Showing posts with label sursee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sursee. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide

It's hard to ignore that Christmas is fast approaching. I feel like the stores start stocking the shelves sooner and sooner each year, and the music starts playing the day after Halloween. I love getting in the spirit as much as the next person...but it's tough to not feel guilty, about NOT having your shopping done by Thanksgiving. There are you few of you, who already have it done (you know who you are), and while your awesome, and a super planner....I'm soooo not.
 I'm usually the one shipping out boxes, on the last possible day.

So this year I'm planning ahead (well 2 weeks ahead, but hey that's good for me).
 I've been scouring Etsy to bring you some awesome gift ideas, so you don't end up like me.
Don't forget some of these great sellers are outside the U.S. so plan ahead!

For The Cooks
Love all of this, You don't need it, but you want it! I am usually getting food on the Ipad, so this stand is a must. Herbs are much better when they are fresh, and even better in a cute bag, and I love the packing for these napkins, the napkins are pretty fabulous too. 
Wood Tablet Stand by Grace Graffitti
Fresh Herb Bag by Harvest Haversack
Set of 4 Flour Sack Strawberry Basket Napkins by Tina Produce

For Daughters
All of this is gorgeous, and let's be honest you want all this on your list too? These beads look like candy, yum! Antlers are very hot right now, and gold makes everything better. The earrings are so simple and dainty, even a young teen can wear them. 
Three Stran Beaded Necklace by Nest Pretty Things Shop
Gold Faux Antler Jewelry Rack by Lucy Haus
Gold Dipped Mint Hexagon Studs by Petite Co 

For Sons
Wallets can be so boring, this cork wallet is anything but. With these shoes, you can walk and read, well actually, don't do that. And what son doesn't need a Zombie Survival Kit? What-IF?
Cork Wallet by Corkor
Comic Book Sneakers by Moonlight Decorator
Zombie Survival Kit by Sapling Naturals

For Sisters & Aunts
These bobby pins are great, at any age really. Cutest-houses-ever, they would be perfect propped on a shelf, and the necklace is so simple and elegant, any lady would love it.
Owl Bobby Pins by Periwinkle Nut Hatch
Hand Painted Wood Village by Anamarko
Gold Chevron Necklace by NUTAK

For Brothers & Uncles
What a fancy aftershave, this bottle would even be great just on display, for the less hairy men.  These corks are sooo awesome, they have a whole line of different sports characters, and any bar area isn't complete without a vintage clock!
Bay Rum Aftershave by Soapbox Gypsy
Vintage Trophy Wine Stoppers by Caprock Studio
Open Bar Lighted Clock by Box of Hollyhocks

For Nieces & Nephews

Boys, Dinos, and bikes, need I to say more. There is a whole line of bike bells, from the goofy to the darn right cute. If your child needs a little light in the night, this is the perfect gift, there are several animals to chose from. 
Trex on a Bicycle T-Shirt by Dark Cycle Clothing
Empty Bike Bell by Beachy Toes
Yellow Rabbit Night Light by Mouton Cerise

For The Little Babes
No Hablo, awesome? The wood animals are perfect for little hands, and no little parts. Every girl needs a cloud pillow with eyelashes, adorable! 
No Hablo Onesie by Truly Sanctuary 
Wooden Farm Animals by Imagination Kids
Mr. Twinkle Little Star Pillow by Viola Studio 

For Pet Lovers
If your dog is cute, and your ready to kick it up a notch, he needs a bowtie, now we're handsome. Clearly, I'm loving this color palette. The leash would be so cute hanging on a rack, and this pillow, love-it! 
Red Tartan Dog Bow tie Collar by Silly Buddy
Stripe Dog Leash by Laser Pets
Plaid Dachshund Pillow by Under Umbrelland 

Stocking Stuffers
Here are some sweet little gifts, small but personal, perfect for stockings. The notebook is a daily reminder, and the pencils come in lots of fun sayings. Any crafter needs this little tape measure, it would fit great into a purse. 
Bible Verse Journal by Patton Prints
Princess Bride Pencil Set by The Carbon Crusader 
Fabric House Retractable Tape Measure by Pink Prairies 

For Mom
Mom needs something special this year, this sweet little cardinal is just that (and by mom, I mean me). The little planter are perfect for succlents, and would look so cute on a kitchen window. This necklace, what a great paring of colors, very versitile. 
Fabric Cardinal by The Cotton Potter
Geometric Mini Planters by Shade On Shape
Triple Strand Colorblock Beaded Necklace by Nest Pretty Things Shop

For Dad
Alright...lets admit that dads can be hard to shop for. These are things he is most certain not to have. I know drinking and biking is against the law, but biking with the intent to drink is not! Rustic wood is loved by all, brings them back to their rugged manly days, and make sure they always know you love them, with a tie patch.
Leather Bike Belts by Cicada Leather Company
IPhone Charging Station by Wood Restart
Tie Patch by Sew Happy Girls

For The Gals Who Have Everything
Ok, so this is what I'm most excited about this year. My Aunt sent me a link to this website awhile back, and I've been stalking it ever since. It's called For The Makers, and its just that! 
How It Works
Basically, it's for the makers, the crafters-at-heart, the do'ers, and the fashionable ones.  
These genius ladies, made a way for anyone to be crafty, and I mean anyone. They send you a kit, with all the supplies, and the instructions, on how to make 4 small projects. 
Box contents

These projects are inspired straight from the runways, and high end fashion. 

The monthly subscription, assures you, you'll have a fresh little something in your mailbox each month. 
Gift Subscriptions

I think these days so many people just say, I'm not crafty (Brandy I'm talking to you!) this makes it so easy to be. The best part is, you have this sense of accomplishment, that you made it, heck even brag about it!

I'm having my annual "Christmas Craft Party" in a couple weeks. I started this because my friends love to be crafty, but lack the time, supplies, and energy. 
These little kits by For The Makers, are the perfect remedy for that. 
I think this would make a great gift for mothers and daughters to do together. What a great way to spend some time together, getting hands on, making something she can wear or use and be proud of. 
 They also sell individual project kits, if you missed out a previous project.
Check it out HERE, see some of the fun projects you can make, and buy one for yourself (I wont tell) or for a friend or daughter!

I hope you enjoyed this gift guide....and to my family....act surprised if you open one of these up Christmas morning :)
Want more? Check out my complete Holiday Gift Guide On Pinterest. 
Happy Shopping!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Things- Embroidery Hoop Art

Embroidery hoop art is all the rage right now, and it's defiantly one of my favorite things. 
Its simple, hand made, and the possibilities are endless. On Etsy alone, there are thousands of designs. I ran across some designs I loved, at Three Red Apples, and knew that Annabelle would be perfect to custom make a couple for me. 
I wanted a fun piece, to go with the blog. I just told her I wanted a wren, and let her do the rest. She sketched it out, and sent me pictures to make sure she was on the right track. She used a mix of fabrics, and added the name. 
I just love how it came out. 
Design Custom Made by Three Red Apples
The piece was finished off so nicely on the back, with a fresh piece of fabric. 
The only problem was having to wait while it was shipped! I hung it immediately in my craft room. Can't wait to show you that, when I get the room finished. 

The next piece was a "sursee" for a friend of mine. She has an entire family of chickens in her backyard, and we lovingly call her "Crazy Chicken Lady". I thought this was so fitting.  Annabelle makes another version of this with three chicken. My friend has four children, so I had her make a chicken for each, and add their names. 
She absolutely loved the piece, how could you not?
Design Custom Made by Three Red Apples

So if you just read that, and were like, what the heck is a "sursee", let me explain. In my family we called an unexpected gift or surprise, a sursee. It comes from my aunt and my mother, mostly because we are a family of shoppers, and my family knows how to get, and find great little things. 
When ever we see someone after a time apart, at an event, or just because it was to perfect, we bring a little something. 
My aunt Leslie even writes a blog, entitled Sursee.  I love her take on the idea of an unexpected gift, it doesn't have to be something tangible. She uses a card, a phone call, a quick prayer, or some helpful advice, as a daily sursee to others. Go check out her blog...Sursee Gal

Here are a couple more of Annabelle's amazing pieces of art.

"Lets Go" by Three Red Apples
"I Love My Bed" by Three Red Apples

"Off To See The World" by Three Red Apples
 Go check out her site, she has lots of designs...I warn you though,  its hard to choose...and they are addicting. I already have her working on some Christmas presents!