
Showing posts with label David Shannon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Shannon. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Alice the Fairy By: David Shannon

Meet Alice, she is a temporary fairy not a permanent one because "you have to pass a lot of tests to be a permanent fairy." This is a silly book and girls will flock to it and will fall in love with this precocious character Alice. This tale of a little girl who has "wings" and can fly, has a magic wand, and blanket can do all sorts of fairy like things.  She still needs practice though for things like making her dog float on the ceiling (it seems she hasn't gotten the right magic words down.), and making her clothes float into the closet.  Alice the Fairy has to be careful too because the wicked duchess (her mom) often poisons broccoli "and should never be eaten."

This book is never short on humor and my girls love it!  David Shannon is a great
author and illustrator and seems to know exactly what the kids will love!  My daughter Isabela received this book for Christmas when she was two and memorized it almost immediately.  I remember her quoting the last page of the book "I'll probably be a temporary fairy forever."

"One time my mom made cookies for my dad. So I turned them into mine."  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Bad Case Of Stripes By: David Shannon

A Bad Case Of Stripes is sure to grab your child's attention and having them wanting to read it again and again!  The illustrations are awesome!  The book is about a girl named Camilla Cream who even though she likes Lima beans pretends not to so she won't be picked on.  On her 1st day of school she can't decide what to wear because she wants everyone to like her.  She looks in the mirror and notices she is striped from head to toe!  The stripes turn to stars and stripes, polka dots, checkers, virtually anything anyone mentions takes form on her skin.  The doctors are stumped and give her pills but she only ends up turning into pill!  After an "Environmental Therapist" tells her to "become one with your room." she ends up becoming the walls and all the furniture around her!  Then a little old lady comes in and says she has the cure.  It is Lima beans.  Camilla pretends to hate Lima beans but wants nothing more than to eat the tasty beans.  She is too scared people will think she is weird but ends up telling her the truth, she loves them.  After eating the beans she is cured and back to her normal self.  The woman says to her "I knew the real you was in there somewhere."  The story ends with Camilla not caring if some kids think she is weird or different and she eats her beans and never has a case of the stripes again.  Again  a great entertaining way to get your kids to understand that they only need to be true to themselves...Weird or not!  Emma said after reading this book "I want to read it again Momma!" "Why?" I asked  "Because I like how she gets the stripes." =)
Take a look behind Camilla...It is Fergus!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Good Boy, Fergus! By: David Shannon

Get ready to laugh with this book about an adorable dog named Fergus. The humor for parents draws from the similarities between a toddler and this rambunctious pup. For instance he tends to do what he wants even when called but still gets a "Good boy, Fergus!", he has a tickle spot, he doesn't obey commands, is messy, hides at bath time, begs for treats, and likes his dinner with whipped cream.  He does some things only dogs do too like chasing cats and motorcycles, peeing anywhere he pleases, and hanging his head out the window until he becomes one big puff ball!  The picture of Fergus after he gets done going for a ride is absolutely our favorite page!  I mean look how crazy,cute,funny he is!!  Isabela and Emma always go back and look for this page again for another good laugh!

Isabela pointing to one of the many pee spots. =)
Pick up this great book next time you are at the library or any one of David Shannon's hilarious books!