Saturday, December 24, 2005

Visions of Sugar Plums

im not really sure what those are, but they sound sweet and delicious. not quite as delicious as the treats we made today, of course. A bit of chocolate, peanut butter, salt, and pure sugar. that pretty well covers every craving that people have but know they should not pursue for their figure's sake.
but at christmas time, that nonsense about dieting is left out in the cold, while indoors, people dine on the delicious treats they make and receive.

sarah and i made a few special ones, cause you know, not all reindeer are the same. i dedicated this one to those korean, jewish, christian reindeer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jules. I love the cookie, and I'm sure I'd tell you it was freakin delecable if I were there to eat it. Merry Christmas. I love you.