Waiting for trick or treaters tonight...
Showing posts with label Blogtoberfest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogtoberfest. Show all posts
Monday, October 31, 2011
The End (Blogtoberfest Day 31)
What fun Blogtoberfest was. I got back to reading some blogs I had missed for a while and I got my list done and dusted. Can't wait for 2012.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
(Blogtoberfest Day 30)
Always happy
Always smiling
Loves her naps
LOVES her food
LOVES LOVES her milky
We love you "Super Baby Eva"
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Simple top (Blogtoberfest Day 29)
A new top for Bella using "Little Honey" voile in Berry from Anna Marie Horner's Little Folks range. This fabric is so beautifully soft, perfect for such a loose simple top. I feared I had sewed it too small around the waist, but it turned out for the best, I like it fitted around Bella's waist, it sits much better. Not a bad job for a Mummy designed and make it up as a I sew-along.... best of all, Bella loves it and it will be perfectly cool for summer.
Friday, October 28, 2011
My Babies (Blogtoberfest Day 28)
Hard to believe there is an extra person in this years Christmas Card pictures. My three little amigos... now if I could just pick which photos to use.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
XXVII (Blogtoberfest Day 27)
Not long left until the end of Blogtoberfest. It has gone quick, but then all months seem to go quick now with a kid at school, one at daycare 3 days a week and a new baby to play with.
Today Eva and I went shopping. We came home with half the Country Road baby girl section. I blame her and her tubby tummy for making me buy her new clothes. While there I saw a couple of gorgeous tops for Bella, but at $50 each for basically a rectangle of fabric with a neck cut out I've decided to try give it a go making some myself. I'm about 50% done, and so far it's working well, just the neckline to figure out. Fingers crossed I've saved myself $50 ....
Obligatory blog post picture: My big baby feeding my little baby.
Dean set this up, reckoned it was time we put the kids to work.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Echino Ni-co Scooter Shorts (Blogtoberfest Day 26)
I cut these out sooo long ago, I have no idea which pattern I used (or what size they are). I do remember trying to cut and match up the fabric so the scooters joined. The fabric is 1/2 yard of Echino Ni-co Scooter fabric from here and after finding them stashed in my gift box for some reason, with a finished hem and waistband, a pair of groovy shorts all done. I hope they fit otherwise they might be back in the gift box for someone.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Library Bag (Blogtoberfest Day 25)
Next thing I know, we had abandoned our plans, he was sitting on my knee and we were sewing the world's quickest library bag. You know 'cause 4 year olds need instant satisfaction when working on projects.
So two fat quarters, lined in a plain charcoal cotton, quick handles with black webbing and matching rings and a white press stud to close. All ready to hit the library tomorrow...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wobby (Blogtoberfest Day 24)
Bella woke up this morning and found she had her first wobbly tooth (her bottom right central incisor). There may have been dancing and singing involved. Apparently her school buddies have been telling her all day the best way to get it out. Lucky her best buddy's Mum is a kids dentist, she made sure Bella knew what NOT to do, like twisting it. Bella takes "doctors" very serious.. what they say goes so she let us ALL know that she would NOT be twisting it, but poking it with her tongue a little bit was ok.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Powerhouse (Blogtoberfest Day 23)
Driving in the Big Red car
Sailing the seas in the SS Feathersword
Making fruit salad
A morning spent "Wiggl-ing" at the Powerhouse Museum.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Kyoko Top (Blogtoberfest Day 22)
Pattern: Kyoko by Patty Young
A first attempt at the Kyoko Misses pattern by Patty Young with some left over grey knit. Not sure if I like it or not, I think the knit I chose isn't quite right. I love the look of the top on the pattern cover, so I think I might attempt another one but in cotton.
Friday, October 21, 2011
zzzzzz (Blogtoberfest Day 21)
School canteen for 5 hours straight today.
Going out with the girls tonight.
Sleeping at table highly probable.
Send caffine.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tova (Blogtoberfest Day 20)
Pattern: Tova by Wiksten
Fabric: Linen from Spotlight
My Tova muslin is all finished, cut and sewn last night. As I hoped, it's a great pattern and I can see lots of these appearing in the wardrobe after I take a fabric buying trip maybe to Tessuti for some "nice" fabric. The pattern is over here, but I must have fluked the timing of my order because you can now only pre-order for shipment in late November.
So, my list is done! Next up some more Mary Janes for my very first market.
The List
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Storing Thread and Bobbins (Blogtoberfest Day 19)
The more I sew the more shades of pinks, blues and greens appear. So far I have stored my threads in one container and my bobbins in another couple, and while it works well, when it comes to finding the 'right' shade of a colour, it can be a pain.
I'm amazed there aren't more options on the market for storing thread and bobbins together. I did find a large container (below) from Spotlight that had nice long rods but when I got it home, found the rod was too thick for a bobbin. Such a simple thing that they could have thought of when designing it?
So some googling and I found these at Craftainers. Ordered Tuesday morning and arrived on my doorstep today, definitely cannot complain about the service.
So after soccer this morning, Liam and I had some fun putting the rods all in and then he matched up the bobbins to the threads. Now when I need a colour, I can grab the matching spool and bobbin in one go.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday (Blogtoberfest Day 18)
A morning spent playing games with Liam while the baby napped
followed by stalking the post man who finally delivered my Tova pattern, just as I have only the hem to finish on my Portfolio dress. Perfect timing.
Guess what I'll be cutting into tomorrow....
Monday, October 17, 2011
Strapless Shorty Jumpsuit (Blogtoberfest Day 17)
Pattern: Strapless Shorty Jumpsuit from One Yard Wonders
A super simple pattern for the last day in the kcwc from the One Yard Wonders book. Only one pattern piece, and Bella loves the strapless top, but next I think I might try and alter to include some straps. I may even try modify this one because Bella does love the pretty purple flower fabric. I've also finished the nightie for Eva on my list, but picture to come. Finally, while I wait for the Tova pattern to arrive, I have started on my Portfolio dress in the grey shantung.
The List
Tova Shirt by Wiksten
Lisette 2245 Portolio Tunic for me
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Puppet Show Shorts (Blogtoberfest Day 16)
Yesterday I sat down to steal my hour sewing for kcwc, pulling out the pieces for the Oliver & S Puppet Show shorts for Eva I had cut the previous day. Then it came to sewing on the waistband. The one rectangular piece of fabric for the waistband. The one piece I couldn't find. And I had thrown out the measly scraps of the fabric I had left. Fail.
So I pulled out the tracing paper and my Lisette Portfolio pattern from my list, ready to make up in the green linen I had bought. Pieces traced, fabric obtained, I laid out all the pieces on the fabric, then realised I had bought the fabric requirements for the short top. Not the tunic or the dress. Fail.
Then I left the sewing room.
So a quick stop to Spotlight this morning, an extra 10cm of fabric for Eva's shorts, some grey satin backed shantung (which I dont think I have sewed with before, hope it works) to make my dress and we are back on track. Seriously living 5mins from the new Spotlight is both brilliant and very very dangerous.
Hospital gowns for EvaAmy Butler Dress from Little Stitches for Little Ones for EvaOliver & S Puppet Show Blouse for EvaOliver & S Puppet Show Shorts for Eva
So I pulled out the tracing paper and my Lisette Portfolio pattern from my list, ready to make up in the green linen I had bought. Pieces traced, fabric obtained, I laid out all the pieces on the fabric, then realised I had bought the fabric requirements for the short top. Not the tunic or the dress. Fail.
Then I left the sewing room.
So a quick stop to Spotlight this morning, an extra 10cm of fabric for Eva's shorts, some grey satin backed shantung (which I dont think I have sewed with before, hope it works) to make my dress and we are back on track. Seriously living 5mins from the new Spotlight is both brilliant and very very dangerous.
Pattern: Oliver & S Puppet Show Shorts
The List
Nightie for Eva
Strapless Shorty Jumpsuit from One Yard Wonders for Bella
Tova Shirt by Wiksten
Lisette 2245 Portolio Tunic for me
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Red Mary Janes (Blogtoberfest Day 15)
Yesterday, Eva wore her cute Red Riding Hood Mary Janes to school for pickup of Bella. One of Bella's buddies, who she also went to daycare with, has a little sister just older than Eva and her Mummy was oohing and ahhing over Eva's shoes so I thought I would make sweet little Juliet a pair of her own during Eva's afternoon nap. Lucky I have more of this gingham left, I think Eva may just need a pair of these too.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Red Riding Hood Mary Janes (Blogtoberfest Day 14)
Day 4 of kcwc and I snuck an hour this morning when Eva and I got home from the school drop off to make a gorgeous pair of Mary Janes while she napped.
Poor baby has a case of the "Cameron" feet. Considering her Nanny works in a shoe shop, she has a shelf of gorgeous Nike, Puma, Osh Kosh shoes all waiting for her to wear them, but nope, her little tiny feet don't fit in any of them yet. Sure she fits size 9-12 months in clothes, but her little tootsies still don't fit the 0-3 month size, so some Mummy made shoes it is.
Pattern: Mary Janes from My Sweet Little etsy shop
Fabric: Red Riding Hood, a gift from the lovely Bianca
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Oliver & S Puppet Show Tunic (Blogtoberfest Day 13)
Last week, Oliver & S released the very popular OOP Puppet Show Tunic Dress & Shorts pattern in PDF format. I have the printed version in size 2-5y which I have used time and time again for Bella. Two dresses, a blouse (back in Blogtoberfest 2008), shorts here (kcwc 2010), more shorts, and even more shorts (Blogtoberfest 2008 again).
The extra construction details such as the lining and little finishes on the sleeves make beautiful finished outfits. Just going back through my blog archive to find the links for above, made me realise just how many of their patterns I have made in the past.
How cute! I know she'll be getting a bunch more of these as tops and dresses, and since I think all my other Oliver & S patterns are the 2-5y size, I may need to get some of the smaller ones of my favourites.
Hospital gowns for EvaAmy Butler Dress from Little Stitches for Little Ones for EvaOliver & S Puppet Show Blouse for Eva
Oliver & S Puppet Show Shorts for Eva
The extra construction details such as the lining and little finishes on the sleeves make beautiful finished outfits. Just going back through my blog archive to find the links for above, made me realise just how many of their patterns I have made in the past.
- Puppet Show Tunic, Dress and Shorts
- Hopscotch skirt, Knit top and Dress
- Music Box Dress
- Ice Cream Dress
- Tea Party Sundress
- Jump Rope Dress
- Playdate Dress
- School Days Jacket
Phew after looking at their website and writing it all down, I seem to have a bit of an Oliver & S collection going! Anyway I snapped up the size 0-24m Puppet Show pattern for Eva and for kcwc Day 3, I finished her the tunic top in a 6-12m size.
How cute! I know she'll be getting a bunch more of these as tops and dresses, and since I think all my other Oliver & S patterns are the 2-5y size, I may need to get some of the smaller ones of my favourites.
The List
Nightie for Eva
Strapless Shorty Jumpsuit from One Yard Wonders for Bella
Tova Shirt by Wiksten
Oliver & S Puppet Show Shorts for Eva
Lisette 2245 Portolio Tunic for me
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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