Nature rejuvenates so quickly, so completely. Though we often view ourselves otherwise, we are nature. ~Jeb Dickerson
As pretty as their faces are, I like the look of some flowers from behind. The simple daisy is one of them.
A feathery spring of.. something. It was swaying in the breeze and it's soft pink tones asked to be photographed. How could I deny it?
After a very heavy rainfall, the dam is a churning, swirling puddle of water.
A proud mother mallard with her sweet little ducklings.
Here's a larger group swimming close to the edge of the dam.
The next day, they were all at the bottom of the dam. That one little cutie was awfully curious about the people watching from above.
This cheery turquoise sun sits in my neighbour's front garden.
A clematis bud in Frank's back yard.
A pretty purple clover with bright yellow flowers in the background.
Sumac flowers. You have to get up really close to see that there are all these individual buds on the usual cone shaped bloom.
This Eastern Yellow Swallowtail has lost half of its left hindwing. It didn't seem to slow him down any.
The full moon of June.
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