Showing posts with label stephanie kip rostan agent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stephanie kip rostan agent. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm Back!!!

Clipart from

What did I miss? What did I miss? Well, of course I missed YOU, silly! :-)

The quest was a success. I found my three wizards. Are you ready to meet them?

Wizard 1

I found the first wizard over here.

Allow me to introduce you to my incredible agent, Stephanie Kip Rostan. Don't let the lack of a wand fool you. It was her magic that rescued me from the slush pile. The person standing next to her is no less a wizard. There would be no “Levine” in the Levine Greenberg Literary Agency without the awesome Jim Levine.

I also had a chance to meet the other wonderful members of the agency...
....including Jim’s puppet alter-ego.

Wizard 2

For the record, walking through the Random House lobby, surrounded by their first edition archive was one of the most surreal moments of my LIFE. (Up until the point the security guard told us we weren't supposed to take pictures there. Oops.)

Finally “meeting” my editor, Kate Kennedy after TWO years of exchanging emails with her was another such moment. If you don’t believe in magic, all you have to do is look at the first draft of Before Ever After and compare it to the final book to know what a wizard this woman is.
Wondering what we're all happy about? 

I know. Book jackets are great, but what does the REAL book look like? Your wish is my command...

What? Too small? Oh. Okay. No worries. I can fix that. Read on while I get my wand…

Wizard 3

What magical trip would be complete without a pilgrimage to Hogwarts?

Or Hogsmeade?

And while I was there, I got you some presents...

Chocolate Frogs, anyone?
Or do you prefer Butter Beer?
Oh, I know! Wands for everyone!
Well, that's all for now...Huh? What? Oh, right! I almost forgot. (Too much Butter Beer. Sorry.) I was supposed to get my wand and show you the hardcover mock-up of Before Ever After.

Hmmm. how do you use this thing? I suggest you stand back...
Let me try changing this paperback ARC into...

...a hardcover copy!

Phew! For a second there I thought I was going to blow up this  blog. So do you think Professor Dumbledore will let me keep my robe?