Showing posts with label Decals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decals. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

Viva Vintage!!!

I am so in love with this, I had to share.

Am I crazy... (my boyfriend would say "stop right there, YES!") 
okay, let me finish... for loving this vintage dresser?

It came straight out of a cottage on the lake.
Don't you just love these little Danish Girl & Boy decals?

I didn't have to do much to it, but it was a little grungy.  
So I took the sander to it, then went over the edges with Howards Beeswax, which brings out the richness of the wood. 
(I do this on all my distressed pieces.)

Look at the patina now, woo hoo! These colors are amazing!


It even has a hinged towel rack on the side!

So this is the before...

And here's the after...  
It's for sale!!! A bargain at $160!!

Now linking to:


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