Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's been awhile!

Most of my blog posts start with an exclamation of disbelief regarding the passage of time, but...I can't believe we are almost into July, and the last time I posted was in January!  Very sad.  It must attest to the busy year we have had--or at least to the full life we lead having two 2 year olds around here.  I will do my best to bring us up to speed with the last half of this year!

Taking silly selfies with my boys.

Said farewell to my dear friend, Amy.  She came through town before heading back to Boston to prepare for her big move to Cambodia for longterm missions work with our international church planting movement.  

We spent a lot of our free time in December and January at Marmee and Papi's house because Nanny and BoBo were in town for a month.  It was great to spend so much time with them.  The boys love Nanny and BoBo and still think they are in Mom and Dad's casita.


Ahh, the weather in February in Arizona...  We hit up a lot of parks this month.  
Here is one I stumbled upon after taking the boys for a quick errand to pick up my contacts.

Here are the boys playing in our backyard after Daddy got home from work.  

Oh, poor Zachy.  This was the month he got tonsillitis!  It was so sad.  
 Here we are at the doctor's office.  
He could barely swallow his own saliva without crying in pain. 

But a little Tylenol with codeine and ice cream helps a lot!  :)

Our favorite neighborhood park, Meyer Park!

 Sweet brothers, holding hands.  Oh, my heart.

Here we are at McQueen Park in Gilbert, our favorite park to meet our twin girlfriends, 
Presley and Everly--here with us in this pic, along with mommy Courtney.
Sitting in big boy chairs for a change.

 Playing outside at Marmee's house.  Such beautiful weather!

Popsicles in our backyard at the end of the day!

 This is a great park in Arcadia--Arcadia Park.  The boys had so much fun!  We have yet to return.  

 Riding the train at Desert Breeze Park!  We love this one. 

March kicked off a wedding spree for us in church!  
Andy married two couple-friends a few weeks apart, and another set of friends got married in there, too.  
Here are some pics from Caitlin and Clint's wedding.

Happy hearts at Costco!

 Taste testing at Costco!

Just resting in our backyard.

Here we are at Desert Breeze Park again!

New friends we met at Meyer Park who came to our lifegroup a few times!  
Sweet little Aaron.

 Spontaneous Ted's picnic at Meyer Park for dinner one evening.  Beautiful sunset.

 My cousin Abbey Weiss came to town to visit, and here we all are a burger joint for lunch.  The boys love "fwench fwies!"
 Our junior golf pro, Benji!

Learning to brush our teeth. 

Our first of two attempts to get passport photos... so funny!

My twin-mom-friend Courtney had a precious lil boy, Jacob James on March 14th!

Dinner at our friends' home in Cave Creek.  Having their first Otter Pop in life.  
Still don't quite have the hang of it.

Another neighborhood park we visited for the first time.  I love Arizona playgrounds!

Silly boys outside one afternoon.  

Playing piano at Marmee and Papi's house.

 Bathing without the bath chairs for the first time.

Park buddies!  

Easter Sunday, 2016

Enjoying the I.D.E.A. Museum!

A few brave mamas taking our total of 6 toddlers out to lunch at Joe's Real BBQ!

April (minus the boys' birthday)

I started a new favorite morning activity--eating breakfast on the front porch. 
The boys love watching the school buses and cars go by and wave to the kids walking to school.
It was a fun change of pace. 

The other wedding Andy officiated.  It was beautiful.

Sweet boys playing with blocks at Marmee's house.

My little helpers at Lowes.

Silly boys!!

 We hit up parks at least 3x/week in the Spring.  I love it.  The boys love it.  
Here we are at Desert Breeze again.  
The boys walked a long long way so we could ride the train.  
I was impressed with their energy!

Getting ready for their 2 year old golf birthday party!!!

Zachary is beginning his love for music.

We found a little lost turtle at Meyer Park!  
Of course I rescued it, and we dropped him off at the other park that has a pond.  :)

Watching daddy lay some sod after a rainy night... this was all before 8 am.  
Let's just say, the boys ended up naked and muddy.

Benji loving on Penny.

Watching their daddies play dizzy sports for a staff video.  Zachary was a little distressed by all the guys getting dizzy and falling down.  Benji was pretty into it and still mimics it today.

Kaiden and Kyle's wedding.   I told you; it was a wedding spree!

A mama and her little puddle ducks.

Awww... last playdate with our friend Emmett before he moved to Texas 
with mommy Crystal and daddy Aaron :(  

  May (minus Thailand)

We LOVE to "play chalk"!

Laughing at the park.  Before it got too hot to go to the park.  :(

Two cool dudes in the bath.

We found a great little rescued ocean animals aquarium in the Arizona Mills Mall!  We went with Presley and Everly and had a lot of fun.  I want to go again this summer.  It's nice and COOL inside :)

Then we went on a mall ride. Super fun for 4 two year olds.

End of the Year training school pool party.  One of Zachary's favorite guys, Andrew.

Those boys needed haircuts!

A fun day at the Phoenix Zoo with Abby and Zo-Zo!

We had SO much fun at Saguaro Lake with the Antioch staff for a fun day out!  The boys loved getting in the lake, and they really liked when I took them out in the kayak.  Andy and I actually got to ride a jetski, too--it was my first time!  Such a blast.  Saguaro Lake is only about 30 mins from here but felt like a nice getaway.