Friday, May 17, 2013


The kids had their recital a couple weeks ago and we were so proud of them. They did a great job and neither was nervous at all!
 My amazingly talented, gorgeous, sister-in-law also danced that night.


 It has been so fun to have the kids dance at the same studio as her. It was the end of 24 years of ballet recitals for my inlaws- all Tyler's sisters are AMAZING ballerinas. Meg is the youngest and is headed to college. I have seen her change so much in the 10 years I have been part of the family...we all got emotional watching her dance. If any of you were there that night, Tyler and I apologize for our obnoxious cheering...ehh, never mind, she deserved it!

 Ava was so excited for her first recital, and to wear so much makeup. We did the kids pictures before the show so they wouldn't be so grumpy after. I said to Ava, "Let me see your Arabesque," and this is what she did:
How cute, right?!?

Megan's final bow with Nathan and Ava

I told Nathan to be cool and this was his pose:
 I sure love my kids.

Nathan's group (Hip Hop) danced to Men in Black, and he was front and center which was fun. He has really picked up some good moves.

Megan's final bow with Nathan and Ava





The Yoder's Five said...

Everybody did such a good job! Nathan's dance brought me back to high school. Good times. Ava looked so pretty in her tutu and lipstick!

Jayci said...

aww you guys are such a cute family. What a motivator for Ava to see her aunt as a ballerina. I hope Emmy takes/enjoys ballet. Every little girl needs to experience it, I think. ; ) Nathan is such a little hunk!