I have been dreading this day for quite some time... and now it is here....!! My very first baby is going to school from 7:55 am to 2:55 pm every day of the week, and I don't like it one bit!! BUT... she does. She was so excited about going, it kind of hurt my feelings! :)
It still seems like yesterday when she took her baths in the sink. I might try it again tonight just because I miss it... :(
Then she grew a little bigger and our hearts did too... sweet little thing...
I remember taking this picture... I remember everything about it! I was cooking a gourmet dinner, spaghetti, and Jordan was fixing to get home from work. She put this hat on and looked so darn cute, so I ran and got my camera. SOooooo glad I did! :)
And now, she is just BIG. Like, I can barely hold her. BUT, she will always be my baby girl... no matter what grade she is in!
Honestly, this really is a HUGE life change for all of us, and especially my little Riley. She had a great first day on monday and came home to tell me the funniest things...
1)"Mommy, you don't ever need to pack my lunch again. You see, in the cafeteria, they have this little room, and you can go in to it and there is PIZZA, HOTDOGS, CHEESEBURGERS, CHICKEN TENDERS... WHATEVER YOU WANT! You just put it on your plate and go sit down!" (Hopefully you can feel the excitement in her voice, she was pumped up!! :)
2) "There is this little boy in my class that said something REEEEEALLY ugly today. Like, so ugly I can't even tell you what it is."
"He said that this other little kid took his pencil, and he was going to KILL him. Then, that kid said he was going to KILL the other kid!"
lovely. I am thinking Brazos Christian isn't too far away now... :)
3) "I have made LOTS of new friends! Like, everyone that I asked if they would be my friend said YES! I really like this girl named Justice... she has like 20 million clips in her hair. I told her that I liked them, but she said she already knew that."
4) "There are sure a lot of RULES in Kindergarten! Actually, there are rules EVERYWHERE! In the cafeteria, in the gym, in art, music, and at recess! Nothing but RULES!"
Those were just some highlights of the various things she has said. She is doing great, but this morning she started crying on her way out the door. :( She said she cried yesterday too, but she tried really hard to keep them in her eyes and not let the teacher see. :(:(
Love your post! The things she said have me dying laughing. I'm sure it takes everything you've got not to laugh when she says these things!
Katie - you are such a good mommy!!! What a special time for your family, even though I can only imagine how hard it is to let your baby go to kindergarten! Please take notes for me!! :)
Sweet Katie,
I am laughing and crying at the same time!! You are a wonderful mommy and Riley is a very special little girl. The time does go by too, too fast; but, no matter how big she gets, you will always share the most special bond. Blessings to all the Newtons!
No she did not start kindergarten! She is the cutest thing EVER! Love your post...so sweet! Hang in there mama!
So, I'm crying now...that sink picture got me!!
A precious little girl with a PRECIOUS family! Riley is going to bless that school!
It does get easier the bigger they get. I have a 1st grader and a 2nd grader and can not believe how fast time flies. Next year I will have 3 kids in school and one only a few years behind. Riley is such a cutie!
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