This is not an easy fight. In our little community, we are VASTLY outnumbered and courage is sometimes hard to find. All the same, I have been really surprised how apathetic some people are about it...other members of the church, even.
This proposition is a big deal, wherever you live. It is a BIG DEAL. This is my whatever you can to help this pass. Pray, donate money, make phone calls, walk, or help those who are asking for help. It is our duty, no matter how hard it is.
As I was walking home from the meeting, this song popped into my head:
Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
’Tis not so, all is right.
Why should we think to earn a great reward,
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take;
Our God will never us forsake,
And soon we’ll have this tale to tell,
All is well! All is well!
Now is the time to act. What are we waiting for? Dig deep, muster up your faith and courage, and do what the Prophet asked us to do.
I will.
march on, holly! way to go.
That's my favorite verse of the song. By-the-way, you're really hard to be friends with since you won't even answer email!
Oh yea, and what in the world are you doing up at 12:15am?
That's one of the reasons I volunteered for the Farmer's Market booth. The hostility we're likely to experience really intimidates me, but I feel like I couldn't call myself a disciple of Christ if I let fear keep me from standing up for this. Besides, the comments we'll get pale in comparison to what He went through.
What's worse than having to do this stuff every 8 years is having to do it in South Pasadena every 8 years. Yuck. And good luck.
Oh, and maybe I sent my email to the wrong email -- oops!
Drop me a line when you get a second:
It's nice to have good friends feel the same way we do about how important this is
Good for you Holly! That totally gave a "go get em" attitude. What you said is so true!
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