Did you ever have a little one that doesn't do what you ask of them? They run around screaming "No!" to everything you try to get them to do. Lily is doing that same thing to her mommy this morning and when her mom has had enough and walks away a white fluffy bear shows up at her house. They eat, and play and make great big messes! But when Lilly wants to nap the bear yells "NO!" And when Lilly has had enough and asks the Bear with Sticky Paws to clean up his mess he says "Mess? I don't know! I've got to go GOOD-BYE!" and off he goes. When Lilly's mom comes back to the huge mess Lily is ready to cooperate, clean up and have a "huge hug, and one big kiss" from her Mom! Lily finally learned her lesson from a bear who gave her a dose of her own medicine.
The illustrations in this book are whimsical and fun! My girls love watching the mess the Bear makes and they enjoy counting all the food Lily serves the bear! They like picking what they would eat (usually the ice cream and donuts). It really is a true try acting like your kids sometime and they will beg you to stop! If you and your child enjoy this book there are a few more books about the adventures of Lily and the Bear with Sticky Paws.