Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Aspiring Make-Up Artist?

When I was pregnant with Karmindy, Mark and I went through many lists of girl names to find the perfect name for our little princess. One of our favorite shows to watch while I was pregnant was a show on TLC. It is called "What Not To Wear!" For those of you who aren't familiar with the show, there are two very witty co hosts, Stacie London and Clinton Kelly who help "make over" if you will, someone who has no fashion sense. In this make over process, the subjects receiving help, will get clothing help from Stacie and Clinton and then go on to Nick for a Hair Make Over and finish up with Carmindy for skin/make up help. Mark and I watched many episodes while I was pregnant. Isn't Mark a good sport? I think so. I secretly think he enjoyed himself as much as I did when we watched these poor people with no fashion sense get made over into beautiful men and women. Don't tell any of his guy friends though because I know he would say, "That is like taking a few man cards away from my deck!" Whatever that means! ( I love you honey!) When watching this show, we fell in love with the name Carmindy. We thought it was so pretty! The name stuck but we tweaked it a bit and spelled it Karmindy with a K because her brothers name also started with a K. I know what you are thinking... Either I am way too cutesie or I deal with a bad case of OCD. Well, I suffer from both!

I don't know about you but I think Karmindy might be trying to revert to where her name came from. Just this past week, she has taken a serious interest in my make up. She loves to watch me get ready in the mornings and will sit on my bathroom floor and watch me go through my hair and make up regimen . She loves when I indulge her and put a little rouge on her cheeks and a little lipstick on her lips. I think she has been watching me a little too closely lately while I put on my mascara as well because this is what I found when the house was a little too quiet one afternoon:

I was more shocked than anything! And I was so glad that she didn't poke her eye out! I didn't get mad at her but gasped when I saw her sitting on my bathroom floor With Mascara all over her cheek and face. I think by the look on my face I must have looked upset and worried because Karmindy burst into tears! Hence her sad eyes! I really don't mind if my daughter has a love for make up, I just think it will be wise if she waits a few more years to experiment... Like 12 more years? Is that too much to ask?


........ said...

That is too funny! Poor sad girl...How did you get it all off? Make-up remover? That is A LOT of mascara!!!

Maren & Danny said...

so cute! You can totally black-mail her with this pic later! :0)

Maren & Danny said...

p.s. I LOVE that show! Stacie & Clinton are hilarious!

Heather said...

That's funny-and I love the tears in her eyes. So precious!

Annalee said...

Oh my goodness!! Karmindy cracks me up!! I laughed out loud when I saw the mascara incident!! Those eyes melt your heart!! Like mommy like daughter...is becoming a reality for us too!!! Such a cute little girl!

Steve and Katie said...

Haha! I love it! Shylynn is exactly the same way. Fortunately I am able to put my makeup WAY out of reach, but EVERY day she comes in and has to put on makeup with me. I've noticed since I started letting her have some rouge, even eyeshadow on a regular basis it isn't as big of a deal to her. I guess it follows the regular trend that they want what they can't have. Good luck! Seriously though, that face is so sweet!

Kwint and Gina Kemp Family said...

Very cute. Brennan has a similar love of make up. Hopefully it wanes. I can't believe she's two!!