Buckeye fans.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Steel Lily (The Periodic # 1) by Megan Curd

Steel Lily (The Periodic # 1)
Megan Curd
293 pages (estimated)
Release Date: Auguts 12th, 2013
Rate: Loved it

Stay alert guys, because you won’t see it coming! It will leave you breathless! You won’t know what have hit you in your head…Oh wait! You will know what it is, and it will be Steel Lily
Steel Lily took our breath away; we loved it so much it hurt (for real!! Our eyes hurt a lot, we wanted to sleep…but don’t blame us, we couldn’t stop reading! Blame the author not the reader!)

Megan Curd made us fall in love with her writing. It is very descriptive yet fascinating. Megan gave a lot of information about Dome Four and everything that surrounds Avery, but enough to not to lose track of important things and to make you want to read more. We liked how Megan portrait our world in the future, it felt so true, so close. We could totally imagine a future like this one (magic excluded) it was a little bit scary though.

As for the plot, we won’t get too deep into it, but just let us tell you one thing (worry not! We won’t say “we loved it”, though it’s implied)…It is enthralling. You’ll find yourselves wanting more. There is a twist in the story (a few ones), that we assure you, you won’t see it coming! It will slam you right in your face and, as it happened to us, you will have to re-read it 3 times to know it is real and not something you have made up!...Sweet, you want to know more don’t you? Well honey, you will have to read it by yourselves!

We would like to say a few things about Avery and Jaxon. Ladies first, Avery is an Elementalist; she creates steam (important to survive), which means she is from the “Elite” –the highest of society-. We liked her since the beginning. Since you start reading Steel Lily, you see how strong she is. She has been through a lot and you can see that even when she is trying not to show it. What we liked more about Avery is how loyal she is to her friends, even though she is an “Elite” and her best friend, Alice, is not, she doesn’t care. 

I should stop writing since the post is starting to get really long, but ONE last thing…the end was, well…it was perfect, just like the entire book! Though we would have liked it to be a little bit longer, but nevertheless, it let us hungry for more Avery-Jaxon story. 

So books Addicts, we hope you have enjoyed reading this review and that after reading it, you have considered reading/buying Steel Lily. What am I saying? You should be crazy if you don’t read Steel Lily! We strongly encourage you to read it, we are so effin sure you are going to LOVE it!

Now, to end this, I would like to give you one of my favorite quotes of Steel Lily! I laugh out with it! Enjoy!!

“Are you eyes real?” I got that question all the time. After a while, I started making up unlikely stories to keep it interesting. “No, I was simply bored one afternoon and decided to color one green. It seems that permanent marker really is permanent.”


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BIO: Megan Curd is a graduate of Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota. While having always enjoyed reading any books she could get her hands on, Megan didn’t begin writing until a friend encouraged her to do so while in college. 

When not writing, Megan enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She loves to snowboard and travel to new places, and doesn’t turn down the opportunity to play xBox with her brother and friends when it presents itself. 

Megan currently resides in Stanton, Kentucky with her husband, son, and Great Dane named Dozer.

Favorite Book? 

Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling and Divergent by Veronica Roth

Perfect writing moment? 

Coffee in hand, a snack, and good music. That’s perfection. :) 

Favorite TV show? 

The Big Bang Theory…hands down! I love Sheldon Cooper.

Favorite movie? 

I don’t have a super, overall favorite, but a few I like are Nacho Libre, Sweeney Todd, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Hunger Games.

Your ideal day? 

Sleeping in, playing with my son, heading to a café to write, then coming home and sneaking in some xbox and reading. I’m a simple girl! :)

Your Favorite Song? 

That’s REALLY hard. Can I pick a band? I love Muse.

Favorite Food? 

I love anything spicy, like jambalaya. I also enjoy chicken alfredo.

Perfect Fictional Boy? 

A mix of Harry Potter and Jem from the Infernal Devices. Jem with magical powers, minus the drug addiction. That’s perfection right there!

Magic or Mythology? 


Favorite book genre to read? 

I really will read anything that has otherworldies or dystopia. If it’s not every day type occurrences, I’m in. I love escaping into another world. <3

Favorite Quote? 

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not lived at all—in which case, you fail by default.” –J.K. Rowling

Something to say to our Book Addicts? 

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by, and I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to tweet or Facebook me, and keep reading awesome books. Us authors depend on it. :)


Hi Megan, so glad to have you in our blog. We participated in the cover reveal of Steel Lily and we’re dying to read it. How did you come up with this new story? 

Steel Lily first started cropping up in my mind over Christmas of 2011. For some reason, the thought of what our world may be like if we didn’t take care of it. If we continued to abuse our resources, and then a massive war broke out. How would we deal? Could we survive? What would that look like? All of those ideas were swimming around, and Avery’s world is what came out of it. 

Could you describe Avery and Avery’s world to our Book Addicts? 

After the war, we as a human race had ruined the atmosphere. The survivors now live in domes, the only place remotely clean air exists. Think of refugee camps. That’s basically what the human race has been reduced down to, but even still the classes exist. I’m hoping readers see Avery’s world for the broken society that it is, but that they’ll also see there is still hope hidden in the destruction. 

We know the future Periodic Series fans are going to love Jaxon, so we have to ask: Can you tell us something about him that we don’t know?

He has a soft side. You see it momentarily in Steel Lily, but you definitely see more of Jaxon in Iron Pendulum, and you’ll see him be ::gasp:: kind, and maybe even a little jealous. The guy is a blast to write. I’d have a hard time not loving him in real life, too. 

Could you tell us some secret that we should know about Iron Pendulum? We don’t know anything about the second book of The Periodic Series and we’re so excited to know more about it. 

Oh man, I’m so excited to share Iron Pendulum with the world! It’s really coming along great, and I’m hoping to have the first draft done by the time you share this post. We’ll see, though. :) As for what you don’t know…hmm. You’ll meet some new characters, obviously, but a few that have minor roles in Steel Lily come back and become big role players. I want so badly to say more, but you’ll just have to wait! I’m hoping to release Iron Pendulum by Christmas, if all goes well. 

Imagine that we get the chance to see Steel Lily on the big screen (*hope so!*). Who would you pick to represent your characters? 

Oh man! I just picked out a dream cast, so here’s a few of the main characters for you:

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