First of all, wtf? How did a show about Opie living in the 50s become a cultural phenomenon where Fonzie was hanging out with Mork from Ork? and why were Laverne and Shirley there as "good time gals" (whores)? Most of these questions will be addressed in or after this blog.
It is IMPORTANT to say that, inconsistent with other JERKS like Hulk Hogan and Ted Danson, the Fonz (real name HENRY FRANKLIN WINKLER) is as nice and cool in real life as he is on television. Everybody loves him all the time. and not in that stupid "I'm an angel" way. In real life, he loves sports and swears a lot. Like real men do. I do not know if he can ride a motorcycle REALLY. I tried to call the Smithsonian to find out but they apparently aren't open on weekends.
Fonzie merchandise is not as readily available as it should be. Is there a pull-string doll that goes "aayyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" Even better would be a Tickle-Me-Fonzie doll that would, instead of giggling, go "WHOA WHOA WHOA!"
Some of you people using the internet are very young. You may be hesitant to believe that there was once a "Happy Days in Outer Space" cartoon, but that is a thing that really happened.

It was some of the characters from Happy Days having adventures in outer space. Potsie and Mr. Cunningham were not included. WHY?
Another thing about the Fonzie TV character is that his CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT was graduating high school. EVENTUALLY, when he got older. Very good role model. Meanwhile stupid Richie had to join the army and grow a mustache.
Some Fonzie fan-fiction ideas:
1) He makes friends with Urkel, but then there is a rift.
2) He punches a jukebox that is unplugged. Not sure if it should STILL start up or NOT.
3) He acknowledges having penetrated a woman without using innuendo.
"If Fonzie had to arm-wrestle Superman, he would somehow win." -Unknown
Here is Fonzie with his friend Lenny:

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