Showing posts with label Wedding dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding dress. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

An OMG moment for me!

Bear with me as I just had an OMG moment just now.

Love her hairdo and her headpiece!

Damn gorgeous la the back of her dress!

Gosh, super damn gorgeous-nya!

The detailing of the dress sangat exquisite!

OMG...OMG! @_@

I seriously love the hairdo, the headpiece and also the beautiful dress...

Please, whoever yang still thinking style apa nak buat for your wedding dress and experience the same OMG moment with me, please, please, buatlah dress like this and invite me to your wedding. ;)

*Photos credit to Daniel Zain Photography

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Elegant Hijab Inspired Wedding Dress.

Irna La Perle straight from runway.

photos courtesy: irna la perle

If only I jumpa her website time nak design nikah outfit before! Seriously elegant sangat. 

B2b yang baru nak cari idea, it's your luck (especially for those yang tak ada idea and clueless macam I. Sigh...

Ciao! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Songket for Nawal.

Post ni khas untuk Nawal (yang secara tiba-tiba nak pakai songket) :D

photos courtesy: Adria Iman

For my reception dekat my house, I opt for songket. But this is no ordinary songket 'coz sebab ia dicetak on silk fabric (to be specific kain sari 'coz diaorang bawa the design from Malaysia to be cetak dekat India). Therefore here are the reasons why I chose that particular so-called-songket sebab:

1. The corak sangat cantik (sebab pakai benang emas)
2. Kain dia lembut (tak gatal bila pakai)
3. Harga dia lebih sikit but you got 6 meter of kain (nak buat apa dengan remainder tu, buat la. :D)

So if you (Nawal or sesiapa) nak beli the kain, you guys boleh visit dekat Kak Yati punya tiny kedai in Subang Parade. It's called Adria Iman House of Silk and Chiffon. :)

*Note to Nawal: I'm just trying to help yea dear. :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The (hate) dress is altered and...

I did my dress fitting (hopefully this is the last one) yesterday and I wasn't all that panicking pun before nak test the baju. Wasn't sure if it's a good sign or another disaster. But one thing for sure, I didn't expect anything pun for this particular dress. I know, I've vowed untuk menjadi lebih positif but somehow hati sudah 'kering' for this particular dress.

Sarung, sarung the baju...

Fuhh, it's wearable on my W-day!

The dress wasn't all that fancy pun. Biasa-biasa je. Cuma the dress tak se-horror macam before. Therefore I can let go on this one.Bridezilla mode, away! :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wedding Inspirasi for new bride-to-be.

photos courtesy: wedding inspirasi

After dah kahwin, nak kahwin lagi sekali (konon-konon macam renew our wedding vows la) tapi pakai macam ni boleh tak? Tapi for close friends and family je the reception. :D

For new b2b, go here. You'll be inspired, seriously!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

60 seconds of whining.

Please, last one dearies so that after this I won't rasa sakit hati anymore and kembali tenang.

One of the 3 dresses yang I rasa nak pengsan (and bang my head dekat atas meja) bila tengok over and over again. I seriously don't feel beautiful right now. :( And I'm busting my brain now in order to think of ways to beautify/enhance my dresses.

Is this normal?

And kenapa lagi nak dekat kahwin lagi rasa malas yea?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Frustrated (part II).

Sorry guys tak dapat cerita lebih bout my dress 'coz hari tu I was so dissappointed gila sampai menangis-nangis dalam fitting room and I only blogged via my mobile phone. >_<

I dunno how to begin this. I have 3 events on my W-day therefore I'm gonna have 3 dresses untuk dipakai for the events. The first one is kurung moden. Okay, okay la (but Encik Rocker kata it was nice). The second one is my songket. Very simple but I think I managed to find ways untuk wow! kan (kot) the attire. The third one,'s a bit different 'coz the dress sangat simple and more casual. But somehow I felt old wearing it and it doesn't seems so right (this is the real problem). Everything. The whole damn dress. Rasa mahu bang my head dekat atas meja whenever I thinked about it.

Dah la the last fitting session, Encik Rocker tak dapat ikut 'coz somehow dia punya wound bleeding and he had to stay back dekat hospital, again. So dah memang lagi runtuh guts mahu pergi fitting kan. Sigh, sigh. So now, I can only pray and buat MAJOR ALTERATION dekat dress tu supaya nampak wearable on my W-day.

God, oh god, I'm begging you. Have mercy on this soul. *crying*

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The result of the fitting session: er...

Okay I dah settle dah with my fitting session. Tapi just dua baju je. Lagi satu baju ( yang tak lah glamour mana pun) the tailor macam pecah kepala juga nak design and she said that baju tak siap lagi. And to be honest I wasn't that happy sangat with my fitting session. The baju(s) were okay but I think I won't be a gorgeous bride pun kot nanti. Sigh.

Tapi Encik Rocker bagi a different reaction towards yesterday punya fitting session. He said the baju(s) (yang tak seberapa tu) nice. I dunno if nak percaya what he said is true or not 'coz saya still rasa I'm not gonna look gorgeous on my W-day. >_<

Monday, April 26, 2010


SIGH.... (-_-")

Boleh tak dah penat-penat panik sekali tak jadi buat fitting session pula today 'coz my tailor sakit. Therefore previous entry kita guna pakai for tomorrow je la.

It's killing me...

Since lunch hour tadi sangat rasa macam my heart dah nak terkeluar from its place. Malam ni I have fitting session for all of my wedding outfits. God, oh god, I wish nothing but baju yang fit nicely dekat my body.

Peeps, do pray for me yea. :(

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wedding dress creator.

Thanks again Qistin! I terjumpa this marvellous wedding dress creator dekat her blog. Click here for more.