Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Jordyn is doing really good. We go to the Doctor on the 5th of March, she will have an echo and we will hopefully find out when her next surgery is. They are thinking 2-4 weeks later

Jordyn has been having a hard time breathing at night because she has to be propped up. So we brought her crib into our room. I just can't handle her sleeping in her own room and don't know if I ever will. It was great and we both slept so much better.
Jordyn gets really stuffy every morning, so her and I get to take a shower together. I just put her in her bathtub in the shower and let the steam do its magic.
Jordyn pulled out her feeding tub one morning, so we left it out all day! She did great eating but we had to put the tub back in that night. It was wonderful to look at her all day with nothing on her face.


Karrasch Clique said...

that baby is too cute! I can hardly wait to meet her! And the boys look SOO BIG! I am glad that Tyson had a fun bday...PS I like their long hair! What cuties :)

Watts Family said...

What a sweet little chub! I love her. Happy Birthday to Tyson! Everyone is getting so big!!