Monday, May 6, 2019

Little Update!

I'm laughing because one of the last posts I made was how baby hungry I was but how there was no way I'd have another. Well, here I sit 9 months pregnant with our 4th. I'm due June 2nd with this one. Yikes! I got checked today and was dilated to a 1 and only about 60% effaced so barely anything is happening right now. Oh well it's still early. I've done a good job of working out this whole pregnancy and it's helped me feel SOOOOOO..... much better than I did with any of the others. My midwife (Heather Scott at Davis Hospital) thinks my stomach is too "droopy" so the baby isn't really pushing on my cervix at all. Bummer. That's what happens on your 4th. You literally have no muscle tone left. After my appointment today my friend Jen Gibb and I went and got pedicures to help HER go into labor. She's due on the 11th so she's a lot closer than I am. She just texted me and said she's getting induced tomorrow because of her blood pressure so the pedicure didn't do much but it sure felt nice!

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