Showing posts with label Sweet Lovers Love the Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweet Lovers Love the Spring. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Apologies

When I designed the Sweet Lovers Love the Spring Silver Dollar Scissor Fob, I was under the mistaken impression that everyone was like me and had a small stash of old coins laying around. Either that, or that one could simply walk into his/her bank and buy a silver dollar for a... dollar!

Apparently, not so. After turning my only two silver dollars into fobs, one to keep and one to give away, I had a custom request to make another one. And do you think I (or she) could find a silver dollar anywhere? Nope.

I really hope this has not been the case for you. But if it has, may I offer a few solutions to our quandary:

1. Begin stalking your bank. Mine tells me that the old, large silver dollars turn up from time to time, but they always get grabbed up right away.

2. Use 2 fifty cent pieces instead! The diameter won't be as big and glorious, but it will still make a nicely sized and nicely weighted fob, with the same monetary value, so it can still be called a silver dollar fob. Here is the one I just finished using 2 fifties:

3. Some foreign coins are large and heavy and may make a decent substitute.

4. A metal washer from your husbands toolbox may also work, although I'm not sure how to address the big hole in the middle.

5. My husband offered to make silver dollar sized pieces of wood from some of our native Vine Maple or Wild Cherry trees. Contact me if this option interests you.

6. As a last resort, log onto ebay or amazon and purchase a collector silver dollar for way more than its face value ($20-$75).

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Release... Sweet Lovers Love the Spring

A new design for you today... now listed in my etsy shop and also available directly through me via email (

Inspired by Shakespeare and Spring Fever, this sweet little pin cushion is a quick and festive way to combat the lingering-winter-blues.

I used one line from a song that the author included in his famous As You Like It play (the entire song is printed inside the chart cover).

Also included in this pattern are a bonus alphabet for customization and an over-one version of the verse, in case you would prefer it to be tiny.

In addition, there are instructions for making a Silver Dollar Scissor Fob, which is filled with... a real US Silver Dollar. I just love how compact yet weighty it is. I confess that until now, I didn't really "get" fobs, but I find that I'm a little hooked on the feel of this fellow dangling from my scissors.

Stitch Count: 113 x 113
Model stitched on Weeks Dye Works 40ct. Angel Hair

Using flosses from The Gentle Art: 0450 Corn Husk, 0520 Copper, 0540 Brandy, 7018 Woodrose, 7041 Apple Cider

Conversion to DMC provided with the pattern.

For finishing the Pin Cushion, you will need additional matching linen for backing, wide rick-rack in a cream or ecru color, and batting or filling of your choice.

For finishing the Silver Dollar Scissor Fob, you will need additional matching linen for backing, narrow rick-rack in a cream or ecru color, and one US Silver Dollar.

All of my patterns come with a fully detailed & professional thread chart, color photograph, & my recommendations for floss and fabric. It will arrive in a plastic zip-close envelope for safe keeping.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Staying Warm

I was going to write my first "Signs of Spring" post this morning, but alas, we woke to snow. I actually don't mind so much, though. After days of rain so relentless that it created puddles in the yard, any change in the weather is welcome! Besides, snow is so pretty and peaceful, and gives me a good excuse to stay home by the fire.

During yesterday's downpour, I managed to get another dozen blocks finished for my Picnic Quilt. Perhaps I will do up a few more today.

Speaking of staying by the fire, my March design is nice and cozy, drying out after a warm coffee bath...

I hope you are dry and warm today too.