Showing posts with label squirrel eating apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label squirrel eating apple. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Creature Feature

It's always enjoyable to have you folks accompany me on one of my walks. So please, slap on the sunscreen, pour yourself a coffee and shut the door behind you as we head out to visit our surroundings.

A small but vocal frog thinks he's well hidden in the shallow shoreline of the pond. Think again, little croaker.

Not too far away this 12-Spotted skimmer lights briefly upon a blade of tall grass.

Another winged beauty poses for us on an upper cedar branch.

Not even attempting to hide, the spider has woven a splendid web overnight.

Almost every day this summer, a Painted turtle basks in the sunlight of my local pond.

A hungry chipmunk greedily fills its cheeks from a pet food bowl which was left on a front deck.

That loud cry you hear is that of the Blue jay - snapped through a pane of glass. He eagerly awaits the peanuts which are left for the squirrels. He's often the first on the scene, forcing the bushy-tailed cuties to find something else...

Like apples. It's a good thing our park is filled with apple trees.

On our way home, a last glimpse of the pond. A Dad and his young son have stopped to chat with the ducks.

Thanks for joining me on my walk around the park. The company, as usual, was just grand.

This was a scheduled post. If all goes according to plans, we're probably back up at the cottage for a few days. I'll be around to read comments and catch up with your blog posts shortly after I return.