Showing posts with label cross stitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross stitch. Show all posts

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Tomorrow it's the birthday of me and my owner, but presents are already pouring in. This present we got from a friend who thought our birthday was yesterday. From the wrapping I could see that it came from a store that sells games!

Oh! An expansion set for the cardgame Gloom!
I love Gloom, so I'm very happy with this present.

Thanks J.

There was also a package from my owner's friend Jan today.

We were to curious to wait till tomorrow so we opened it right away. It contained green cross stitch fabric, two key fobs and a beautiful keyring. My owner is very happy with these presents and I am too as green is my favourite colour, so now I can bug my owner to cross stitch something for me on the green fabric.

Thank you Jan!
My owner tells me she will email you soon.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cross Stitch Mail

Today there was a package for my owner. She was expecting a magazine send by her friend Jan, but this package was much heavier than just a magazine.

It turned out Jan also send a Cross Stitch Book! She knew my owner was looking for this book and she found it for my owner at a great bargain. Thanks Jan!

There aren't any pigs in it, but I did spot this cool mouse!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I got mail!

When I got home from work today there was a big envelope waiting for my owner and me! It was from Hammie and G. My brother Angus, Domo and one of the hippos were also very curious to see what I got.

A McPig charm!
I really love it! Thanks Hammie and G, it's so sweet of you to send it to me!

I tried if I could wear it as a necklace, but my owner told me I'd better hang it on the noticeboard next to the computer as I might lose it otherwise.

Hammie drew a really cool H in the letter that was with the package, it's a little hamster! Maybe I should try to make up an S that looks like me.

There was also lots of cross stitch patterns in the envelope for my owner! She's really happy with those, especially with the Dikkie Dik ABC as she knows lots of cat lovers who will love getting a stitched Dikkie Dik.
(Dikkie Dik is the main character of a series of children's books in Dutch by author Jet Boeke.)

While we were taking pictures of the things we got one of my housemates came to see what we were doing and he wanted to be included in my blogpost for today. So here is a picture of me and Knorrie, one of the pigs in our household who's not part of the McPig clan.

That's it for today!
Thanks again Hammie and G, we love what you send us.

Monday, September 21, 2009

For those who are curious

We finished the stitching on the gift for Beanie!
No pic here in case Beanie wants it to be a surprise, but for those who want to see what we stitched: Here it is!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Weird Sheep and More Stitching

Today we didn't have to go to work so we went into town for some shopping. I saw this sheep in a shop window and thought she had a weird coat for a sheep. I wonder if Frank, the sheep at our work, is related to this one.

Back home we started on making something for Beanie Mouse.

I helped sorting threads and

I even stitched a bit!
It's coming along quite well I must say. we hope to have it finished soon.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cross Stitching A-Kerk and Bike thingie

I haven't been doing anything interesting these last view days and this is why: my owner was stitching like crazy to finish this fairy she's been stitching on the last couple of months. It's not my taste, but Voodoo Bride loves it.

This afternoon my owner and I went into town to have a drink with someone and we did some shopping. Here you can see the tower of the A-Kerk (A-Church), a church in the center of the city.

When we got back to our bike someone had put this saddle thingie on it! It's some kind of Groningen promotion thing as this week a lot of new students have arrived in the city to start the new college and university year.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Stitched Pig

A piggy my owner stitched today. I hope it's not supposed to look like me, because if that's the case, I think my owner failed miserably.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

View on the Martinitoren, thermos and threads

This picture was taken at the bike parkinglot at our grocerystore.
Behind me you can see how old buildings (right) and new ones are build close together. In the distance, between the building you can see the Martinitoren (Martini tower) again.

Me playing with the new thermos that my owner's OH just bought.

As my owner was stitcihng all afternoon I tried to help out by picking out colours for her.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Owl Ashtray, Cross Stitch and Drawing

The first thing I want to show today is especially for Eve as I read on her blog she likes owls.
This is the coolest owl related item we have: an owl ashtray!
It is from a dutch cigarbrand that no longer excists, 'Uiltje', which was also known outside the Netherlands as 'White Owl'.

On to other things:

My owner was cross stitching this morning and I tried my hand at it too, but I think it's very fiddly work, so I didn't do more then a few stitches.

At work I was bored and as I couldn't help out my owner I've been drawing a bit.