This one is the BEST yet!
I am now the proud owner of a DSLR camera!!! (after wanting one since a college class in 03!) Its a Canon Rebel XT - so an older one - prob from '05ish... but hey- it looks like its in decent condition, and it works!! :) AND it was free!!!!!!!!
How did I get it free you ask?? Well, I got a little bit of money for my bday and decided I was going to put it towards a used DSLR. So I posted on FB asking ppl what models they liked, etc and this guy from High School who I was in band with (he was a Sr when I was a freshman and I was friends with his sister) saw my facebook post asking for advice on what used DSLR to look for, etc. So he messages me and says- you can just have mine!
He lives in AZ and even paid to ship the camera. It was a CANON REBEL XT camera body with battery in it & strap... no lens, no battery charger/cords/memory card/case/manual/etc...
In college I took a photography class and had to buy and SLR camera. I got the Canon Rebel film version bc digital was just getting more popular and it was super expensive. I also had a Camera bag already for this camera in college! The bag will work PERFECTLY for all my new stuff- cool huh!?
AND luckily my old FILM Rebel kit zoom lens fit on it - so all i needed to start shooting was a memory card!! I knew I would need a battery charger soon too! So I checked out the battery and started researching what charger I'd need to order, etc. Even thought about getting an extra battery at some point... chargers were about $70, batteries $35 ish.
HOWEVER an extra bonus- the camera a friend gave me that stopped working - the Canon G9 - it had a chargeable battery (with the charger) in it... well the battery is the SAME exact one that this new camera uses meaning - I have 2 batteries and a charger already!! :) Praise the LORD! :)
Oh AND did I mention I already owned a CF card reader from my very first Digital camera (that i haven't used in years!!) and i knew where it was?! Cool huh!? :)
I quickly bought a new lens to play with also- its the 50mm 1.8 that most of my friends use to get the awesome portaits with a "blurry" bg! I found it locally at Competitive Camera in dallas for 99.95+ tax!
AND i realized I didn't have a cord to hook the camera to the TV - so I found one of those online. I also found a Memory card converter that will convert a regular SD card (I have like 4 of these already) to CF format in your camera. I felt like I would rather invest a little in a converter and be able to use the small, easy to find SD cards in my camera instead of the older, more rare CF cards. I take LOTS of pics and now that I'll be shooting in RAW, I'll need more space!!
So this is what I've spent for my camera so far:
Memory Card: $26
50mm f/1.8 lens: $108.00
A/V video cable: $10
CF to SD card converter: $16
Grand total: $160.00
Can you believe it?!! I've spent $160 and I now have everything that follows for my camera:
Canon Rebel XT 8.1 mp complete with Camera bag, Kit Lens, 50mm Lens, 2 batteries, a charger, a video cord, a 4gb CF memory card, a card reader, SD to CF converter, numerous SD cards.
I'm so excited!!! God is SOOO good to me!! Can't wait to start bettering my photography skills!!
I think I'm gonna start praying for a MAC Laptop with Adobe CS5!! Bring on the BHAP! :) (big hairy audacious prayers) and lets see what God wants to do!