Some pictures from Christmas:
My sister, Bre, and my mom
Me and McCade ( he was so exited about every present he got, even this Pirate Christmas ornament from Disneyland that said, "Yo Ho Ho Ho"

Matt, making good use of Grace's gift

My youngest sister, Wynn and Bella Boo

My brother-in-law, Tim with Bella (I was teasing him that his yellow shirt wasn't going to go with any of my Christmas scrapbook paper. I guess I will have to buy some.:)

Grace was also thrilled with her presents (but bummed she didn't get a DS)

My beautiful Grandma with Bella, I know she is in a lot of pics, but she moves around.

Our Merry Christmas in a nutshell.
I believe that color is called "Summer Sun" with Stampin Up. Come on over I can hook you up! :) Oh and SERIOUSLY! You and your sisters and the most beautiful people I have ever seen!
I just noticed your blog on Amy's. Yes, I am a blog stalker =). I agree with Amy your family is SO beautiful!
Ha...I was thinking the same thing as above, lots of natural beauty going around in your family :)
I love the picture of you looking at McCade, you can tell everyone is feeling the Christmas excitement!
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