I'm using this as an online holder for my home-brew Cthulhu stuff and in case anyone is interested in checking a few things out.
Investigator Class write-ups are below.
Firearms are below.
Firearms rules are
Pulp Vehicles are below.
Madness, Terror, and Horror Checks. I'm currently using Jack Shear's Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque rules found
here. (pg. 56)
Anyone can cast ritual magic.
Investigator Classes
First my classes are my based on my standard Pulp Classes found
here. For the most part they are the same with a few tweaks.
Class Ability Success
My original builds are really for using the Basic/LL +1 to +3 ability bonuses with the class abilities success formula I use (10 + half level + ability score bonus or less on a 1d20.)
Since I'm only using the maximum ability bonus of +1 I slightly tweaked the formula to
10 + level + ability score bonus. Unless the ability expressly states that an attribute check such as Charisma or Dexterity is used, use this formula.
This makes more competent characters at low levels; I want this for my Lovecraftian games. The Investigators are often professionals or skilled men and women, not low level villagers blossoming into legendary heroes. This gives the PC's more to work with at the lower levels that this type of game is geared towards.
Limiting human HP's to five Hit Dice and quick character builds also add to my own flavor of happy Mythos gaming.
Hit Bonus
I went simple and more competent as this game tends towards lower levels.
+1 to hit per level for combat orientated classes.
+1 to hit per two levels for non-combat orientated classes.
Class Tweaks
I split the the Scoundrel back into two classes: Burglar and Scoundrel. I like the more specialized classes for my campaign. The Cowboy was removed (if you want to use it it works as is from the Pulp classes post.) The Detective's Contacts ability was tweaked from a flat three times per adventure to a more level orientated ability. The Soldier's AC was dropped to +1.
Character Generation
Roll your favorite method.
Attribute Bonuses/Penalties:
Swords & Wizardry +1 at attribute score 13 and higher.
Class Ability Checks (for genres with only a +1 attribute bonus maximum)):
Success is 10 + level + attribute bonus or less on a 1d20.
Untrained, if allowed by the DM, is a base level + attribute bonus or less on a 1d20.
EDIT: Forgot to add, I'm limiting my PC's and Human/oid NPC's to 10th level maximum.
Class abilities gained at higher levels have been adjusted for this.
Hit Points:
Maximum HP at first level. HP limit of 5 levels.
Armor Class:
Normal Armor class, and modifiers are used.
Firearms ignore the first four points of personal armor. For example: Plate –6 [+6] would only give protection of –2 [+2].
Starting Money:
Characters are assumed to have come into money either by work or inheritance and begin with 3d6 x 20 pounds as first level characters. Characters starting off at higher levels receive an amount of beginning money equal to 3d6 + the characters level x 20 or whatever their DM feels is appropriate to the game.
Roll with it.
Hit Dice 1d6 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Thief
Hit +1 per two levels
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
Class Abilities
When attacking with surprise, from behind, the Burglar gains +4 to hit and inflicts double damage. At levels 5-8, damage is tripled, and from a Burglar above level 8 such an attack inflicts quadruple damage.
Climb Sheer Surfaces
Almost anyone may attempt to climb vertical surfaces with good handholds but the Burglar is a master of finding even the smallest hand and toe holds to climb such obstacles as brick walls and other sheer surfaces. The chance for success is 1-17 + Dex bonus on a d20 to climb sheer surfaces. Making a climb check for unusual situations such as good handholds, slippery surfaces, etc will call for a modifier from the DM.
The Burglar is a stealthy chap by necessity. The ability to move without sound and master the art of hiding ones self are necessities of his profession. Almost anyone can move quietly or hide when there is adequate cover but the Burglar takes these skills to the professional level. The base chance for success is modified by the Dex bonus. This roll can be modified by the DM for circumstances such as heavy or light cover, darkness, camouflage, creaky boards underfoot, etc.
Hear Noise
The Burglar has honed his senses to work better in the dark. His chance to hear noise is 3 in 6 at first level increasing to 4 in 6 at 3rd level, 5 in 6 at 7th level, and 6 in 6 at 10th level. To use this ability he must stop all activity and concentrate.
Open Locks
Burglar are skilled at picking locks, opening safes, etc. Some are difficult and may require a penalty to the open roll. The base chance for success is modified by the Dex bonus. Superior tools may grant a small bonus just as inferior tools may incur a small penalty.
Anyone who uses their intellect to solve crimes or find missing persons or items. This class represents the consulting detective, the police detective, the inquiry agent, etc.
Hit Dice 1d6 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Thief
Hit +1 per two levels
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Int 13+
Class Abilities
Through both informants and official channels, the Detective is often in the know on important information. With a successful Charisma check the Detective may ask one favor of a contact such as a a a coroner to view a body, a hacker to break into files, etc. The favor will be things not generaly available to the average citizen or cop. The contact will not endanger himself or his employment and may negotiate a payment or favor in return if the request by the Detective is difficult or unpleasant.
He may call upon these contacts twice per adventure at first level. He may add an extra time at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels.
The Detective, after reviewing clues, interviewing witnesses, visiting crime scenes, etc can make a Deduction check with the The base chance for success modified by an Int bonus.
If successful the Detective may ask the DM a single yes or no question which the DM must answer honestly. The Detective can do this once per adventure at 1st level and at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels.. Therefore an 8th level Detective may as the DM three questions per adventure.
The Detective has a keen eye for details in the world around him. When actively looking for clues or other hidden objects he has a 1-2 on a 1d6 of finding them. These could be hidden bloodstains, footprints, hidden doors, hearing noise, etc. The DM can modify this for difficulty. The Detective will always have an advantage in this over other classes or creatures that do not have this ability.
Open Locks
Sometimes the Detective has to get in places he shouldn't be. Some locks are diffucult and may require a penalty to the open roll. The base chance for success is 10+level+ Dex bonus. Superior tools may grant a small bonus just as inferior tools may incur a small penalty.
Rugged men who live their lives taming the wilderness. This class can be used for not only the iconic Victorian explorer but also scouts, native guides, etc.
Hit Dice 1d6+1 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Fighting-man
Hit +1 per level
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
Class Abilities
One of the most important abilities of the Explorer is his sharp senses. Many a man in the wilderness has been saved by his sharp hearing or awareness that his surroundings has slightly changed. Explorers can hear noise on a 2 on a d6. They are also only surprised on a 1 on a 1d6.
The hunter, once he has found his target, is adept at attacking from surprise to kill the prey.
+4 to attack. x2 damage. x3 damage at levels 5-8. x4 damage at higher than 8.
This also includes ranged attacks until the target(s) are aware they are being fired upon.
The Explorer’s ability to live off of the land and survive, this check is rolled in addition to normal foraging rolls. The DM may modify this check for plentiful or exceptionally harsh terrain. The base chance for success is modified by an Int bonus.
Explorer’s are also capable trackers, often employed as scouts and on safari hunts. The base chance for success is modified by a Wis bonus. This roll can be modified by the DM for circumstances such as tracking across soft mud, tracking across snow, the quarry is trying to hide their tracks, etc.
Hit Dice 1d6+1 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Fighting-man
Hit +1 per level
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
Class Abilities
Firing from a vehicle or with vehicle mounted weapons the Driver takes no penalty for a rough terrain or severe vehicle movement (normally a -2 to -4 penalty.)
Pilots are brave men climbing into potential fiery deathtraps to fly high above the earth.
They receive a +2 bonus to saves against fear and fear-like effects.
Pilot Vehicle
This is what Pilots do, and they are the best. Flying, driving, boating: a pilot does it all and often with style. A pilot makes a Dexterity check to pilot his vehicle, but gets to add a -1 bonus for every three levels of Pilot.
Pilots are often called upon to effect field repairs on their damaged ships. To fix a vehicle or vehicle subsystem they must have the parts, take the time set by the DM, and make a Mechanic check. The base chance for success is modified by an Int bonus.
Priests and Ministers of all faiths. These are the special men whom are touched by some sort of divinity and manifest seemingly miraculous leadership and guidance. They also have the power to turn beings of darkness and legend.
Hit Dice 1d6 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Cleric
Hit +1 per two levels
Prime Attribute (5% experience bonus): Wisdom 13+
Class Abilities
Influence Reactions
The Minister can, when speaking before a group that is not attacking (and not intending to attack in just seconds), try to alter the mood of the listeners. He can try to soften their mood or make it uglier. The method can be whatever is most suitable to the situation at the moment -- a fire and brimstone speech, a gentle reminder and guiding advice from the gospels, or an impassioned plea to the crowd's morals are but a few examples.. Everyone in the group listening must roll a saving throw vs. paralyzation (if the crowd is large, make saving throws for groups of people using average hit dice). The die roll is modified by -1 for every three experience levels of the Minister (round fractions down). If the saving throw fails, the group's reaction can be shifted one level toward either the friendly or hostile end of the scale, at the player's option. Those who make a successful saving throw have their reaction shifted one level toward the opposite end of the scale.
Sermons, stories, anecdotes, and personal appeal of the Minister can be inspirational, rallying friends and allies. If the exact nature of an impending threat is known, the Minister can heroically inspire his companions with a rousing sermon or speech, granting a +1 bonus to attack rolls, or a +1 bonus to saving throws, or a +2 bonus to morale (particularly useful in large battles) to those involved in melee. The Minister must spend at least three full rounds talking to his allies before the battle begins. This affects those within a range of 20 feet per experience level of the Minister.
The effect lasts one round per level. Once the effect wears off, it can't be renewed if the recipients are still in battle. However, those who have withdrawn from combat can be inspired again by the words. A troop of soldiers, inspired by the Minister, could charge into battle. After fighting a fierce fight, they retreat and the enemy does not pursue.
The Minister, seeing them crestfallen and dispirited, once again rouses their will to fight. Reinvigorated, they charge back into battle with renewed spirit
Bless, Prayer, Protection from Evil
Through the power of faith, prayer, and his will the Minister can cast each of these spells once per day per every three levels. Thus a sixth level Minister can cast each spell twice per day.
The spells function as written in the base rule books.
The Minister can attempt to turn as a Cleric of equal level. This ability works on more than just undead. It also affects demons, fey, and other hostile creatures of legend. As long as the creatures are of Neutral or Chaotic alignment, the Minister (of any Alignment) can attempt to turn them. The DM has final say on whom or what can be affected.
The humble country doctor to the London surgeon. This is the one to see when you are sick or wounded.
Hit Dice 1d6 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Cleric
Hit +1 per two levels
Prime Attribute (5% experience bonus): Intelligence 13+
Class Abilities
The Physician can make a Diagnose check with a base chance for success modified by an Int bonus. Success allows the Physician to diagnose the illness of a patient, giving him information on proper treatment of the illness and a on any further checks with that patient. The DM can modify this with a penalty based on insidious or obscure conditions.
Bonuses for success are: +1 hp per Healing dice on the patient and a +2 on Stabilization checks.
A Physician may heal 1d6 points of HP damage per wound once per day per level. Only one healing attempt can be used on a wound. You cannot use the same healing on a wound twice. You cannot heal it again the next day. For example, a first level Physician could heal one wound per day. At third level he could heal three different wounds per day, be it three people once, or the same person three times in the same 24 hours, provided that person was wounded on three separate occasions. This healing can be used for not only combat damage, but also disease, poison, and any other type of damage which affects Hit Points.
A patient under a Physician's care heals twice the number of HP per day with natural healing.
A Physician can try to control bleeding, rub their limbs, apply brandy, breathe into their mouth, etc and stabilize any character that has reached 0 or fewer hits points, and would otherwise be dead. The Physician must reach the victim within a number of rounds equal to the Physician's level up to tenth level , beginning on the round after he drops to 0 or below. Once the Physician has reached the patient, he must then make a check with a base chance for modified by an Int bonus and a -1 penalty for every hit point below 0. If he succeeds in this, the character is stabilized and does not die. If the victim is wounded again, another Stabilization can be made but with a +4 penalty in addition to normal bonuses and penalties, representing the shock of additional wounds to the body.
This class covers educated men such as alienists, scientists, researchers, etc.
Dice 1d6 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Cleric
Hit +1 per two levels
Prime Attribute (5% experience bonus): Intelligence 13+
Class Abilities
Field of Study
At first level the Scholar may choose two fields of study to research. The Scholar will be familiar with the basics such as proven facts, theories, and how to conduct studies and experiments in their chosen fields.
The fields of study include (but are not limited to):
The study of of human cultures by interaction of intense study of written accounts of the culture and ancient records. An example of a successful roll is allowing the anthropologist to understand the cultures traditions as well as predict behavior.
The study of past cultures by excavating artifacts and relics from ancient sites. Studying the remains allows the archaeologist to learn about the people's customs, way of life, etc. An example of a successful roll is allowing the Archaeologist to spot fake antiquities or figure out what an ancient civilization used a certain religious site for.
The study of all forms of life, plant and animal. The biologist will understand structures of plant and animals as well as behaviors. Includes information on botany, microbiology, and zoology. An example of a successful roll is allowing the biologist to recall pertinent information such as hunting tactics for lions or if a rare known plant is poisonous.
Identifying, predicting, and creating chemical compounds and reactions. With the proper materials the chemist can create substances such as poisons, explosives, or to a chemical analysis of a substance. An example of a successful roll is allowing the chemist to run tests on a dried crimson stain to determine if it is blood or how to make primitive gunpowder or explosives from available resources.
A young science in the Victorian age, the study of electricity and electrical device allows the scholar to understand the nature and uses of electrical power as well as repair and fabrication of electrical devices. An example of a successful roll is allowing the electrical engineer to repair a malfunctioning laboratory electrical device or wire an electric trap without shocking himself.
The skills to understand, repair, and even build complex mechanical devices. Steam, hydro, and wind power are the major power sources available. An example of a successful roll is allowing the engineer to find the weakest spot in a fortified wall to receive the maximum effect of an explosive or the repair of a damaged steam locomotive engine.
The study of the earth's surface formation, composition, and changes. Geologists can use their knowledge to identify fossils, minerals and soils, and anticipate such events as volcanic or seismic activity. An example of a successful roll is allowing the geologist to estimate if a rocky outcropping is safe to climb or where a certain type of rare soil or rock came from with analysis.
Knowledge of the past including places, people, events, and customs. If the knowledge is obscure a penalty may be required on the roll. An example of a successful roll is allowing the historian to recall the bloody history of an ancient warlord or the origins of certain customs and superstitions.
The ability to place a willing subject into a trance. The subject must be willing, the two must be in a quiet place without interruption, a focus such as a ring or candles much be used, and the attempt will take 1d6 minutes. If successful the subject will be lulled into a sleep-like state.
The mesmerist can ask questions, each requiring a check, each with a cumulative 1 penalty to the check per question past the first. The subject will have nearly total recall of past events and cannot lie or deceive although their perception may color their answer.
With an ability check the mesmerist can implant a post hypnotic suggestion. The subject will perform this without apparent thought or conscious decision. It may involve a specific time (when you get home) or a trigger phrase (good morning.) Spells or other complex activities such as picking locks cannot be used as a suggestion. It must be something simple such as dropping or swiping an object into the subject's coat or saying a phrase which was implanted.
Other uses may be implemented, probably with penalties, by the DM.
Occult Lore
The study of occult and forbidden subjects including folklore, magic theory, historical events, people, places, etc. The Occultist can identify spells and rituals by studying the remains of components or effect of the spell. He can identify possible creatures from behavior patterns, tactics, and wounds. He can identify occult items, grimoires, and relics with a successful check. An example of a successful roll is allowing the occultist to identify a vampire's attacks by studying the time of attack, marks on the victim, etc.
The study and understanding of the physical forces and laws of nature such as light, sound, heat, cold, magnetism, gravity, etc. It allows the physicist to predict how materials will react when these forces are applied to them. It also covers knowledge of mathematics and the hypothetical subjects of other dimensions, time travel, etc associated with theoretical physics. This ability is often used in conjunction with Electricity and Engineering. With a successful physics roll a +2 bonus is applied to the Electricity or Engineering roll. Another example of a successful roll would be the following: The characters investigate a cultists lair. Despite solid stone walls and only one exit the cultists escaped. The physicist sees half marred chalk scribbling on the wall that look strikingly similar to a theoretical physics formula he has seen. With a successful roll he manages to reproduce the scribbling into a coherent formula matching what was in the wall. A gate to another dimension suddenly opens before him, the cultists escape route.
Victorian psychologists are referred to as Alienists. They have training in the care of persons with mental disorders. Such training includes diagnosis of probable causes of mental illness as well as treatments ranging from simple therapy
Other fields of study are available at the DM's discretion.
The base chance for success is modified by an Int bonus. This roll can be modified by the DM for circumstances such as a bonus for common information or penalty for more obscure information in the field.
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels the Scholar acquires a new field at the base chance. For example: upon reaching 3rd level a Scholar with a 15 Int gains a new field of study at a base chance of 12. The new fields increase normally.
The Scholar is an expert in finding information from libraries, archives, newspaper morgues, and other files. He can find information about nearly any subject if given access to the proper records and the information is there to be found. Examples of such information is discovering old documents such as wills, deeds, rare information, patterns of missing or false files, etc. The base chance of success is modified by an Int bonus.
In addition, with a successful roll, he can add a +4 bonus to fields of study relevant to the information being researched for the remainder of the adventure.
Hit Dice 1d6 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Thief
Hit +1 per two levels
Prime Attribute (5% xp bonus) Dex 13+
Class Abilities
When attacking with surprise, from behind, the Scoundrel gains +4 to hit and inflicts double damage. At levels 5-8, damage is tripled, and from a Scoundrel above level 8 such an attack inflicts quadruple damage.
Fast Talk
With a bit of conversation, the Scoundrel is able to attempt to befriend, persuade, charm, or outright con an individual to his way of thinking. After 2d6 minutes of cajoling, flattering, drinking, etc. the victim of the Fast Talk must make a Saving Throw. The target's Saving Throw has a cumulative -1 penalty at the Scoundrel's levels 3, 6, and 9.
The Scoundrel is a gambler, a card sharp and often a cheat, supplementing his living by the cards, dice, and his wits. At 1st and at 3, 6, and 9th level the Scoundrel gains a cumulative +1 bonus to his gambling checks.
Hear Noise
The Scoundrel has honed his senses to work better in the dark. His chance to hear noise is 3 in 6 at first level increasing to 4 in 6 at 3rd level, 5 in 6 at 7th level, and 6 in 6 at 11th level. To use this ability he must stop all activity and concentrate.
Open Locks
Scoundrels are skilled at picking locks, opening safes, etc. Some are difficult and may require a penalty to the open roll. The base chance for success is modified by a Dex bonus. Superior tools may grant a small bonus just as inferior tools may incur a small penalty.
Pick Pocket
The Scoundrel is often called upon to manipulate small objects, such as a card, coin, derringer, or small knife in his line of work, as well as picking the occasional pocket. The base chance for success is modified by a Dex bonus.
If the Scoundrel fails his roll the victim has a 1-2 in 6 chance of detecting the manipulation, pick pocket attempt, etc. A Dex bonus will drop the chance to 1 in 6.
Hit Dice 1d6+2 per level up to fifth level.
Save As Fighting-man
Hit +1 per level
Armor Permitted: Any
Weapons Permitted: Any
Prime Attribute (5% experience bonus): Strength 13+
Class Abilities
Weapons Training
+1 to hit with all weapons and unarmed attacks.
AC Bonus
Increased chance to to parry or dodge attacks, +1 AC
Extra Attacks
Receive an extra attack at levels 5 and 10..
These extra attacks are in addition to multiple attacks from two weap ons, autofire, etc. They only receive the extra attack as one attack, even if using an automatic weapon, etc and normal penalties apply to these extra attacks as well.
Optional Investigators (with DM approval)
The Spiritualist/Medium
The Mentalist/Psionicist
Optional Spellcasting Classes
The Witch and Magician should be carefully considered by the DM before he allows an Investigator to either begin with or multi-class into these classes. They may be best left as NPC's.
I am not allowing them as PC's in my game. I want my guys to have to work for their magic.
The Witch
The Magician
Both are non-combat classes for purposes of to Hit bonus.
Both have the option to
cast ritual magic as well as normal Vancian spellcasting.
Weapons & Armor

Ground Vehicles
Basic list and Combat rules. It's not a vehicle combat genre so I'm only interested for very basic rules for this.
Sporty and built for speed. Open top or convertible with front seat for two.
AC: 12
HP: 35
Move: 115mph
Classic hardtop or convertible with running boards and a solid construction. Can seat six comfortably.
AC: 12
HP: 45
Move: 70mph
Town Car/Limousine
A luxury auto with a compartment for four to seven passengers seperated from the driver by a partition. Early models had an open driving compartment with very little cover for the driver (AC +2).
AC: 12
HP: 45
Move: 70mph
Pickup Truck:
Classic truck with enclosed cab and open bed. Can seat up to three up front and six in the bed.
AC: 12
HP: 40
Move: 60mph
Cargo/Delivery Truck
Enclosed or open truck bed. Large cargo space. Driver and two passengers up front.
AC: 13
HP: 50
Move: 60mph
Freight Truck
Early semi-trucks. They were small and seated a Driver and two passengers.
AC: 13
HP: 60
Move: 60mph
Open or closed. Roughly the same size as a modern trailer.
AC: 13
HP: 70
Move: Truck speed.
Seats two and can add an additional passenger with a sidecar.
AC: 12
HP: 20
Move: 100mph
AC: Each Driver adds his Dex bonus to the vehicle's AC. For every 20mph of movement add a +1 to vehicle AC IF the vehicle is travelling across the attacker's path; not going towards or moving away.
Cover: Vehicles give passengers and driver a +6 bonus to AC for cover.
Combat Movement: Movement in feet equals 10' per every mph travelling. (ex: 25 mph euals 250 feet per round.)
AutoTires: AC: 12, HP: 2 (can be popped with penetrating or slashing weapons)
Heavy Truck / Airplane Tires: AC: 12, HP: 4 (can be popped with penetrating or slashing weapons)
For each tire blown out the Driver must make a Drive (Dex) check at a -1 penalty per tire or wreck the vehicle. This must be rolled each round until the vehicle stops. Crash damage is 1d6 per 10 miles of speed the vehicle is travelling.
Ramming another Vehicle: If both vehicles are attempting to ram each Driver makes a normal ranged attack roll with a +4 bonus. Whomever makes the highest roll and hits has the advantage; the other Driver must make a drive check (Dex) or wreck his vehicle. If only one Driver is attempting to ram he must make a normal attack roll vs the other car's AC (+4 if that Driver is activally dodging.) If he hits the rammed Driver must make a Drive check or wreck. If he fails to hit and rolls a natural 1 or 2 on the d20 the attacking Driver must make a check of his own or wreck.
Grazing a vehicle as a sideswipe does 1d6 damage to each vehicle and none to the passengers
Ramming and wrecking follows the Collison damage below.
Head-on and T-Bone collisons are very lethal.
Vehicle Chase
Mark starting positions at beginning of combat.
IF there are obstacles (traffic, pedestrians, etc) the driver must make a Dex check. If failed the vehicle takes 1d6 damage from minor collisions. If the other driver makes his check he advances half a block. If both fail they are still the same distance from one another as they were at the beginning of the round.
Vehicles take 1d6 points of damage for each ten miles per hour they are travelling.
Passengers take half damage.
Objects hit take the same amount of damage as the vehicle, if two objects hit head on add the amount of d6 damage from BOTH vehicles mph and add them together for damage. Heavy armored vechicles such as tanks, etc may take no damage from a small vehicle at the DM's discretion.