Our Love Story

Once up on a time there used to be a travel study through BYU to spend a semester in Nauvoo, Ill.  
Wow right?
Yeah ... about 150 people thought it'd be the cool thing to do Fall Semester 2003.

We got to live across the street from the Nauvoo temple for an entire semester.
Breath taking.

We also got to live just up the street from the Mississippi River.
So beautiful. 

There were several travel studies during the semester.
There were day trips, and a 3 day trip, and an 8 day trip.
We got to see Niagara Falls, and several historic church sites
(any time you want to know more, just ask, we love talking about it).

We took buses to all these places.
So many funny things happen with a bunch of young adults on buses ... ah ...

One of our first stops was in Indiana to check out an Amish town.
It was great.
Well, on one of our tours Dale and I ended up sitting by each other.
Everyone was divided into smaller groups.
As luck would have it ...
All my friends went in the group before me, and I was left with none of my "friends"
(by " friends" I mean the people that I hung out with on a normal day to day basis.  
Really, I knew everyone that was in my group, so it wasn't a huge deal).
However, I'd been talking a bit to Dale, and probably ended up doing this through out the tour
(of course we listened like good students, but ... ya know).

Here is the restaurant where we wall ate that night. 
Meredith, Liz, Kara, Lori, Wendy, Sariah

There were many things that were required of us as students.
One of them was to visit each of the shops on the "flats" and we had to do a scrapbook of them all.
It was a tedious assignment, and of course I'm glad to have that now.  :)

Dale and I visiting the Ryser Boot Shop. 

The semester past and Dale and I were friends ...
Good friends.
We weren't allowed to date on this travel study.
So we pretended like we didn't.

We got home on December 13th, and parted ways.
Of course, we didn't part long ... we were hanging out again a few days later.
We both moved to Provo in January for the beginning of the semester.
It was fun to live close and hang out.
Mid-January we decided that we' be getting married.
About a month later, Dale popped the question at the Logan Temple
(we may or may not have set a date, scheduled the temple, 
had a photographer, and a wedding dress by then though ...)
and it all became official.

The happy couple.

The ring 

On May 18, 2004 we got married in the beautiful Logan temple.
It was perfect weather.  
Slightly cloudy so the pictures were perfect. 

Checkin' each other out.  ;) 

Ah, I love it.

We didn't have a reception that night.
However, after the luncheon while we were getting our things to leave Logan,
our friends (at the time, Dale's friends, but after 8 years, they're totally my friends too),
decorated our car.
It was funny, and fun, and crazy.  :) 

We drove off to Provo, then we got to fly out to Illinois.
Why would we do that?
Well, to visit Nauvoo again of course!

Here we are by the Mississippi River.

Ah, I love this temple.  So beautiful!

It was such a fun adventure and so fun to look back on!  
We love being married and the adventures we've had since, and the ones we'll keep having!!


Sister Murri said...

Such a great story.

Karen said...

LOVE your story!! So fun to read. I always enjoy any time I have to "relive" our own story. Makes me fall in love again.