Friday, February 5, 2010

Passing the time

My phone has lots of fun gadgets and toys on it...which can be very distracting, but also very helpful for entertaining my little ones.
Especially during church. :)

I know they should be looking at some religious book, or doing something related to church, but this is the best thing I have found for keeping them quiet.
So I will keep doing it.


jonathan said...

I recognize that place. Homecoming!

Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

Wow - your phone takes good pics! Those kiddos are SO cute - love it!!!

suzi said...

Aww! They are so cute. Julie's hair has grown out nicely. Izzie still talks about "Chewie." She goes to speech now, so maybe next time we see you she will actually be able to say Julie's name. Anyway, you have really cute kids. Did you upgrade your phone? Nice. Steve keeps bugging me to get a new one, but I am too lazy.

Lisa said...

Amen to doing whatever it takes! By the way, who is that kid in the first picture?!?! You guys haven't even been gone a year and Julie has grown up so much!