Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts

11 April 2012

Joining Up and Squealing With Delight!

First, following fearless leader Zoe of 'So, Zo … What Do You Know?': I, KC of The Sewcratic Method, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear one or more hand-stitched garments each day for the duration of May 2012. And to up my style game a smidge.

Second, I have also signed on to The Pyjama Party hosted by Karen of Did You Make That? You can never have too many pajamas, no matter how you spell them.

As for the squealing with delight, the generous Magpie Mimi has bestowed upon me the Liebster Blog award!

Evidently it is awards season here in blog land. The terms of this award are:

Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
Thank you very muchly, Mimi!
Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you. Done!
Copy/paste the blog award on your blog.
Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs (with 200 followers or less).
1. Quiet And Small Adventures in Ph.D. Land.
2. As I Said.
3. Pretty Grievances (I have no idea how many "followers" prttynpnk has.)
4. Lucky Sew and Sew
5. It's A Sewing Life.

Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment.

I'm on it. I hope Kristin, LSASpacey, prttynpnk, Jane M and Elle aren't already exhausted from accepting awards.

20 April 2011

My First Award: I Am All That! What's It To Ya?

Whoopee! Mary of 3 Loved Ones, 2 Cats and a Bird Brain has graciously bestowed upon me the I Am All That! What's It To Ya? award.

IAAT award

This prestigious honor, created by Beangirl, brings with it the responsibility for answering five urgent and important questions:

1) What size shoe do you wear? If you wear a size 7, can I borrow your shoes?
It depends. Which foot do you want to know about? My left foot is size 7 to 7.5 (US women's) while my right foot is 7.5 to 8.5. Lately I've stuck to buying boots in size 8.5 and wearing them with cushioned hiking socks. You can borrow one but I'll need it back by Halloween.

2) 30's or 60's?
60s. 1960s, that is, although I'm also a big fan of Boudicca.

3) Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn't have?
Yes, but not as often as I'd like.

4) Have you ever been poisoned? Was it by the girlfriend of the person you kissed?? That is awesomely "Knot's Landing".
I've never seen "Knot's Landing." I do all the poisoning around here, thank you very much.
5) Who's on your "Celebrity Free Pass" list (top 5)?
1. Richard Armitage (the dreamy British actor and "Spook", not the American Imperialist spook and Tool of Big Oil.)
2. George Clooney
3. Sean Bean
4. John Hannah
5. Robert Downey, Jr.

But my heart will always belong to Paul Newman.

Now it is my very great privilege to pass this award along to:

1. Jane of Lempo Bee
2. Jane at Daisy Donut (and Ted)
3. Wearinbeads at I Want To Wear Beads Every Day
4. Peg at Deconstruct, Alter and Create
5. Psycho Sue at Sew Misunderstood

or 6. Button's and the Boy's Mom at Pendle Stitches.

Meanwhile, what have I been up to? I've decided that as long as I'm (re)learning how to sew I should (re)learn how to knit as well. I went out and spent an absurd amount of money on silk yarn and bamboo needles to make the wrap you can (barely) see in the picture:

IMG 0007

And having learned how much yarn can cost, I also set to work liberating the yarn from a dear old shapeless sweater:

IMG 0009

Oh, yeah, and somewhere in there I'll finish off the semester!