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Showing posts with label SG50. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SG50. Show all posts

Papermarket SG50 Paperfest Make-and-Take!

Happy Tuesday to all! Super excited to share this fun event in the month of April! Come join us in the second year of Papermarket Paperfest and commemorate SG50!

Here's the make-and-take for my booth! Lotsa yummy Singapore embellishments to play with! And learn techniques like layering, painting, paper mache and even create a quick and easy mini album!:D More details here:

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Haha! Super SG50!

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A fun and easy mini album!

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Mark your date on 18 April, Saturday and come join us! Cya there! Remember to drop by to say HI!:D Till my next update, take care and God Bless!:D
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