Saturday, January 31, 2009
Signs, signs, everywhere are signs

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Adventures in sacrament meeting.
So, last Sunday, Matt has a ward conference and I am flying solo at church (just a little shout out to all you women with husbands who "sit on the stand". I don't know how you do it without medication, for both you and your children.) It starts out , pretty normally, with us running late (even though Matt was still home and helping herd at this point.) I hate that feeling on the way to church when I'm all "Aurghhhh" so grumpy, not a good way to start the Lord's day. I dropped the kids off at Primary (1st in our ward), make an Enrichment announcement; get to R.S. late, make my way to the front to make an announcement, discuss with Kathy (at the front of the room) times and places, organized, real organized... two hours later. The kids and I are in our usual row (which is against one wall and across the chapel from the door. What? It's important for the story.). They are climbing over each other, moving around, asking in loud voices when they can have a snack, just usual stuff. After the sacrament is passed Grace is "soooo thirsty" and McCade has to go the bathroom. Fine. "Grace, stay with him. Be reverent." (first trip across the chapel in front of everyone.) A few minutes later Grace is back (2nd time across), "McCade needs you to wipe him. I need to go too." Grace, Bella (I couldn't leave her on our bench by herself.), and I traipse across the chapel (3rd time across) and down to the bathroom. Where I have to wipe not one but two poopy bums, (At this point in the story you might be asking why I am still wiping a 5 and 7 year old, Good question, I ask myself almost daily the same thing. ) So, we all go back to our row (4th time) A few minutes later...Bella says, "Poopy" with a stressed look on her face. Me thinking, "I cannot walk in front of all those people again." BUT she wasn't poopy, she had somehow peed out the side of her diaper, all over her tights and the back of her dress. What could I do? I took off her tights and we stayed put until the end of church. Painful. But worth it in the end. (Especcially if the end includes my happily married, temple attending, scripture reading, RM children calling to tell me of their adventure filled sacrament meetings with my sweet grandchildren.)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dragon Tales

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thank you for starting my car this morning when it was -18 degrees and also for getting all the snow off and for my studded snow tires. Oh, and also thanks for always remembering to take the garbage out to the street on Thursday mornings. There are lots of other things I'm thankful for but in the interest of time and space I mostly want to thank you for rescuing me this morning when my car wouldn't start at the school. You are my knight in shining armor, but instead of a white horse you drive a white F-150 (an older model so I can have a "reliable" vehicle) and instead of a sword you carry jumper cables. Thanks again. I love you. Tana
Dear Michelle,
I was wondering if Eric might be able to bring me back to Hawaii in his suitcase. I don't think I can lose all the weight required before his next trip back but I will try my hardest. After all, food is nothing compared to sunshine and flip flops.
I miss you (but in a "I wish I was there", not an " I wish you were here" kinda way. Tana
Dear Al Gore,
Global warming is a myth. If you don't believe me you obviously haven't been to Stanley, Id, like ever. If the polar bears need somewhere cold to live they can come live here.
Sincerely and I mean this in the nicest way. Tana
P.S. Just in case it is not a myth I will be leaving my car running for approximately 1/2 hour every morning and spraying my hair with aerosol hairspray before I take my kids to school.
Heart Piggies
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Prosperity of Living
"The return of good times is not wholly a matter of money. There is a prosperity of living which is quite as important as prosperity of the pocketbook...It is not enough to be willing to make the best of things as they are. Resignation will get us nowhere. We must build what amounts to a new country. We must revive the ideals of the founders. We must learn the new values of money. It is a time for pioneering-to creater a new security for the home and family...Where we were specialists in spending, we are becoming specialists in living."
Perhaps because I am a specialist in spending, this quote hit me hard. Even though we still have our jobs etc. It gave me something to think about.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
4.5 minutes

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Workin' out

Bella also working her arms, but with a sweet outfit, I have one that matches (again, just kidding)

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Deep thoughts
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A first grader's backpack
4 pairs of gloves
1 stuffed penguin (Webkin)
2 sweatshirts (hoodies)
1 winter coat
1 hat
1 sample lotion from Nana
2 dead glow sticks
5 worksheets
9 photographs
1 book from school
1 scarf
4 Halloween pencils
This is not a joke. I actually emptied all this stuff out of Grace's backpack. (Please note, I empty her bag regularly) I took a picture too. But couldn't get it on my computer...so I added this pic of Grace at the beginning of the year, of course she looks nothing like this now, she's much more grown up (sniff, sniff). Still, I thought the post should have a picture.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Snow days
While making out sugar cookies, the kids were rolling them out and making their own. McCade comes up with the idea for me to cut around his hand. The others followed suit. Cute huh?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The fox and the hound

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Fun Weekend

While we were sledding Sadie was in a collision and ... broke her ankle. Poor little thing. We have way to much medical experience in our family; Tom (brother-in-law) (ER nurse), Val (angiographer) (I think I just made up that word, but Val never checks this, the point is, he does angiography), Tami (NICU nurse) and me (x-ray). The reason this is a bad thing is that we didn't take her to the ER for hours (she seemed fine, {Tom checked her foot out} just sitting with her leg propped with some ice, a little pale,maybe but... it is January in Idaho.) Anyway, about 9:30 we (Val, Tami, and I) took her to the ER. I took her x-rays and the Dr. splinted her up. She was tough. Once she realized she wasn't going to get a shot for pain she didn't utter another cry.
Bella commiserating with sweet Sadie, don't they look commisserable. (yeah, I made that up too.)
Kids say the funniest things

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Better late than never
Some pictures from Christmas:

My youngest sister, Wynn and Bella Boo

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Gotta start somewhere
Christmas was fantastic. My sisters; Wynn (Tim) and Bre (David, Gage, and Chayce), my mom, and my grandma were all here. They (besides my mom, who was here for a few weeks) were only here for two days because they were worried about the roads so they left a day early. But while they were here...really fun.