Monday, September 27, 2010

Goooooooo BOBCATS!

Or as Jace and cousin Cameron would say...
    "The bobcats are gonna bob YOU!"

Yes, they made that up themselves. :)

Jordan and his brother, Josh are co-coaching a flag football team of 4 and 5 year olds.... so basically they are just babysitting a bunch of kids in uniforms for an hour. :)  BUT, the Bobcats had their first game this past weekend and they did GREAT!!

Most of the kids on the team are the same size.... there is just one who is a liiiiiiiiittle taller than the rest of them.

I was so proud of Jace (although, at halftime he did come sit in my lap and tell me to take off his flag because he was dundies)!

I LOVE this next pic... Cameron was running HARD and FAST with the ball, but just one thing was wrong (I tried to make it extra big to see)...

Look at the coaches fingers.... :):)  wrong way buddy!! :):):)  GO HOME!  RUN HOME!!  He is so dang cute!!! :)

I think all in all it was a successful saturday!  Both teams won, of course (I think I will report that same score every time for the next 9 weeks).

And I had to put a pic of the MOST supportive fans ever... Grandad and Gran! :)  If there is a game, they are there.... PERIOD! :)

Stay tuned for further news from the Bobcats! ):


Lucious said...

I love how in the picture of Cameron running the wrong way...that boy on the right is trying to pull that kid's flag. Hilarious!

Liz said...

Muffins!!! I love Jace's smile face in the last pic. He's awesome.

Kelly said...

Haha! Love these games, they are so fun. Glad Bry ended up on your team.