I had written this adventure almost four years ago. It was written for Savage Worlds and I later converted the NPC's to be used with my own OSR survival horror and Lovecraft and Hammer horror settings. This is my love letter for the seventies and eighties horror films I grew up with. See the appendices for more.
As for the adventure itself, as written it is set in the 1980s but can just as easily be in the 50's, Victorian, a Samurai game, the Civil War, Roman era, even Fantasy with a bit of tinkering. Don't ;let the default modern setting throw you off, horror themes and spooky dwellings are easy to set in most genres with slight adjustments to the adventure and NPC's..
And if I say to you tomorrow: take my hand, child, come with me.
It's to a castle I will take you, where what's to be, they say will be.
Catch the wind, see us spin, sail away, leave today, way up high in the sky.
But the wind won't blow, you really shouldn't go, it only goes to show
That you will be mine, by takin' our time.
-Led Zeppelin
Welcome to Collier
Collier is a small mid-western town of 2000 souls. The town can be placed in any county and
state the GM decides to set the story in. The only requirement of the town is that it is near farm or
forestland and that it is situated near a large interstate highway.
The main source of income is farming, a small local factory in a nearby town, and businesses
along the interstate highway running near town.
Ten miles away from Collier is a larger town, the county seat with the Sheriff's office/jail, the county court house, local paper, a small junior college and a small hospital.
The town itself has steadily been in decline for decades. The buildings are rundown, jobs are
scarce and prospects are dismal. The people who live here are an unhappy lot. Alcoholism,
poverty, and apathy are just a few of the many problems in this small town. Collier has other darker
bits of history and secrets that the locals don't like to talk to strangers about. The Collier House is
one such dark piece of history.
The Collier House
A large three-story Victorian house which has suffered from neglect over the course of decades.
Recent renovations include patching the heavily damaged roof and repairing a number of rotting
walls. The hill the house rests on has been trimmed for the first time in decades and the access road
laid with fresh gravel.
The house and former Collier property lies three miles north of the town. It rests on a large hill 200
yards from the interstate highway. The hill is one hundred yards wide at it's base and slopes fairly
steeply (33 degrees) upwards to a height of one hundred feet. The hill-top is nearly a fifty yards
across. The hill is surrounded by light forest, but the hill and house are tall enough to be seen from
highway. An access road for the house, freshly gravelled, winds off the highway and around the
north side of the hill to the house's driveway.
An old ruined church and neglected graveyard lies a half mile to the west of the hill and forest, a
former piece of the formerly vast Collier property.
A large state forest lies to the immediate east.
What the History books say:
The house was built after the Civil War in 1866 by Union veteran Captain Paris Collier, one of the
sons of the town founder. He lived there for over thirty years with his wife Abigail. She was
brought to Collier from her native New Orleans and was rumored to be a witch. They had two sons,
both of whom moved West in their adulthood.
On the night of September 17, 1889 shouts and gunshots were heard from the house by servants
whom entered the house and found Mrs. Collier dead, hanging by her neck from the chandelier in
the ballroom. Captain Collier was found in his study, dead of multiple self inflicted gunshots.
The house was soon closed and abandoned.
Two families bought the property and moved into the house. Neither family lasted more than a
year before some tragedy struck. The first family, the Nelson’s, suffered the death of their two
children before Mr. Nelson killed himself with a pistol on the night of May 7th, 1903. The second
family, the Dardiers, lived in the house shortly before the father killed his children and wife with
an axe then hung himself in the ballroom on the night of March 10th, 1929. The house has been
abandoned since.
Over the years lights have been frequently seen in the house and surrounding woods and some
witnesses (usually thrill seeking teens or hunters off the state park) claim to see the ghost of a
woman moving in front of the windows in the upper floors, overlooking the front lawn. Reports of
ghosts wandering the nearby graveyard have been reported as well.
What the locals have to say:
The house and property has been well maintained since it was quietly bought almost a year ago. There have been visible repairs to the house and the yard has been neatly trimmed.
A black car has been seen at the house and in town. The driver, a Mr. Brandt, comes and
goes buying groceries, repair materials, and supplies for the new owner(s).
Public record shows the buyer as a Mr. Allen Sanderson.
No one has been to the house to meet the new owners, although the Sheriff’s car was seen up there one afternoon.
For the Game Master
A new owner came to Collier House nearly a year ago. His name is Allain Saunders. He is a three
hundred year old vampire.
There is no major backstory for him here; it is not needed. His role in this adventure is simple: he is
a predator, a slow death moved into the town under an assumed name and wanting as little
exposure as possible. He is careful and his minions are dangerous. He is the lurking menace forced
to kill the PC's, at first subtlety and then with more brazen and deadly attempts.
Allain Saunders, Master Vampire, is not the true threat to the town. He and his minions are simply
a side effect, a symptom of the real Evil which is the Collier House. It is cursed and draws darkness
to the town; death, madness, monsters, and destruction to the lives of those who live near it. It is a
subtle evil but Evil nonetheless. It slowly drives men and women to despair, playing on their
fears and weaknesses and causing them to abuse themselves and their loved ones, to tear families
apart with jealousy and paranoia, to leave broken shells of families and of community. In truth it
feeds on their souls.That's the real curse on the town. Even if the PC's destroy the entire vampire
coven, servants, ghouls, and all of that the House will just sit quietly waiting, drawing some other
monster to replace those destroyed to help it leech the town's spirit and people. To truly save the
town from eventual ruin the House must be destroyed.
A quick note on Vampires in this adventure:
These are not the same as presented in the base book so be sure to check out their abilities and weaknesses.
Allain Saunders
Tall, thin, and corpse like with bloodless cold flesh and long white hair. He is obviously inhuman.
HD: 8
HP: 50
AC: 14
Hit: +8, 2 claws (1d6 each) or 1 bite (1d8 + special)
Save: 10
Move: 15
Nice neat black and blood red clothing, expensive silver and gold watch on chain.
⦁ Bite: The Vampire's razor sharp fangs inflict 1d8 damage. For every 2 hp damage the Vampire causes with his teeth he can drink and regain 1 hp. He can only do this with living human or animal blood.
⦁ Claws: 2 claws (1d6 each)
⦁ Curse of the Vampire: If a target is drained to death by a Vampire he or she will rise three nights later as one of the undead. These newly formed vampires are usually subservient to their more powerful master.
⦁ Darkvision: A Vampire can see in the dark up to 90'.
⦁ Fear: Anyone who sees Saunders ghoulish appearance must make a Saving Throw (Paralyzation) or suffer a -2/10% for the duration of the encounter.
⦁ Flight: Saunders can fly at will at a speed of 12.
⦁ Hypnotism: The gaze of the Vampire can affect his target as if a Charm Person or a Sleep spell had been cast. The target receives a saving throw to avoid this but it is at a 4 penalty if the Vampire has previously bitten the target.
⦁ Spider Climb: as per the spell.
⦁ Summon Ghouls: The cursed House has given Saunders and additional power: he can summon and control the pack of Ghouls living beneath the nearby graveyard. 1d6 will arrive within 6+1d6 rounds.
⦁ Undead: Vampires need not eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. They are immune to poison and disease and are not affected by Sleep, Hold, and Charm spells.Their nonfunctional organs and dead flesh make them harder to damage. Saunders can only be harmed by fire, magic, holy items, and wooden stakes. All other damage is ignored.
⦁ Curse of Blood: When exposed to fresh blood Saunders must make a Saving Throw (Death) or attempt to feed on the source. If Saunders does not drink at least 4 hp of blood weekly he ages 1d4 years loses one Hit Dice. He cannot die from this loss, falling into a corpse-state at zero HD. He can be awakened if fed 8 hp of blood and can be healed up by one HD per day by draining 4hp of blood each day until at full HD.
⦁ Garlic: Saunders suffers a –2 penalty to his fighting and Saving Throw rolls against anyone who carries garlic.
⦁ Holy Items: Vampires cannot approach within 10' of a holy object, bible, holy water, or sacred ground without making a Saving Throw (Spells). Even then he will take 1d6 damage if he come into physical contact.
⦁ Sunlight: Any exposed flesh causes a smoking, withering damage to the Vampire. The damage is variable: 1 point for a finger, 1d2 for a hand, 1d4 for a limb or head, 1d6 for a torso or full exposure.
⦁ Unwelcome Guest: Saunders cannot enter a home unless he is invited. This may be accomplished with trickery or magic. The definition of 'home' is left up to the gamemaster.
Saunders is incapacitated when a stake is driven through his heart (-6 attack.) If the stake is removed the Vampire returns to life. Cutting off the head gives them a final death.
His first and most trusted minion is Joshua Brandt, a werewolf whom acts as Saunder's
butler, chauffeur, and protector. Brandt is completely loyal to his master and will stop at
nothing to protect him.
Joshua Brandt, Werewolf Servant
Human Form
HD: 3
HP: 15
AC: 12
Hit: +3, fist (1d2+2), .38 Revolver (1d6), knife (1d4+2)
Save: 15
Move: 12
Rumpled clothing, .38 Revolver, 24 bullets, knife, watch, wallet, ID, 5d6x$10 in cash.
⦁ Immortal: While in human form Brandt can be hurt by non-silver weapons but he will not die from this damage. He will fall into a death-state until the next time darkness falls. He can only be truly killed by damage from silver weapons.
⦁ Transformation: Brandt can change into his werewolf form after dusk when the sun has sunk below the horizon. This is voluntary unless it is the three nights of the full moon. He must return to human form at dawn.
⦁ Werewolves suffer a –2 penalty to attack a creature carrying wolfsbane.
Werewolf Form
HD: 6
HP: 35
AC: 14
Hit: +6, 2 claws (1d6+2) or 1 bite (2d4+2)
Save: 12
Move: 15
⦁ Bite or Claw: 2 claws (1d6+2) or 1 bite (2d4+2)
⦁ Fear: Anyone who sees a werewolf must make a Spirit roll.
⦁ Infection: Anyone slain by a werewolf has a 50% chance of rising as a werewolf themselves.
⦁ The character involuntarily transforms every full moon. He gains control of his lycanthropy only after 1d6 years as a werewolf.
⦁ Low Light Vision: Werewolves ignore lighting penalties for anything less than Pitch Black conditions.
⦁ Regeneration: The werewolf regenerates all damage but silver at a rate of 1 hp per round.
⦁ Track by Scent: The werewolf can follow a scent trail on a 1-4 on a 1d6.
⦁ Weapon Immunity: The werewolf takes 0 damage from all sources except silver or magical weapons.
⦁ Animal Panic: A werewolf cannot come within 30' of an animal or that animal must make a Saving Throw (Paralysis) or try to flee in panic from the Werewolf.
⦁ Wolfsbane: Werewolves cannot approach within 10' of wolfsbane without making a Saving Throw (Spells). Even if they do make this saving throw they suffer a –2 penalty to attack a creature carrying wolfsbane.
His next most powerful minion is Jason Deveroux, a sorcerer from New Orleans infected
with vampirism by Saunders. Jason, already deadly as a vampire, is doubly so with his
sorcerous powers. He is most useful as a spy, assassin, and enforcer for Saunders. He also has a set of magical coins, zombie coins, to animate a few zombies to serve as extra labor or re-enforcement's. Jason is cruel and extremely egotistical. He will taunt his victims and this may be used against him if the gamemaster desires.
Jason Deveroux
HD: 6
HP: 27
AC: 12
Hit: +6, 2 claws (1d4) or 1 bite (1d6)
Save: 12
Move: 15
Nice neat clothing, deck of cards, wallet, fake ID, 5d6x$10 in cash.
⦁ Bite: The Vampire's razor sharp fangs inflict 1d6 damage. For every 2 hp damage the Vampire causes with his teeth he can drink and regain 1 hp. He can only do this with living human or animal blood.
⦁ Batswarm: The cursed House has given Jason an additional power: he can summon the Batswarm living in the attic to his location and control their actions. If he is near the house it will only take 1d4 rounds for the bats to reach him. If he is in town it will take 2d6+6 rounds.
⦁ Claws: Str+d4
⦁ Curse of the Vampire: If a target is drained to death by a Vampire he or she will rise three nights later as one of the undead. These newly formed vampires are usually subservient to their more powerful master.
⦁ Darkvision: A Vampire can see in the dark up to 90'.
⦁ Hypnotism: The gaze of the Vampire can affect his target as if a Charm Person or a Sleep spell had been cast. The target receives a saving throw to avoid this but it is at a 4 penalty if the Vampire has previously bitten the target.
⦁ Sorcery: Deveroux was a spell-caster before Saunders turned him and retains his use of magic, learning and casting spells as a 4th level Magic User. He knows the following spells:
Level One (three per day): Magic missile, Read magic, Sleep
Level Two (two per day): Invisibility, Levitate
⦁ Spider Climb: as per the spell.
⦁ Undead: Vampires need not eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. They are immune to poison and disease and are not affected by Sleep, Hold, and Charm spells.Their nonfunctional organs and dead flesh make them harder to damage. Saunders can only be harmed by fire, magic, holy items, and wooden stakes. All other damage is ignored.
⦁ Curse of Blood: When exposed to fresh blood the Vampire must make a Saving Throw (Death) or attempt to feed on the source. If he does not drink at least 6 hp of blood weekly he ages 2d4 years loses one Hit Dice. He cannot die from this loss, falling into a corpse-state at zero HD. He can be awakened if fed 8 hp of blood and can be healed up by one HD per day by draining 6 hp of blood each day until at full HD.
⦁ Garlic: The Vampire suffers a –2 penalty to his fighting and Saving Throw rolls against anyone who carries garlic.
⦁ Holy Items: Vampires cannot approach within 10' of a holy object, bible, holy water, or sacred ground without making a Saving Throw (Spells). Even then he will take 1d6 damage if he come into physical contact.
⦁ Sunlight: Any exposed flesh causes a smoking, withering damage to the Vampire. The damage is variable: 1 point for a finger, 1d2 for a hand, 1d4 for a limb or head, 1d6 for a torso or full exposure.
⦁ Unwelcome Guest: The Vampire cannot enter a home unless he is invited. This may be accomplished with trickery or magic. The definition of 'home' is left up to the gamemaster.
The Vampire is incapacitated when a stake is driven through his heart (-6 attack.) If the stake is removed the Vampire returns to life. Cutting off the head gives them a final death.
Zombie Coins:
A set of eight ancient gold coins which raises a corpse as a zombie (use statistics from your Basic/OSR game of choice.) when one is placed under the corpse's tongue. The zombie is under the control of the person who put the coin in its mouth. The coins can be recovered from destroyed zombies for reuse.
The final two vampires in Saunders little coven are Alexa and Jenni, derogatorily referred
to as the 'Gothie Girlz' by Brandt and Jason due to their dress, general attitude, and
carelessness. They have only been vampires for two years and Saunders is already starting
to tire of their shenanigans. So far they haven't done anything to warrant destruction as the
hands of their master but their lack of control is the catalyst for this adventure. They are in
love with the idea of being vampires but are finding the control and care needed to survive
is no to their liking.
Alexa and Jenni
HD: 4
HP: 18
AC: 12
Hit: +4, 1 claw (1d4) or bite (1d4)
Save: 14
Move: 12
Black goth clothing, jewelry, purse, makeup, fake ID, 5d6x$10 in cash.
⦁ Bite or Claw: The Vampire's claws and sharp fangs inflict 1d4 damage. For every 2 hp damage the Vampire causes with her teeth she can drink and regain 1 hp. She can only do this with living human or animal blood. The girls are inexperienced and much less powerful than the other vampires and can only make one claw attack per round.
⦁ Curse of the Vampire: If a target is drained to death by a Vampire he or she will rise three nights later as one of the undead. These newly formed vampires are usually subservient to their more powerful masters.
⦁ Darkvision: A Vampire can see in the dark up to 90'.
⦁ Hypnotism: The gaze of the Vampire can affect her target as if a Charm Person or a Sleep spell had been cast. The target receives a saving throw to avoid this but it is at a 4 penalty if the Vampire has previously bitten the target.
⦁ Spider Climb: as per the spell.
⦁ Undead: Vampires need not eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. They are immune to poison and disease and are not affected by Sleep, Hold, and Charm spells.Their nonfunctional organs and dead flesh make them harder to damage. Saunders can only be harmed by fire, magic, holy items, and wooden stakes. All other damage is ignored.
⦁ Curse of Blood: When expcosed to fresh blood the Vampire must make a Saving Throw (Death) or attempt to feed on the source. If she does not drink at least 8 hp of blood weekly she ages 2d4 years loses one Hit Dice. She cannot die from this loss, falling into a corpse-state at zero HD. She can be awakened if fed 8 hp of blood and can be healed up by one HD per day by draining 8 hp of blood each day until at full HD.
⦁ Garlic: The Vampire suffers a –2 penalty to his fighting and Saving Throw rolls against anyone who carries garlic.
⦁ Holy Items: Vampires cannot approach within 10' of a holy object, bible, holy water, or sacred ground without making a Saving Throw (Spells). Even then she will take 1d6 damage if she comes into physical contact.
⦁ Sunlight: Any exposed flesh causes a smoking, withering damage to the Vampire. The damage is variable: 1 point for a finger, 1d2 for a hand, 1d4 for a limb or head, 1d6 for a torso or full exposure.
⦁ Unwelcome Guest: The Vampire cannot enter a home unless she is invited. This may be accomplished with trickery or magic. The definition of 'home' is left up to the gamemaster.
Brandt was sent ahead to buy a suitable property and prepare it for the vampires. The Paris Collier
House was perfect and all arrangements were made. Once the transition occurred the vampires
began feeding on wild animals, stray pets, and the occasional runaway or transient found in the
truck stops and gas stations near the interstate highway. Saunders slowly began to exert his control
over the Sheriff, the owner of the local paper, and other key officials and businessmen to protect
their feedings and activities.
Who does Saunders control?
(Those below are thralls of the vampires maintained under constant control, others are controlled
as specific needs arise. Each has a mark on their neck or wrist, a sign of the vampires feeding on
them. The mark can be seen with a Notice check with a -2 penalty if the thrall of the vampires has
no reason to carefully hide it. If they take cae to hide the mark with a high collar or makeup, the
thrall must be forcibly checked to find it.)
⦁ Sheriff Fuller
⦁ Editor of the Journal, a local newspaper
⦁ The Local Funeral Home Director
⦁ The County Graveyard Manager
Once Saunders became satisfied that his coven was safe he began to allow the vampires to hunt
inside of town. The vampires have been careful, drinking a little blood from charmed victims or
thralls and only killing the few whom have stumbled too close to the truth. These deaths are
covered up as 'accidents' or 'natural causes' such as the occassional heart attack. Those who are
drained to death are staked and decapitated after their funeral and the graveyard Ghouls eat the
The vampires have been working the tavern and at parties thrown by the local kids as well as
stealthy visits to outlying farms and homes. They have been very successful until the beginning of
the adventure.
Alexa and Jenni make a mistake, lose control, and draw the PC’s into the adventure.
Who are the PC's in this story?
The players can be from a variety of backgrounds although it will probably go smoothly if they are
of similar type, but hey, it’s your game and if you want to work with variety and can makes sense
of it, go for it.
Here's a few ideas:
⦁ Townsfolk: ordinary Joe's going about their business. They stumble into the strange and defend their home and kin.
⦁ Travelers: Stopping for the night and relaxing at the local tavern for a beer and a meal.
⦁ Hunters: perhaps drawn into the area after noticing a number of missing persons near the truck-stops and along the interstate highway.
⦁ Police: Locals or specialists brought in, getting involved with the events set off by Alexa and Jenni .
Saturday Night, approaching Midnight
Rudy's Bar and Grill, Collier
It starts in the local tavern. Cliche'd but the fact is that the tavern is the center of activity in the
small town night life. Dancing, drinking, playing, eating, loving, bragging, fighting: these things
are all found at the local tavern known as Rudy's Bar and Grill. And the locals crave it. It gives
them a distraction from the subtle feeling of wrongness which surrounds them daily in Collier. The
tavern is a distraction from their fears, prejudices, addictions, and everything else they have come
to loathe about themselves.
Rudy's has a decent sized main room crowded with booths, tables and chairs, a pool table, and a
jukebox. The bar and large mirror dominate one side of the room. The barstools and tables are
jammed full of patrons and the jukebox is rocking. There is two small bathrooms, a small kitchen
and storage room in back.
The PC's are jammed into a booth at Rudy's, just before midnight, waiting on their ordered supper
of whatever drink they like and steak and potatoes.
Eddie Jones, 39
AC 10
HD 1
HP 5
Att +1
Save 17
Move 12
Eddie is an unemployed local factory worker. His main goals in life these days are to smoke lots of
weed and drink lots of beer. He's living from state check to state check but he's enjoying himself.
Eddie is tall, thin, a bit greasy and endowed with the rattiest mustache you've ever seen.
⦁ If the PC's are locals Eddie is a friend of theirs at the tavern.
⦁ If they are not locals, Eddie is bored and orders them a few drinks and small talk.
⦁ He is their local connection, and will become significant later in the adventure.
The house is packed with drinkers, smokers, pool players, local college kids, and about every sort
of small town personality imaginable. The smoke is thick, the crowd is loud, and the jukebox is
belting out tunes.
That's when they spot the girls: tall, pale, dark haired beauties dressed in dark clothing and lots of
jewelry. They've turned away a number of drunks and are currently checking out the PC's.
They come over to the PC's table when a drunken college boy crashes into it, spilling the PC's
drinks and sloppily putting his arms around the girls. His name is Doug Barnes.
Doug Barnes, 23
AC 11
HD 1+1
HP 7
Att +2, fists (1d2+1)
Save 17
Move 12
Doug is a handsome local blonde youth who is taking agriculture classes at the junior college. He
is also drunk and a bit of a douchebag when he's been drinking. He is aggressive and too drunk and
stupid to back off on his own. He may end up getting hospitalized or even killed if the PC's manage
to get their hands on him. For Savage Worlds Doug has average stats in everything but his Str d8 and Fighting d6.
If the PC's protest or say anything at all Doug will start calling them every name in the book and
challenge them to a fight outside. He cannot be talked down by the PC's or the girls.
The PC's get one round to act before there is an intervention:
Deputy Brian Wells (off duty) steps in to break it up. He knows Doug is a hothead when he drinks
and sends him on his way. Doug will comply but is steaming mad at the PC's.
The girls say they aren't looking for trouble and leave as well.
Brian and Eddie try to smooth things over buy buying a few rounds of drinks and games of pool.
If the PC's try to leave quickly, Brian will ask them more questions about their business in Collier.
Deputy Brian, 23
AC 11
HD 2
HP 9
Att +2, fists (1d2+1), .45 revolver (1d8), nightstick (1d3+1)
Save 16
Move 12
.45 revolver, 4 speed loads, nightstick , radio, handcuffs, badge.
Deputy Brian Wells is a local boy and has been a deputy for the past three years.
Brian is a straight and honest cop. If the PC's are local, they will know him and he is friendly
towards them. If they are outsiders he will be more guarded. After this night he will be under the
influence of the vampires.
The Alley
Once the PC's are done and leaving the tavern they hear a commotion in the dark alley behind the
Out of the darkness Doug Barnes stumbles towards them, tipping over trash cans, hands clutching his bloody throat.
He gasps out one small "Help..." before dropping face first to the dirty pavement, blood pooling
under him. (Doug has slipped into a coma from blood loss and shock. He will never awaken again.)
Checking Doug's wounds reveals half a dozen deep and torn holes in his neck and torso.
The PC's will probably call the cops, or go back in for Deputy Brian. An ambulance quickly arrives and takes Doug away to the hospital in the next town. Fifteen minutes later Deputy Kent Allard shows up and takes statements and ropes off the alley as a crime scene. His brilliant assessment is that Doug tried to commit some 'weird kinda suicide by ice pick.' No ice pick is found. They'll look for more clues tomorrow.
If they don't call anyone and just leave, Doug's lifeless body will be found by a paper boy on early rounds.
If they check the alley they will find no one there. In the light of a flashlight they can see a few foot prints in the dirty grime and drops of blood spattering out to where Doug collapsed.
Deputy Kent Allard, 36
AC 10
HD 1
HP 5
Att +1, fists (1d2), .45 revolver (1d8), nightstick (1d3)
Save 17
Move 12
.45 revolver, 4 speed loads, nightstick , radio, handcuffs, badge.
Kent is a lazy moron who only keeps his job because he is the county prosecutor's cousin. He is
given most of the unpleasant and piddly duties to keep him occupied. With Brian off duty and the
Sheriff out of town tonight that unfortunately puts Kent in charge this evening. He'll slop his way
through an 'investigation' with Brian tomorrow, much to Brian and the Sheriff's annoyance. After
tonight he will be a thrall of the vampires.
Another option they may pursue is to follow Doug Barnes to the hospital in the next town.
Barnes will be admitted into intensive care and after a number of tests and treatment will be placed
in a room in the Intensive Care Unit on the third floor. He never awakens due to brain damage from
loss of blood.
In the early morning hours the two girls, Alexa and Jenni, will climb the walls and enter Doug's
Their master Saunders was furious when he learned of the blatant attack in town and ordered them
to kill Doug in the event he does wake up and is a witness. They do this by asphyxiation with a
pillow. They then leap to the ground and escape to Brandt's waiting black car.
As non-family members the PC's will not be allowed in to see Doug. They may learn of his death if
they stay around long enough for the girls to kill him.
If the PC's arrive much later to the hospital than Doug they may see the girls exiting or entering
the black car, only to learn of Doug's death later. (This is my preferred method as it doesn't scream
'vampires!' and leaves a bit of investigation.) With a successful Spot check they can see the license
plate on the black sedan (ALC-421) and possibly trace it back to Brandt and the house.
Saunders, dissatisfied that his coven is safe, has ordered the death of the PC's, Eddie, and anyone
else the girls may feel were witnesses. Their deaths are to appear as accidents or, especially if not
locals, disappearances. He has already dominated the Sheriff and the local government and will
use his powers to cover any investigation. Alexa and Jenni are tasked with killing the PC's to clean
up their own mess. Brandt is to watch them during the day and report their locations at night, when
the vampires awaken.
A Visit from the Sheriff
Sheriff Don Fuller makes a visit to talk to the PC's before lunch.
He wants to hear their version of what happened last night and has a bit of surprise news:
Eddie was found dead in his truck this morning, both wrists cut open. Suicide.
Doug was ruled suicide by self inflicted wounds.
The Sheriff also wants to know if they saw anything else suspicious last night.
Once he gets a few answers he thanks them and then leaves. He has his men keep track of the PC's
movements. Brandt will be following them as well, but it never hurts to have extra eyes on the
Sheriff Don Fuller, 50
AC 10
HD 3
HP 15
Att +3, fists (1d2+1), .357 revolver (1d8)
Save 17
Move 12
.357 revolver , 4 speed loads, handcuffs, badge, cigarettes, lighter.
Sheriff Fuller is a veteran with 25 years law enforcement under his belt. He fair but can be rough
on habitual troublemakers. Fuller has been under the control of Saunders for months. After last
night, his two deputies were bitten and brought under control as well. They will do what they can
to keep his existence a secret and to protect him from harm. They have been instructed to let the
vampires and Brandt handle the PC's if possible, but they may be called into kill them and cover up
the mess if the need arises.
The Black Car
During the afternoon, if the PC's go out, they will be tailed by Brandt in his black sedan.
Make an opposed check: Brandt's Driving vs the PC's Notice. If Brandt is higher, he goes
unnoticed. If the PCs win they notice they are being followed and can bet Brandt's license plate
Clues! sidebar.) If they saw the car at the hospital, it is obviously the same care and plates.
If they confront Brandt he will try to flee town. His job is to watch them, not kill them in public.
AC: 12 HP: 50 Move: 120mph
Here's some more vehicle stats (bottom of page.)
Here's some vehicle rules.
If they contact the Sheriff about the car he will promise to investigate it and asks the PC's to stay
off the street for their own safety.
If the PC's follow Brandt in a vehicle he will try to lose them on dirt roads outside of town. If they
are persistent and foolish enough to follow him away from town and witnesses he will do his best
to make it look as if they ran off the road and died in the crash.
If Brandt crashes his car he will be knocked through the windshield and dash, cracking his skull and will appear to be dead. If they leave him there, call an ambulance, or call the Sheriff's office, he will remain in this state until the sun goes down. He will then awaken and return to the House. He will be out for vengeance if this occurs and will reveal himself as a werewolf and attack the PC's when next they meet.
If they contact the Sheriff's office after a car chase Sheriff Fuller will be furious that they chased
the car on their own and threaten to lock them all up.
Professor Paul Sanbourne, 54
AC 10
HD 2
HP 8
Att +2, fists (1d2), wooden stake (1d4), mallet (1d3)
Save 16
Move 12
Rumpled suit and tie, wallet, ID, watch, wooden stakes, mallet, crucifix, garlic cloves, four
vials holy water, camera, voice recorder, flashlight.
While this is going on Professor of Folklore at the local college and general occult enthusiast
Professor Paul Sanbourne has been investigating the strange goings on in town for a number of
weeks. He has been following Alexa and Jenni on their hunts and has a number of suspicions of
what is going on. He has also been trying to convince his friend, Father Michael McGwire, of what
has been going on with little success. He will watch the PC's from a distance and see if they can be
of use to him in his investigations.
⦁ He became suspicious of the number of accidental deaths in the town over the course of the
last year.
⦁ While ghost hunting in the graveyard a few weeks ago when he saw two women at night
standing over a pale figure digging into a grave (ghoul).
⦁ He again saw the girls in town at the local tavern. Has been following them and
documenting them. He saw them take a man (another stranger travelling through town) out of
the tavern. He disappeared and was never found. He made a report to the Sheriff but nothing
has come of it. He believes they are vampires and confirmed this one evening by smearing holy
water on the tavern door. One of the girls burned her hand touching the doorknob. She quickly
composed herself but the Professor had seen enough to know.
⦁ He believes there is a head vampire and he is at the old Collier house near the graveyard.
The lights in the house and activity around the property have convinced him. He has checked
around and the lack of records on the house has added to his suspicions.
⦁ He is proficient in vampire lore and can list weaknesses (garlic, holy symbols, invitation,
and wooden stakes.)
During the afternoon, or anytime during the adventure the PC's may wish to investigate a few of
the things that have happened in the last twenty four hours.
Possible locations for investigation are : the alleyway, the hospital records, the courthouse records,
the newspaper and library paper morgues, Brandt's license plate if they have it, etc.
To gain restricted information such as a license plate check, background checks, and hospital
records the PC's may have to call on their Connections or use good old fashioned bribery,
sneakiness, and ingenuity based on their backgrounds and willingness to take risks.
Here's a collection of clues for the gamemaster to keep things organized when the PC's are out
doing their thing. All roads eventually lead to the House and to Saunders.
The Alleyway:
⦁ Very little blood for so many wounds.
⦁ Women’s boot-marks with a half moon scar on one heel. (Following the girls they will find
Jenni has the boot with the scar.)
⦁ Cat’s everywhere ( doesn’t mean anything, but a good distraction.) Lots of watching and hissing. Licking up blood. Try to distract and creep the players.
Doug Barnes:
⦁ Dies at hospital.
⦁ Holes also discovered on inner thigh. (One perfect set of clear teeth marks, not dragged to
disguise the wound.)
⦁ Human saliva in wounds.
⦁ Massive blood loss true cause of death.
⦁ The Sheriff and attending doctor covers these facts up by not releasing the facts to the paper to 'not start a panic.'
Black Sedan:
⦁ License plate (ALC-421).
⦁ Registered to Joshua Brandt ( six months ago).
⦁ Address: Number 5, Pine Ridge Road (The Collier House, near graveyard).
Records Search:
Previous Victims:
⦁ Unknown to the PC's records of the victims have been altered at the courthouse and
paper morgue by the Sheriff and other dominated record keepers. All are shown to be accidental
deaths or disappearances. Lots and lots of accidental deaths and disappearances.
⦁ Cross referencing courthouse and newspaper records show an alarming fact: only
dead or missing townsfolk have been in the paper. Dozens of transients deaths have gone
unreported to the public.
The Collier House:
⦁ Brandt’s license place lists it as residence
⦁ Lights seen in the house at night.
⦁ John Verner, local real estate agent, sold it a year ago. Condition of sale included privacy of the buyer. (Saunders and Brandt were kept out of the papers by pressure and charming the local paper editor.) The house is listed as being bought by Allen Sanderson, and alias of Saunders. No such person exists in this part of the country.
Night Falls
Awakened from their daytime sleep Alexa and Jenni are on the hunt for the PC's. Brandt will
phone the location of the PC's to the House. If he has lost them or his surveillance was
compromised the Sheriff's deputies have been keeping track and can give the infortion as well as
where the PC's are staying, descriptions of their vehicles, and other useful information.
If the PC's are in public:
The girls will stalk them until they get them alone and attack them, fangs out and claws flying. The
are enjoying the violence and action after almost a year of boredom and are taking more risks than
they would normally take.
If the PC's are inside their home, hotel, or wherever they are staying:
The vampires cannot enter the dwelling as they must be invited in. After tearing up the PC's
vehicle(s) they will call Jason who will show up with four zombies and his Batswarm flying high
overhead. Jason will try to Puppet a victim into leaving the dwelling. If he fails the zombies will be
ordered to break in and attack the PC's, hopefully to drive them from cover. As a last resort he will
Blast the house with hellfire in an attempt to burn the PC's out.
They will continue the assault until the PC's flee or the sound of firetruck sirens are heard. If the
PC's flee the Vampires will follow at a distance and continue to harrass the PC's as long as there are
no witnesses to see the attacks.
Professor Sanbourne
At some point, Sanbourne will show up to help the PC's. He's been watching them since they
have become involved. He will arrive in his battered van loaded with garlic, crucifixes, holy water,
shovels, two recurve bows, a crossbow, ammunition, and a whole bag of wooden stakes.
If they are not under attack:
He will calmly introduce himself and tell them he believes that they are the target of a coven of
vampires. He will reveal what he knows and offer them advice and sanctuary at the local Catholic
If they are under attack:
He will show up, tires squealing, possibly running over a Vampire. Throwing holy water and
waving a crucifix from the driver's side window he will beg, plead, and harrass the PC's to get into
the van and go to the Catholic church a few blocks away.
Jason, taken aback by the new interference, will cast his Fly spell to try to catch the van before it
accelerates away. He will then rip into the machine from the roof and orders the Batswarm to
attack as well.
If they can reach the church grounds, they will have a brief respite as Father McGwire ushers them
inside and locks the doors. (Tgh 10, blunt, cutting.)
Father Michael McGwire, 47
AC 10
HD 1
HP 5
Att +2, fists (1d2)
Save 17
Move 12
Priest;s attire, wallet, ID, watch, bible, rosary, crucifix.
The resident Catholic Priest and long time friend of Professor Sanbourne. He has been concerned
about his friend's obsession with the occult and his insistance that vampires really exist. He is also
a quick study; he is an instant believer the first time he sees a vampire or werewolf, especially if
attacking his friend and new allies. McGwire is strong of faith and loyal in his duties. He will not
abandon those under his protection.
The Vampires cannot tolerate the sacred and consecrated ground of the church and its grounds.
Instead of a direct attack Jason will assault the church with zombies and his batswarm.
If these are destroyed or driven off the only recourse will be to have Brandt assault the church in
his werewolf form. He will tear his way into the church and attempt to kill everyone inside. If he
cannot get through the doors or windows he may tear his way through the shingled wooden roof,
out of the reach of hand weapons or torches. He will not fight to the death. If wounded by silver he
will flee he church, heading back to the House.
The church has a number of crucifixes, bibles, candles, holy vestments, and a holy water font near
the entrance. A dozen silver candlesticks and sacred candles adorn the alters. Of these candlesticks
only the three oldest are pure silver and are of use in fighting off Brandt. ( If the PC's don't take the
hint they have a 1 in 4 chance of grabbing a pure silver stick.)
The Church
The church sits on a small lot of neatly trimmed grass with a sign saying "Jesus Saves." It is a
solid building of red brick and shingled wooden roof (Tgh 10) in good shape. A short flight of ten
concrete steps and metal railing lead up to two solid metal doors (Tgh 10.)
The floors are of hardwood and the walls painted white. The interior woodwork is highly polished
and the metal fittings are of brass. The nave (where the congregation sits) and sanctuary (behind
where the pulpit and lectrun are) are lit by large electric chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling.
All interior doors are wooden (Tgh 8.) The side and rear exit doors are metal safety doors (Tgh 10.)
The foyer is openly connected to the nave. To the left are two small confessional booths and to the
right is a large closet for the congregations coats, hats, etc.
The nave has two rows of forty wooden pews. Bibles and hymnals are in each row.
Six large stain glass windows are set in the walls, three to a side, overlooking the pews. (Tgh 5.)
Wooden steps lead up to the pulpit and lecturn. A small portable church organ sits on a wooden
desk for the church organist. The pulpit and lecturbn are both of fine wood, each holds a large bible
of some age. Two smaller alters decorated with candles, crucifixes, and other icons. The three true
siver candlestics are on the small alter marked with an X.
In the front of the church, the wall dominated by a beautifully carved six foot wooden cricufix is
the sanctuary. The holy alter is draped in purple silk. A simple plated silver cup sits on the cloth as
is a pair of ornate plated silver candlesticks. A plated silver box contains the holy eucharist, the
sacred bread, and a plated silver bottle containing the sacred wine. A gold plated offering dish and
a gold plated crucifix is here as well.
Father McGwire's quarters and study are modest with a small bed, nightstand with alarm clock,
and a dresser and portable closet with his clothing. It also contains his personal library of religious
books, a writing desk with numerous pictures and notes on his congregation, church issues, letters
to other clergy, and his own hobbies of church history. A small laptop and printer are here for
church business.
A small kitchen and lounge is covered with linolium flooring and has a false ceiling with soft
electric lights. A small electric stove and refrigerator sit in one corner. A counter and cabinets
contain a number of plates, utensils, pots, pans, can openers, and a microwave and toaster. A small
table and chairs are here for eating. A couch and two recliners sit behind a small table on which is
a tv a cable box and a dvd player.
This large storabe room contains various items for the church. Extra bibles, chairs, candles,
candleabras, and anything required for regular church business and social functions can be found
here. A short flight of stairs leads to the basement storage.
A small cement room without windows. It is the size of the pulpit, lecturn, and sanctuary. It has a
number of potential weapons, old tools left over from the church's decades of existence : a
sledgehammer, basic hammers and tools, a push lawn mower, a shovel, a rusty woodaxe, bolt
cutters, coiled waterhose, a refillable fire extinguisher, and a full gallon of gas for the lawnmower.
The Cops
The PC's, if they survive or drive off Brandt's attack, can spend the night in safety.
When morning comes they are free to go out and get supplies, do more research, see what kind of
attention the night's activities have drawn, etc. Their movements are not hampered and the Sheriff
and his deputies are busy cleaning up the messes from last night.
Sometime before noon the Sheriff and his two deputies show up looking to talk to the PC's.
They have been given orders to kill the PC's. Their plan is to begin talking calmly then draw
weapons and fire.
The PC's will get a chance to notice something odd with Deputy Kent. Brian is hiding is bite very
well under his collar but Kent is still a lazy moron and the band aide covering his neck wound is
visible to the PC's with a Notice check.
If the lawmen do get their weapons drawn each must make an opposed Spirit check with Saunders'
to actually open fire on the PC's. Any who beat Saunders' Spirit roll will become allies.
This could get messy very quickly. Although greatly disturbed, Father McGwire will help hide any
bodies if the Sheriff or either deputy is killed by a PC in self defense. If they are left alive they will
be handcuffed, tied, and gagged in the confessionals.
All roads lead to the House. But the PC's will probably want to make a few preperations first.
There are plenty of crucifixes, bibles, and holy water to go around at the church.
Tools, torches, ammunition, shotguns, and a variety of useful tools can be bought at the local hardware store or at the larger towns nearby.
If the lawmen have been dealt with they have three pistols and four reloads apiece. The two squad cars contain a shotgun and a box of shells in each car plus emergency equipment, radios, etc.
Silver plated items and coins can be bought from pawn shops in the nearby towns. Unfortunately the silver plated items are pretty much useless. The process to unplate the silver is very specific and can be hazardous and the amount of actual silver retrieved would be very small. When the church's dozen candlesticks are checked out, most are silver plated. However, three of the older ones are of pure silver. The silver can be melted down to make a dozen bullets/shot or make three silver stakes or an axehead. Coating melee weapons isn't enough, the weapon must be made of silver.
The Graveyard
The PC's may choose to investigate the old church and graveyard where Professor Sanbourne saw
the girls and the pale figure (a
ghoul, use statistics from your Basic/OSR game of choice.)
The churchyard is overgrown with weeds and the small cemetary houses at least a hundred old
graves. A rusting and sagging iron gate leads into the cemetary.
The old stone church was a large one room building but the roof has fallen in over the years leaving
a hollow shell filled with leaves, rotted wood, small stones and other debris. Carefully digging
through the debris and a successful Notice check will uncover a polished human femur with what
appear to be bite marks on it. They will also find a small pile of jewelry wrapped in rotting cloth
near the bone.
They may want to dig up the grave Sanbourne saw the figures at. If they do so they immediately
see that the sod has been taken up and replaced neatly over the refilled dirt of the grave. It will take
some time to hand dig the six feet down to the coffin.
Once pried open the old wooden coffin holds two sets of bones. One is ancient and brittle, the other
fresh and still covered with shreds of flesh. The head of the recent body has been cleanly severed.
The vertebra bones show signs of being cut. (Heads removed at the funeral homes, bodies eaten by
Other graves:
If any graves are opened, on a 1-2 on a 1d6, the grave contains two to three corpses; one very old
and the other(s) less than a year old, head sawed off, flesh stripped, bones chewed, and the remains
carefully reburied.
The disturbances have not gone unnoticed.
After the PC's have dug up a few graves a Ghoul's hand will burst from a hidden tunnel under their
feet grabbing one of the PC's by his or her ankle. If the Ghoul wins an opposed Str check with the
PC it has successfully pulled him or her into the tunnel and begins to attack. Two more Ghouls per
PC and allies will emerge from carefully hidden sod trapdoors in the soil to attack the group. If
more than half the Ghouls are slain they will retreat underground into their vast tunnel complex.
The tunnels lead under the woods and deep into the hill that Collier House is built upon. Dug over
the decades by the Ghouls miles of tunnel and several large caverns house an underworld of stolen
half rotted human and animal corpses, furniture and utensils made from bone, old grave clothing,
coffins, gravestones, and other 'treasures' stolen from graveyards across the county. Dozens of
Ghouls, young and old live in these warrens.
The Collier House
During the Day:
All of the Vampires will be resting in their coffins.
Brandt will be resting in the Parlor, drinking and smoking his troubles away. He will investigate
any noise with his shotgun in tow.
Zombies will be sitting in the dining room or working on assigned tasks such as guard duty, etc.
During the Night:
Saunders will either be in the library reading or out feeding.
The other Vampires will be out hunting and roaming or searching for the PC's and their allies.
Brandt out driving or at the tavern. If later in the adventure he will be hunting for the PC's in
werewolf form.
Zombies where needed.
Ghouls roaming the graveyard and nearby area.
The Taint of Evil
The House is permeated with Evil. Big time capital E evil.
The suicides, murders and madness over the years, combined with the townie's fears and
superstitions about the place have tainted the property and House.
Classic D&D/OSR:
Humans and animals in the Graveyard or on the House grounds suffer a -1 penalty to all Saving Throws. Those in the House suffer a -2.
Savage Worlds: Humans and animals in the Graveyard or on the House grounds suffer a -1 penalty to all Spirit rolls. Those in the House suffer a -2.
These penalties can be negated if the PC's and their allies participate in a Mass or other spiritual
ritual to purify and protect them. This protection will last for twenty four hours.
Father McGwire will insist on saying Mass before going to the House. Any who participate receive
the benefit, those who refuse do not.
Some clever players may try to use Father McGwire to bless the House making it holy/sacred
ground. Holy or sacred ground is defined as any place used for religious purposes and blessed in a
formal ritual as such. This cannot happen with the House or the surrounding area. The graveyard
lost its sacred status in the curse and it is beyond the power of McGwire or the others to perform
the proper ritual to cleanse it.
The First Floor
The porches are of faded wooden planks and columns. Patched shingle roofs keep most of the rain
The front door is of stout oak (Tgh: 10, blunt or cutting) with a doorbell at it's side. The outdated
lock has been replaced with a new model. It can be picked with a standard Lockpicking skill check.
If expecting trouble Brandt will set a trap under the board immediately in front of the front door.
The board is very thin and anyone stepping on it will step through onto a small board with large
nails pounded through. (Dmg automatic Wound. Pace is cut in half until damage healed.) The
victim can make a Notice check at -2 to see something is wrong and avoid it.
The rooms, unless otherwise noted, all share certain common characteristics.
There is a faint smell of dust and mold in the house.
Old and dusty cobwebs hang in corners and from the ceiling lamps and chandeliers. The ceilings are ten feet tall and the house is dimly lit when the lights are on.
Faded and dull hardwood floors. The wax long since deteriorated.
Dim and dirty windows with faded and ragged curtains.
The old faded wallpaper is peeling or has been torn down in spots.
Ornate but faded wooden rails and woodwork.
Ornate brass wall lamps and brass electrical socket plates provide dim light and electricity to house. The ancient fusebox is downstairs in the basement.
Old furniture. Out of date and faded with age.
Many brass candlesticks and old candles on tables and dressers.
Old and faded photos, presumeably of the Dardier family, as well as faded paintings and wall hangings.
A. Main Hallway
Several coat racks filled to capacity are here. A variety of coats, shoes, boots, canes, and umbrellas
are hanging on the racks or laying lined up against the walls. The styles range from modern to
several decades out of date.
Doorways lead to the library and the parlor. Each room can be shut by a large oak door (Tgh: 10,
blunt or cutting) and locked from the inside with a bolt.
A creaky stairway leads up to the second floor. Anyone attempting to quietly walk up the stairs
must make a Stealth skill check at a -2 penalty.
The main hallway leads to another shorter hallway. In this shorter hallway is the door to the
basement stairway and the hallway also leads to the kitchen.
B. The Parlor
A large stone fireplace with the name "Collier" carved in the mantle dominates the west wall.
Above the mantle is a faded painting of the Captian Collier family. Beside fireplace is an abundant
supply of firewood.
Near the carpet, on a threadbare carpet, sits two ancient highback leather chairs and a table with a
cigar box, a dirty ashtray, and a modern battery powered radio facing the fireplace. The radio is
tuned into a local rock station.
A large fully stocked home bar runs along the northern wall. It consists of a counter with several
barstools. Behind the counter are several shelves of liquor, a small refrigerator, and a large cracked
mirror. On the counter is a scattered deck of cards, a stack of magazines, a small stack of board
games, another used ashtray, and a small black and white tv.
Behind the bar is a fully loaded .12 guage pump shotgun which Brandt keeps handy.
The southern wall is dominated by a ratty billiard table. A small rack of pool cues and chalk is on
the east wall.
The whole room is dingy from neglect, smoke damage, and wall lamps turned down low. The
windows have been solidly boarded over with wooden planks and nails. A musky smell pervades
the area, even above the smell of old cigarettes and cigars.
The solid oak door can be bolted from the inside in case of emergency.
Brandt spends most of his daylight hours here when not sleeping, running errands, or maintaining
the property. The girls and Jason often join him to catch up on news, play cards and pool, or just to
gossip and argue.
C. The Library
All four walls are covered in bookshelves. Event the fireplace has been shut and a bookshelf
stuffed into the hearth. Hundreds of books and nick nacks cover the shelves. They range in age
from a small section that is from the pre-1700's to modern novels and manuals. There are also piles
of books and magazines on the floor leaning agains the shelves. Fashion magazine, science
magazines, history books, maps, etc. Candleholders and candles sit on shelves and piles. Saunder's
prefers the candlelight over electric light.
In the middle of this chaos, covered in more books, papers, magnifying glasses, notes, pens,
receipts, ledgers, coins,and candles, is a massive wooden library desk and leather chair. Two
special items are in the desk drawers: a spare set of keys for the house and property, a .45 revolver
with a box of 12 silver tipped cartridges.
The southern doorway can be closed with an oak door while the northern entry is open to the
kitchen. The windows and the doorway to the conservatory have been boarded over and covered
with plaster in addition to having bookshelves placed in front of them.
This is Saunders favorite room and sanctuary from the world. He is often found here reading
various books and magazazines, catching up on modern events or researching some new hobby or
subject which has caught his interest. He does not like to be disturbed when engrossed in his
latest book or magazine. If he catches anyone going through his books he will beat them to an inch
of their unlife. If they dare open his desk drawers he is likely to tear them to pieces.
D. Dining Room
The least used room in the house. Dust and cobwebs hang even heavier in the corners of the ceiling
and under the large dining table and six broken down chairs in the center of the room. The ancient
table cloth is worn and full of holes. Severely run down china cabinets contain stained porcelain
plates, bowls, cups, and tarnished silverware. (Yes Brandt hasn't removed the silver. He feels safe
here and it amuses him somehow.)
Any current zombies raised by Jason as servants will be found sitting at the table when not
following instructions.
If anyone enters the dining room the zombies will follow the intruder with their filmy eyes but will
make no move to attack unless ordered to do so.
E. The Conservatory
Falling in and disused for decades. The windows have all been broken in. Tattered curtains blow in
the night breeze. An old table and chairs, broken down and faded from years of exposure to the
elements, lay in a crumpled pile in the room half covered in old dry leaves blown in from the
forest. Electricity ceased to work in this room decades ago. The door to the library has been tightly
boarded up and covered in plaster, sealing it from the rest of the house.
If the leaves and furniture are dug through a successful Notice skill check will reveal the presence
of a hidden trapdoor leading to the basement. Saunders and his minions have no idea that this door
exists as it is covered in spider-webs from below, hiding it from the basement level.
F. The Kitchen
This room, while dirty by any normal person's standards, has been fairly modernized by Brandt. A
new refridgerator/freezer stands in on corner and a small electric stove has replaced the ancient
decrepid gas model which came with the house. The sink has a number of freshly washed dishes,
cups, and utensils in it. Cabinets hold a number of pots and pans as well as normal kitch items such
as tin foil, measuring cups, knives, etc.
The attached pantry is well stocked with a fresh supply of canned and boxed food, bread, and a
variety of treats and snacks.
The fridge is well stocked with fresh meat, eggs, milk, beer, cheese, and a few bottles of fairly
fresh blood.
The wooden backdoor is identical to the front door. (Tgh: 10, blunt or cutting.)
The three wooden back steps have been trapped just as the front porch has been. The board is very
thin and anyone stepping on it will step through onto a small board with large nails pounded
through. (Dmg automatic Wound. Pace is cut in half until damage healed.) The victim can make a
Notice check at -2 to see something is wrong and avoid it.
The Second Floor
G. Hallway
The rickety stairs and ornate railing leads up to turning hallways of faded wood flooring, boarded
up windows, tattered curtains, dimly lit wall lamps, and torn wallpaper.
H. Jason's Room
Jason's room is neatly organized. An expensive dirt lined coffin lies in the northwest corner. Books
shelves line the walls filled with old and newer books on the occult, paranormal, ghosts,
mysticism, voodoo, and other esoteric subjects. Mixed among the books and on the tops of the
cases are various jars of powders, herbs, preserved body parts in vile fluids. In the closet is a variet
of nice black shirts, jeans, jackets, and shoes. The windows are boarded over and covered with
sheet rock screwed into the walls.
Sitting on one of the shelves among the books is a locked metal box (Tgh 8, cutting, piercing.)
Inside is a pure silver bladed dagger. This is Jason's insurance in the event he must ever fight
I. The Girls' Room
Two slim black coffins covered with stickers of skulls, ahnks, barbed wire, and stars sit in the
corners of the room. There are several dressers overflowing with black bras, skirts, jackets, hosery,
and an avalanche of other women's clothing. The floor is littered with clothing, magazines, cd's,
teddy bears, dead flowersw, makeup, combs, wigs, chains, spiked collars, and other goodies. A
battered old radio/cd player sits on one of the dressers. The closet is jammed with more clothing
and footwear. The windows are boarded over and covered with thick black velvet curtains nailed
into the walls.
J. Brandt's Room
Brandt's room is a filthy pit. A stained mattress and ragged blankets lay in the northeast corner.
Broken dressers and furniture is covered with old clothes, food containers, porno mags, empty
cigarette wrappers, beer bottless, empty cans, and burned down candles. On the nightstand near the
mattress is a clock/radio, a lamp, an overflowing ashtray, cigarettes, five stray shotgun shells, and
a bottle of cheap cologne. The closet is empty as it cannot be be opened with all the crap on the
floor. The windows are stained and covered with tattered curtains.
K. Saunder's Room
A large thick oval rug covers most of the flooring. A dusty velvet draped four post bed sits in the
southwest corner. On a small nightstand next to the bed is a newer brass lamp and several modern
fiction novels. Two large dressers sit along the walls. Dusty pictures of previous occupants sit
upon them as well as elaborate candle holders and half melted candles. An antique clock ticks on
the west wall. A modern portable closet stands in the southeast corner. The drawers and closet
contain neatly folded and hung clothing of black and blood red. Fine polished black leather shoes
sit in a corner of the room. Simple black curtains cover the windows.
Unlike the others, Saunders does not spend the days upstairs. His coffin is secured in the basement.
He only uses this room to store his clothing and to come here for peace and quiet away from the
L. The Bathroom
The tub, toilet, and sink are kept well scrubbed. A number of disinfectants, bleach, and other
chemicals sit lined agains the wall. Rich soft towels are piled in the cabinet and a large assortment
of mouthwash and toothpaste line the back of the toilet and the sink. Behind the mirror are several
razors, shaving cream, and cologne.
The Attic
The attic entrance is a set of pull down stairs located in the ceiling of the small square hallway
leading to the bathroom and Saunder's room on the second floor. It is a cluttered mess of old
furniture, boxes of pictures and other mementos, and rotting clothing of the previous occupants of
the house. The hastily patched ceiling has small holes in several places, open to the elements. Everything is layered in dust, old leaves, and spiderwebs. Rats and spiders run rampant here and a large batswarm lives in the cobbed rafters. The batswarm is under the control of Jason.
The Basement
Leading down from a small hallway by the kitchen is the basement entrance. The door is of strong
oak (Tgh: 10, blunt or cutting) and there are brackets for a padlock (Tgh: 8, blunt or piercing) both
on the inside and outside of the door. If Saunder's is at rest the door is locked from the inside. If he
is out and about, it is locked from the upper side.
Thee stairs are old and rickety. Anyone attempting to quietly walk down the stairs must make a
Stealth skill check at a -2 penalty.
The stairs are also trapped: the third step down is a false step. To notice something wrong the
character must either state they are carefully testing each step one board at a time or make a Notice
check and get a raise. If they fail to detect it anyone stepping on it must make an Agility check and get a raise. If he or she
fails he will fall through the stairs onto a board covered in very large nails. (Dmg 2d6.)
The walls of the basement are window-less stone walls. They have been recently repaired and
reinforced in places with cement.
A) Storage
Old barrels, racks of tools on a workbench, shelves of old rotten bottled and canned food. Old
leaves, boxes, paper, and other minor trash lie piled here and there. An old boiler and water heater
sit in a corner. Rusty water and heat pipes lead up into the rickety floors above.
On the work bench is an old chainsaw. The chainsaw is functional and has about three rounds of
gas in it.
Unknown to all current occupents a trapdoor leads to the conservatory above. The door is hidden
by years of spider webs and dust.
B)Wine Cellar
Five racks of wine with six slots per rack. All but four bottles broken or missing. These are of good
vintage and worth about 80 dollars apiece.
C) Torture Room
Heavy oak door locked with a rusty padlock.
A charred brazier with charred metal pokers sits in the center of the room. A large wooden table
covered in dried blood and deep gouges in the tabletop sits in a corner. On the table is a hacksaw,
pliers, snippers, a utility knife, a cleaver, and a claw hammer, all covered in sticky blood, withered
scraps of skin and hair.
Set into the stone walls are four iron rings with five foot long log chains, iron collars, and a
padlock. A heavy wooden chair sits in the corner. A tall metal ashtray filled with cigarette butts
and ash sits next to it.
A five foot wide stone-lined well mouth is located in the floor near the west wall. The well is
twenty feet deep and smells of decay and death. A light shined into the well reveals the stone-lined shaft and piles of moldering bones and a few fresh pieces of corpse. Rats are feasting.
Rarely used, Brandt will sometimes bring runaways picked up on the highway here for 'entertainment.'
D) Coffin Room
Heavy oak (Tgh: 10, blunt or cutting) and locked with a padlock (Tgh: 8, blunt or piercing) on the
outside when Saunders is out and locked with the padlock on the inside when he is in. This small
chamber contains Saunder's coffin, an old ornate wooden casket with polished brass handles and
brass decorations. The inside is faded silk with his grave dirt scattered on it..
Brandt has wired a trap at Saunders request. When he is sleeping a sawed double barrel shotgun is
strapped to a wooden shelf on the opposite side of the room and pointed at the door. If the door
opens wide it pulls a wire connected to the triggers, firing at anyone standing in the doorway.
(Dmg 3d6 and 3d6. Anyone in the doorway must make an Agility check and get a raise to dodge
the shot. Failure means damage from both barrels.)
Ending the Adventure
The PC's can either destroy the monsters, they can be killed, or they can flee.
Saunders will not cut any deals with them. He will not make them vampires. They must die. If they
run, he will send his minions to pursue them. He can not be turned from this course of actions.
Probably the most satisfying conclusion is the destruction of the coven and the burning of the
House. Very few official questions will be asked, especially if the Sheriff or one of his deputies
survived. The town has known in its heart for a very long time that the place was evil. They and the
world are better off without it. An almost palpable sigh of relief will be felt by everyone when it is
Professor Paul Sanbourne, 54
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d4, Investigation d10, Knowledge (Folklore) d10+2, Knowledge
(Latin) d6, Knowledge (Occult) d10+2, Persuasion d6
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Cautious, Quirk (Twitchy)
Edges: Scholar (Folklore, Occult)
Gear: Rumpled suit and tie, wallet, ID, watch, Wooden Stake (d6+d4), crucifix, garlic cloves, four
vials holy water, camera, voice recorder, flashlight.
Father Michael McGwire, 47
Catholic Priest
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Healing d6, Investigation d6, Knowledge (Occult) d8, Knowledge (Latin) d6, Knowledge (Religion) d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d8
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Reason: +0; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Loyal, Quirk (Intense gaze)
Edges: Charismatic, Level Headed
Gear: Priest;s attire, wallet, ID, watch, bible, rosary, crucifix.
The Sheriff and Deputies:
Sheriff Don Fuller, 50
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d8, Investigation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Throwing d6
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Habit (major, cigarettes), Loyal
Edges: Block, Quick Draw
Gear: .357 revolver (12/24/48, 2d6+1, shots 6, AP 1), 4 speed loads, handcuffs, badge, cigarettes,
Deputy Brian Wells, 23 & Deputy Kent Allison, 36
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Throwing d6
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Loyal, Stubborn
Edges: Quick
Gear: .357 revolver (12/24/48, 2d6+1, shots 6, AP 1), 4 speed loads, handcuffs, badge.
Allain Saunders (WC)
Vampire Master
Tall, thin, and corpselike with bloodless cold flesh and long white hair. He is obviously inhuman.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d10
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
Special Abilities:
As a Master Vampire of some age Saunders' abilities are more advanced than his minions. He can
go longer without blood and is harder to kill. The only way to truly destroy Saunders is to remove
his head from his body. He will crumble to dust when this occurs.
❃ Blood is the Life: Saunders can heal one point of Wound or one Level of Fatigue damage for
each Wound he drinks from a victim.
❃ Charm: Saunders can use the Puppet power on a victim by using his Spirit as his arcane skill.
Saunders can do this as a gaze attack. If the victim is surprised or the player does not state he is
avoiding the gaze, he is vulnerable to the attack. He can cast and maintain the power on a victim
for 3 rounds. If fed Saunders' blood the duration is indefinite. If ordered to attack friends, commit
suicide, etc the victim may make another opposed Spirit roll to break the charm.
❃ Claws: Str+d4
❃ Fear: Anyone who sees Saunders ghoulish appearance must make a Spirit check.
❃ Flight: Pace 6, Climb 4
❃ Improved Frenzy: Saunders can attack twice in one round with no penalty.
❃ Invulnerability: Saunders can only be harmed by his Weaknesses. He can be Shaken by other
attacks, but never wounded. Not even fire will cause a Wound: it must be specific weaknesses.
He can heal wounds by drinking blood (see Blood is the Life above.)
❃ Low Light Vision: Saunders ignores penalties for Dim and Dark lighting, allowing
Saunders to see in all but pitch black conditions.
❃ Sire: Anyone slain by Saunders has a 50% chance of rising as a vampire themselves in 1d4
❃ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; No wound penalties; Immune to
poison, disease, and gas; No additional damage from called shots; half-damage damage from
firearms and other piercing weapons.
❃ Summon Ghouls: The cursed House has given Saunders and additional power: he can
summon and control the pack of Ghouls living beneath the nearby graveyard.
❃ Wall Walker: Saunders can walk up vertical or inverted surfaces at normal Pace.
❃ Weakness (Blood Thirst): Unless Saunders drinks at least one Wound of fresh human or
animal blood every week or one level of Fatigue is gained until he reaches 'death', falling into a
coma and for all appearances is a corpse. If fed three Wounds of blood in this state he will
awaken Exhausted with only one Wound.
❃ Weakness (Garlic): Saunders suffer a –2 penalty to his Fighting against anyone who carries
❃ Weakness (Sunlight): Saunders will catch fire if any part of his skin is exposed to sunlight,
suffering 2d10 damage per round. Armor does not protect.
❃ Weakness (Holy Symbol, Water, Sacred Ground): A character with a holy symbol (not
water) may keep Vampires at bay. The wielder of the holy symbol must make an opposed test of
Spirits with Saunders. If the wielder of the symbol wins, Saunders cannot approach within 3”.
If the wielder gets a raise and the Vampire does not, Saunders must flee from the sight of the
holy symbol.
If Saunders touches or is touched by a holy symbol or sprinkled with holy water he is burned for 2d6 damage.
If immersed in holy water, Saunders takes 2d6 damage per round as his body begins to smolder and decay.
If Saunders steps foot on sacred or consecrated ground he immediately takes 2d6 damage per round as his body begins to smolder and burn,
❃ Weakness (Unwelcome Guest): Saunders cannot enter a home unless he is invited. This may
be accomplished with trickery or magic. The definition of 'home' is left up to the gamemaster.
❃ Weakness (Wood): Saunders takes normal damage when struck with wooden piercing
Gear: Nice neat black and blood red clothing, expensive silver and gold watch on chain.
Joshua Brandt (WC)
Werewolf Servant
Human Form
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Investigation d8, Notice d8, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Taunt d8
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Reason: +0; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Loyal, Mean, Vengeful (major)
Edges: Block, Dodge, No Mercy
Special Abilities:
❃ Immortal: While in his human form Brandt can be Wounded by normal damage but it will
not kill him. Once Incapacitated he will remain unconscious and appear to be dead until darkness
falls (or the next night if Incapacitated at night time) where upon he will awaken with no
Wounds. He can only be truly killed by damage from silver weapons.
❃ Transformation: Brandt can change into his werewolf form aftervdusk when the sun has
sunk below the horizon. This is voluntary unless it is the three nights of the full moon. He must
return to human form at dawn.
❃ Weakness (Wolfsbane): Werewolves suffer a –2 penalty to attack a creature carrying
Gear: Rumpled clothing, .38 Revolver (2d6), 24 bullets, knife (d8+d4), watch, wallet, ID,
5d6x$10 in cash.
Werewolf Form (WC)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10, Notice d10, Stealth d8, Survival d10, Tracking d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
❃ Bite or Claw: Str+d8
❃ Combat Reflexes: +2 to recover from being Shaken.
❃ Fear: Anyone who sees a werewolf must make a Spirit roll.
❃ Fleet Footed: Werewolves have a d10 running die.
❃ Go for the Throat: If a werewolf gets a raise on its Fighting roll, it strikes its opponent’s
least armored location.
❃ Improved Frenzy: Werewolves can make 2 Fighting attacks each round at no penalty.
❃ Infection: Anyone slain by a werewolf has a 50% chance of rising as a werewolf themselves.
The character involuntarily transforms every full moon. He gains control of his lycanthropy only
after 1d6 years as a werewolf.
❃ Low Light Vision: Werewolves ignore lighting penalties for anything less than Pitch Black
❃ Quick: Werewolves can redraw any initiative card of 5 or less.
❃ Weakness (Silver): Werewolves can be shaken by normal attacks, but can only be Wounded
by pure silver weapons.Not even fire will cause a Wound: it must be pure silver..
❃ Weakness (Wolfsbane): Werewolves suffer a –2 penalty to attack a creature carrying
Jason Devereaux (WC)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Occult) d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d8, Streetwise d8
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Special Abilities:
❃ Arcane Background (Magic): Blast (Hellfire), Fly, Puppet (Charm gaze), Quickness,
Zombie. 25 Power Points.
❃ Batswarm: The cursed House has given Jason an additional power: he can summon the
Batswarm living in the attic to his location and control their actions.
❃ Blood is the Life: The vampires can heal one point of Wound or one Level of Fatigue damage
for each Wound he drinks from a victim.
❃ Claws: Str+d4
❃ Invulnerability: Vampires can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by
other attacks, but never wounded. Not even fire will cause a Wound: it must be specific
Weaknesses. They can heal Wounds by drinking blood (see Blood is the Life above.)
❃ Low Light Vision: Vampires ignores penalties for Dim and Dark lighting, allowing the
Vampire to see in all but pitch black conditions.
❃ Sire: Anyone slain by a Vampire has a 50% chance of rising as a vampire themselves in 1d4
❃ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; No wound penalties; Immune to
poison, disease, and gas; No additional damage from called shots; half-damage damage from
firearms and other piercing weapons.
❃ Wall Walker: Vampires can walk up vertical or inverted surfaces at normal Pace.
Weakness (Blood Thirst): Unless a vampire drinks at least one Wound of fresh blood every
other night, it will weaken taking One level of Fatigue every two nights until it perishes.
❃ Weakness (Garlic): Vampires suffer a –2 penalty to Fighting attacks against anyone who
carries garlic.
❃ Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of their skin is exposed to sunlight.
After that they suffer 2d10 damage per round. Armor does not protect.
❃ Weakness (Holy Symbol, Water, Sacred Ground): A character with a holy symbol (not
water) may keep Vampires at bay. The wielder of the holy symbol must make an opposed test of
Spirits with the Vampire. If the wielder of the symbol wins, The Vampire cannot approach
within 3”. If the wielder gets a raise and the Vampire does not, the Vampire must flee from the
sight of the holy symbol.
If The Vampire touches or is touched by a holy symbol or sprinkled with holy water he is burned for 2d6 damage.
If immersed in holy water, The Vampire takes 2d6 damage per round as his body begins to smolder and decay.
If the Vampire steps foot on sacred or consecrated ground he immediately takes 2d6 damage per round as his body begins to smolder and burn,
❃ Weakness (Unwelcome Guest): Vampires cannot enter a home unless invited. This may be
accomplished with trickery or magic.
❃ Weakness (Wood): Vampires take normal damage when struck with wooden piercing
Gear: Nice neat clothing, deck of cards, wallet, fake ID, 5d6x$10 in cash.
Alexa and Jenni
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities:
❃ Attractive: +2 Charisma
❃ Blood is the Life: The vampires can heal one point of Wound or one Level of Fatigue damage
for each Wound he drinks from a victim.
❃ Claws: Str+d4
❃ Invulnerability: Vampires can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. They may be Shaken by
other attacks, but never Wounded. Not even fire will cause a Wound: it must be specific
Weaknesses. They can heal Wounds by drinking blood (see Blood is the Life above.)
❃ Low Light Vision: Vampires ignores penalties for Dim and Dark lighting, allowing the
Vampire to see in all but pitch black conditions.
❃ Sire: Anyone slain by a Vampire has a 50% chance of rising as a vampire themselves in 1d4
❃ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; No wound penalties; Immune to
poison, disease, and gas; No additional damage from called shots; half-damage damage from
firearms and other piercing weapons.
❃ Wall Walker: Vampires can walk up vertical or inverted surfaces at normal Pace.
❃ Weakness (Blood Thirst): Unless a vampire drinks at least one Wound of fresh human or
animal blood every other night, it will weaken taking One level of Fatigue every two nights until
it perishes.
❃ Weakness (Garlic): Vampires suffer a –2 penalty to Fighting attacks against anyone who
carries garlic.
❃ Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of their skin is exposed to sunlight.
After that they suffer 2d10 damage per round. Armor does not protect.
❃ Weakness (Holy Symbol, Water, Sacred Ground): A character with a holy symbol (not
water) may keep Vampires at bay. The wielder of the holy symbol must make an opposed test of
Spirits with the Vampire. If the wielder of the symbol wins, The Vampire cannot approach
within 3”. If the wielder gets a raise and the Vampire does not, the Vampire must flee from the
sight of the holy symbol.
If The Vampire touches or is touched by a holy symbol or sprinkled with holy water he is burned for 2d6 damage.
If immersed in holy water, The Vampire takes 2d6 damage per round as his body begins to smolder and decay.
If the Vampire steps foot on sacred or consecrated ground he immediately takes 2d6 damage per round as his body begins to smolder and burn,
❃ Weakness (Unwelcome Guest): Vampires cannot enter a home unless invited. This may be
accomplished with trickery or magic.
❃ Weakness (Wood): Vampires take normal damage when struck with wooden piercing
Gear: Black goth clothing, jewelry, purse, makeup, fake ID, 5d6x$10 in cash.
Corpses reanimated by Jason's magics. They are used as servants and muscle for the vampire coven.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9
Special Abilities:
❃ Fearless: Zombies are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
❃ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being Shaken; Immune to poison, disease, and
gas; No additional damage from called shots; half-damage damage from firearms and other
piercing weapons.
❃ Weakness (Salt): Zombies suffer a –2 penalty to Fighting attacks against anyone who carries
at least a half-pound of salt.
Living fiends, their origins are unclear. They may be degenerated cursed descendants of early
settlers. They live and breed in the warrens beneath the Collier hill and travel the night in search
of rotted flesh and graveyard treasures.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Tracking d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities
❃ Burrowing: 4" movement
❃ Fear: Anyone who sees a Ghoul's hideous appearance must make a Spirit check.
❃ Infravision: Ghouls halve penalties (round down) for bad lighting when attacking living targets.
❃ Keen Nose: Ghouls get +2 to Notice and Tracking rolls against living targets.
❃ Teeth: Str+d4
The Batswarm (WC)
The Batswarm covers an area equal to a Large Burst Template and attacks everyone within every round.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities
• Bite or Sting: The bats inflict hundreds of tiny bites every round to their victims, hitting
automatically and causing 2d4 damage to everyone in the template. Damage is applied to the
least armored location (victims in completely sealed suits are immune).
• Split: The Batswarm can split into two smaller swarms (Small Burst Templates) should their
foes split up. The Toughness of these smaller swarms is lowered by –2 (to 5 each).
• Swarm: Parry +2; The swarm is composed of hundreds of darting and dodging nimble bats
rendering cutting and piercing weapons useless. Area-effect weapons work normally, as do
shotguns loaded with shot, large blunt objects, and fire.
APPENDIX B: Inspiration
'Salem's Lot (1975), Stephen King
They Thirst (1981), Robert R. McCammon
Vampire$ (1990) John Steakley
Bring on the Night (1993), Jay Davis
The Night Stalker (1972)
The Night Strangler (1973)
Salem's Lot (1979)
Fright Night (1985)
Vamp (1986)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Fright Night II (1988)
The Lurking Fear (1994)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Salem's Lot (2004)
Fright Night (2011)
Allman Brothers
Black Angels
Black Sabbath
Blue Oyster Cult
Creedance Clearwater Revival
Fever Ray
Jimi Hendrix
Johnny Cash
Led Zeppelin
John Lee Hooker
Rolling Stones
Ry Cooder
Switchblade Symphony
Ted Nugent
The Clash
The Doors
The Who
The batswarm is huge. To simulate the effect of killing bats and whittling the size down in combat implement the following:
The batswarm starts out at five HD. For every six hp of damage it drops by one HD. As the numbers drop the swarm does less damage to those caught within it, it's Saving Throws worsen, it hits less often, but its becomes harder to hit as the bats thing out.
The swarm covers an area and makes one attack per round against each victim within its boundaries.
HD: 5
HP: 6
AC: 10
Hit: +5
Damage: 1d6
Save: 13
Move: 180/50 flying
Area: 30x30'
HD: 4
HP: 6
AC: 11
Hit: +4
Damage: 1d4
Save: 14
Move: 180/50 flying
Area: 25x25'
HD: 3
HP: 6
AC: 12
Hit: +3
Damage: 1d3
Save: 15
Move: 180/50 flying
Area: 20x20'
HD: 2
HP: 6
AC: 13
Hit: +2
Damage: 1d2
Save: 16
Move: 180/50 flying
Area: 15x15'
HD: 1
HP: 6
AC: 14
Hit: +1
Damage: 1 hp
Save: 17
Move: 180/50 flying
Area: 10x10'