Damn the Torpedos

Ah, what a place of contrasts; if you look to the West you can see blue skies and a lovely sunset. If you look above you can see the first storm bands, and if look over the horizon of The Atlantic, you can see dark, menacing storms approaching.
I worked my bustle off today securing passes and invites to MTV events; it pays to be nice to everyone along your path of life. The County is being very cautious and has learned a lesson from last year. In that horrible month then Mayor, Alex Penelas, became a hysterical mad woman ordering four mandatory evacutions, one (Francis) THREE days ahead of expected landfall. Not one citizen of South Beach leaves; if you're going to loose everything you might as well go with it. But, the hotels must evacuate their guests and the town is at 95% capacity for the VMA. The new mayor is very careful, indeed.
Just what am I doing tonight? Am I checking my battery collection (left over from last year), fighting with the Cuban housewives for the last can of Chicken of the Sea, or putting my hurricane shutters up? Answer, none of the above. I am feeding KiKi and returning to The Palace for my date with the cop from New Jersey. Don't be jealous, Officer Brian; you are #1 with me, always. However, as they say, "A girl's gotta eat."
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Mrs. A-
I'm chagrined by the thought I may lose you to a Joy-z cop, but like you said "A girl's gotta eat".
So whatever exactly you "eat" tonight, Bon Apetit :)
Save room for dessert...grr baby.
It was all harmless flirtation, Officer Brian; Joy-see was going to Twist AFTER a disco nap, so that told me all I needed to know about him. We were all trapped at The Palace by the rain bands and I made a mad dash after the last one went by. KiKi was waiting at the picture window for my carriage to drop me off. I had dinner before I left the house, so I didn't really have to eat at all.
Here's a joi-see cop, what did you expect?
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