Showing posts with label Clematis bud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clematis bud. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2012

We Are Nature

Nature rejuvenates so quickly, so completely. Though we often view ourselves otherwise, we are nature. ~Jeb Dickerson

daisy underside
As pretty as their faces are, I like the look of some flowers from behind. The simple daisy is one of them.

feathery sprig
A feathery spring of.. something. It was swaying in the breeze and it's soft pink tones asked to be photographed. How could I deny it?

dam after the rain
After a very heavy rainfall, the dam is a churning, swirling puddle of water.

ducklings and mama
A proud mother mallard with her sweet little ducklings.

Here's a larger group swimming close to the edge of the dam.

ducklings curious 2
The next day, they were all at the bottom of the dam. That one little cutie was awfully curious about the people watching from above.

garden sun
This cheery turquoise sun sits in my neighbour's front garden.

clematis bud 6
A clematis bud in Frank's back yard.

A pretty purple clover with bright yellow flowers in the background.

sumac flowers
Sumac flowers. You have to get up really close to see that there are all these individual buds on the usual cone shaped bloom.

eastern yellow swallow tail missing
This Eastern Yellow Swallowtail has lost half of its left hindwing. It didn't seem to slow him down any.

full moon june of 2012
The full moon of June.

More in a bit

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Colour Purple

I've been fairly absent from blogging lately and figure this will continue at least for a few weeks. I've been spending a significant amount of time away from home and very little of my home time has been spent in front of my computer. My posts and blog visit will continue to be hit and miss for a while.

Below are a few photos from sometime over the past month. They all depict one of my favourite colours - purple.

"I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it." ~ Alice Walker

clematis bud
Before: This is an unfurled clematis blossom found in Frank's back yard.

During: Clematis in bloom. One of the prettiest purple flowers on the planet.

spent clematis
After: Once the clematis bloom has come and gone, this is what remains. Can you tell that I was having fun playing with Frank's new 100mm macro lens.

colourful plant leaves2
Also found in Frank's back yard. These leaves have the uncanny ability to appear purple, brown, red or green depending on the lighting.

wild chicory
Wild chicory is one of my favourite wildflowers. I find it in my local park and just about anywhere else I wander.

Although it's considered a weed, I quite like thistles - maybe not in my garden, which is where I found this one, but it's loved by the goldfinch and I wouldn't complain if they came to visit.

purple bellflowers
The purple bellflower shot in low light. This one is for you, Adrian!

I'll be around for visits as soon as time and circumstances permit.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Leaves of Senses

In my previous post, I introduced you to some of the beautiful birds which visit my local park and pond over the course of a day. Today, I'd like to show you some of the flora which attracts many of the birds and insects that inhabit this area and others. Please remember to click on each photo to enlarge it.

Since late in the spring, one branch of this berry-producing tree has been bright orange. Every other limb sports nothing but green leaves and berries, so this isn't its autumn foliage - just a colourful contrast to the rest of the tree. It's where the robins in the previous post were perched. (please click to enlarge)

Here are some of the ripened berries which the birds find so tasty. (please click to enlarge)

And from a different perspective. (please click to enlarge)

This tiny bloom is only about one centimeter (less than a half inch) in diameter. (please click to enlarge)

These lily pads were found at Mill Pond - a twenty minute drive from home, in the center of a small town. They reminded me of a Claude Monet painting. (please click to enlarge)

These colourful wildflowers grow along the park path. They attract birds, bees, butterflies and my camera lens. (please click to enlarge)

Snapdragons are emerging everywhere throughout the fields near Frank's place. He'll probably stop by and comment about how its petals remind him of.. something. (please click to enlarge)

In his front yard, this tiny leaf had fallen and was clinging to the tip of a larger leaf. I thought there was something tender and endearing about it. (please click to enlarge)

In his back yard, these tiny purple Clematis buds... (please click to enlarge)

.. grow into these large, profuse blooms. This photo was inspired by my dear bloggie friend Protege of Life Work and Pleasure, who has been keeping us abreast of her Clematis plant's growth with weekly updates since spring. Consider checking out her blog - she always has something wonderful to share. (please click to enlarge)

And thank you all for sharing your time with me. More pics in a few days.