Wednesday, 4 December 2024

The Participant Roster for Challenge XV!

Hi All!

Below is the participant roster and corresponding Daily Minion assignments for Challenge XV. Sticking to form, I try to assign people to Minions who are roughly in the same geographical location (though there were a few exceptions that had to be made to align workload and schedules). 

Please keep in mind your submission day as it will establish your 'Challenge schedule' over the three months of the Challenge. I strongly suggest getting your entries in the day before your publication day as it allows your hard-working Minion the appropriate time to write comments, score and post your heartbreaking works of hobby genius.

In the coming days the Minions will be reaching out to go over details/structure of your submission days and to work out any kinks along the way.

ID#ChallengerPoint TargetMinion/Day
1AdamW600Martijn / Friday
2AlanD500Millsy / Monday
3AndrewB1200Paul / Tuesday
4ArronH1000Sylvain / Saturday
5ArthurS300Sarah / Sunday
6BartekR750Millsy / Monday
7BenitoM400Sarah / Sunday
8BobV1000Greg / Wednesday
9BrianC1000Sylvain / Saturday
10BruceR800Greg / Wednesday
11ByronM1000Paul / Tuesday
12ChristopherS500Martijn / Friday
13ColeF300Sylvain / Saturday
14DallasE1000Paul / Tuesday
15DaniHG300Teemu / Thursday
16DarrellH1000Martijn / Friday
17DaveD1000Teemu / Thursday
18DavidB2000Paul / Tuesday
19DaveV400Sarah / Sunday
20DennisC750Sylvain / Saturday
21EdwardG500Martijn / Friday
22FrederickC1500Sylvain / Saturday
23GavinB100Greg / Wednesday
24GeoffT1000Millsy / Monday
25GrahameH2500Teemu / Thursday
26GregB1000Paul / Tuesday
27IanS400Martijn / Friday
28JamesM750Teemu / Thursday
29JamieM1000Greg / Wednesday
30JP500Martijn / Friday
31JeremyM300Sarah / Sunday
32JezT300Teemu / Thursday
33Barks1000Millsy / Monday
34JohnB400Martijn / Friday
35JohnS500Millsy / Monday
36JonathanO400Greg / Wednesday
37KenR1500Teemu / Thursday
38KentG1500Millsy / Monday
39KerryT2500Millsy / Monday
40LeeH300Martijn / Friday
41MartijnN750Sarah / Sunday
42MartinN300Greg / Wednesday
43MartinC2000Teemu / Thursday
44MattT300Martijn / Friday
45MattW500Teemu / Thursday
46MattL780Sylvain / Saturday
47MikeF300Paul / Tuesday
48Millsy1500Sarah / Sunday
49MikeD750Greg / Wednesday
50MikeW2000Martijn / Friday
51MilesR1300Greg / Wednesday
52NickY500Paul / Tuesday
53PaulSS1000Teemu / Thursday
54PeterA750Martijn / Friday
55PeteB300Teemu / Thursday
56PeteF750Greg / Wednesday
57PeterB1000Martijn / Friday
58PeterD500Paul / Tuesday
59QuinnM500Sylvain / Saturday
60RaulM200Paul / Tuesday
61RayR1000Teemu / Thursday
62RhysH1000Sarah / Sunday
63RichardM1200Millsy / Monday
64RobH300Sylvain / Saturday
65RossM500Millsy / Monday
66SanderS1000Sarah / Sunday
67SarahHC300Greg / Wednesday
68ScottR1500Sarah / Sunday
69SebastianR484Greg / Wednesday
70SidneyR500Sarah / Sunday
71SimonG1000Teemu / Thursday
72StephenS350Millsy / Monday
73SteveA500Paul / Tuesday
74SteveM500Sylvain / Saturday
75StuartL750Millsy / Monday
76SylvainR1000Greg / Wednesday
77TeemuL1500Sarah / Sunday
78ThomasL1500Paul / Tuesday
79TomC250Teemu / Thursday

Next up we'll have Peter illuminating us on the age-old tradition of Duels and Side Challenges.

- Curt


  1. Replies
    1. Is there something I need to know, my friend? This is my first participation. ;-D

    2. I guess Ray is referring to the fact that I'm minioning Ray second year in the row. :) But it is better than being minioned by Ray, I guess...

    3. Well I know him, the guy with the sandbags I believe, as a good fellow blogger but as a minion, I don't know? ;-D
      I'm looking forward to see how this challenge works. Lurking on the sideline for many years but now I want to try it myself.

    4. And I'm on the roster as PeteB. ;-)

    5. Welcome to Thursday group, PeteB!

  2. 80 challengers this year. A little lower than recent years, but more than enough to cause a load of pigment related mayhem for the minions.

    1. I've always found it difficult to keep up with everyone's posts therefore I'm actually happier there are less people so I have a better chance to both leave a comment and follow their projects.


    2. Oh no, it's not small but rather 'perfectly formed'. ;)
