Showing posts with label FISA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FISA. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

"Get FISA Right" response to Senator Obama on myBO

The following letter was written by members of Get FISA Right, a group of Obama supporters committed to protecting Americans from unwarranted surveillance:

Dear Senator Obama,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to us with your post "My Position On FISA" dated July 3rd, 2008. In your response, you pledged to "listen to [our] concerns, take them seriously, and seek to earn [our] ongoing support," and in that spirit, we would like to continue this conversation. We ask that you help transfer our passion and political activism into getting the FISA bill right -- now....
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Monday, July 07, 2008



Firedoglake � FISA: Dialing For The Rule Of Law:
"Tomorrow is the vote on the FISA bill. �What say we welcome back Senators and their staffs from the 4th of July holiday with a rousing �bit of patriotic support for the rule of law?.... �" For info on action you can take now (including links to call tools to help you get in touch with your Senators, continue reading.
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Give 'em Hell, Russ!

Russ Feingold Responds to FISA Bill:
"I teased some of my colleagues and said we can celebrate the Constitution on July 4th and maybe when we come back you'll decide not to tear it up."

-Russ Feingold on FISA