Viva la Revolución

This image has been floating around the net and has been an in a few other blogs and it is great. T-shirts need to be made.
It is strange to say that a team that was tied for the Major League lead in wins and was by far the most dominant team in the National League has overcome all odds to get to the point they are at, but it is true. The Mets have a guy on the mound pitching that had the highest regular season ERA out of any pitcher to start in a playoff game. That is just starting, forget about starting a game seven.
The Mets grinded their way here after some forgettable performances against the Cardinals and will be prepared to do battle for game seven at Shea stadium. You think last night was nuts? I cannot fathom how crazy it will be tonight and it all rests on the shoulders of one erratic lefty who could throw a no hitter and go the distance or get pulled after the first.
We know that all hands are on deck for tonight with the exception of John Maine. Perez will have the shortest leash you have ever seen a pitcher have and that is out of complete necessity. Not one person in the world knows what this kid is going to do. You can guess, but consistency has not been his thing over the past few seasons.
Admittedly I was not feeling to optimistic prior to yesterday's game. I was a doubting Thomas. A negative Nancy. A douchefuck Dave. Today? Not so much. I'm so happy you would think A-Rod's plane overran the runway...oh wait. This is what it is all about. I know the Mets were in the World Series this century and not all that long ago, but it feels like it never happened. The Shea faithful are alive and kicking and is time for all hands to be on deck. It is time for the offense to show up like they did in Perez's last start and it is time for the Mets to keep proving everyone wrong.
Scott said...
Gammons was on the Fatman and Lapdog show tonight. He is sure that Zito is coming our way in a deal for 6 years and $96mil.
He says that Zito is indeed in man love with Rick Peterson. Gammons doesn’t think that the Spanks are interested because of their payroll but he does think they will spend on the Japanese Ma%$?duke guy but both Toronto and Boston will jack up that idea.
He also thinks it will still be a Mets Tigers WS.
6:37 PM
Too much for Zito? I think we all can agree yes, but I think he would be stellar for this Mets club and provide some much needed stability.
As for Gammo's prediction, his face might look like melted wax, but the man makes sense.
metfaninutah said...
I think we get to Carpenter again tonight and Maine shocks the baseball world with a stellar performance. Look at it this way, we still have home field advantage, even if we're facing elimination. The Mets have been great and Shea and the Cards didn't fare too well there earlier this season. Have Faith! We can still do this.
Prophetic man. Very well done.
"We've had their agents express interest that they want to come back and we've told them that we are interested in some of the guys and that we will discuss it at the end of the year," Minaya said. "I don't think it's right now to be talking. I'd rather not. Some agents want to be more aggressive than others and some players have said they want to be back."
One such player is Tom Glavine, who would seem to be a near lock at returning for another season. The Mets could bring him back with a $14 million option, or if they decline, Glavine could choose to return for $7.5 million or exercise a $3-million buyout.
"We'd love to have Tommy Glavine back next year," Minaya said.
Personally, I hope he returns.
"The fans here, if you need that little extra momentum, they will help you out," Maine said. "They will give it to you."
John Maine appreciates the Shea faithful.
At present, the worst season ERA ever to start a Game 7 is 5.88, by Gregg, who was the Dodgers' winning pitcher, in relief, on April 15, 1947, which was Jackie Robinson's debut. Perez, at 6.55, would easily eclipse Gregg's ERA.
If the Mets want to be heartened, the second-worst ERA to ever start a Game 7 was 5.42 by Derek Lowe in the 2004 ALCS. Lowe won by holding the Yanks to one run in seven innings while his counterpart, Kevin Brown, lasted just 11/3 innings and surrendered five runs.
Why did the Mets' Willie Randolph put in Billy Wagner in the ninth inning during a non-save situation?
-- Sal R., New York
Wagner should have been in there. He hasn't pitched since Friday and he needed the work on the mound. I think this outing will help him for Thursday.
Why in the world does Wagner keep throwing sliders instead of his fastball, his money pitch?
-- Ana P.
That's something the FOX announcers brought up toward the end of the game on Wednesday. I think you have to show a hitter more than just a fastball -- mix things up.
I'm very sick of Pujols this series. I had a lot of respect and admiration for him until this series started. And while many would say that I'm annoyed by him just cuz he's playing my favorite team, but I think I'd be annoyed with him still if he were playing the hated Braves. He just is showing a real lack of class. Which is really sad. He's got a ton of talent and doesn't need to come up with excuses. I hope he gets a big fat 0-4 with a K on his stat sheet tonight!
I don't think Suppan is going to be nearly as good tonight as in game 3. He's been vulnerable to left-handed hitting all year with lefties hitting right around .300 against him. Two, the Mets know more what to expect from him and won't get themselves out as much like they did in game 3, swinging at some pitches out of the zone. If they make him pitch strikes, we'll be in Detroit on Saturday. Hell yeah game 7! It's on!
11:58 AM
Let's not forget this game ain' in St. Louis. The stadium is goinng to be rocking. The crowd will be hostile.
Pujols dissapointed a lot of people. Really, he seems like dick. I guess playing in St. Louis will mask that kind of stuff, but for how long? I think it will start to come out from here on out.
12:00 PM
Oliver Perez's inconcsistancy is part of the excitement.
Part of the crazyness.
THe anticipation is fucking nuts.
Don't you almost have to bring back Glavine?
Pedro, GLavine, Maine, Oliver Perez, and the last spot could be ANYBODY! Zito? Matsuzaka? Phil Humber? Mike Pelfrey? how about Alay Soler? haha, shit... even El Duque?
The Mets are in good position.
EVen though the average isn't there Im still impressed with Fernando Martinez. TO me just seeing one hit on the night gives me a big smile.
Dustin Martin is RAKING in the Hawaiin WInter League.
Lets go Mets, we're winning this!
12:37 PM
Yeah, I agree you have to bring him back especially with Pedro's injury.
That rotation you outlined above with Zito in there is the shit. Really, solid man. I love it. Three guys under 30 as well with another young gun being added opening day and holding a place for Pedro and them permenently in 2007.
Oh, F-Mart is incredibly impressive. While guys OLDER than him are playing in the lesser Hawaii League, he's playing with guys almost ready for the bigs in the AFL. This kid is a ringer.
1:07 PM
Martinez may make it to Shea by the time he's 20 but more likely 21. Gotta like him.
Zito. If they sign him, I won't be upset. I do worry about the price, but having already locked up Master Reyes and Master Wright for the arb years, the Mets can at least take on a big contract with a financial plan well in place. Plus, most of those young pitchers that are getting the Mets some props these days won't earn really killer contracts during at least two thirds of the contract.
Ollie Perez will get the job done. I wouldn't be unhappy with his three runs, five innings of the other day (before he started grooving fast balls with such a large lead; something he'll need to do is not drop intensity). BUT, how Oliver pitches is moot if the Mets continue to treat Jeff Suppan as if he was Chris Carpenter and that ilk.
Jose totally calmed himself down last night, by which I mean when he was at the plate - other attempts to calm him down would not work anyway. Approach is capital, and that's what DWright needs to come with tonight or during the series with the Tigers (where I expect the Mets to be after tonight).
It seems to my baguette-carrying, wine-wizened eyes that he's become too "gourmand" as you'd call it here in the country of NO! Meaning he is sacrificing agressiveness for the zen pitch, beauty of beauties, illusory for the most part though all too real when Steve Trachsell pitches. He needs to stop thinking quite so much and just let himself go.
Or maybe it's just that he needs to get layed...
2:22 PM
DG, that was a brilliant rant....
2:29 PM
As I correct my previous post...
Cardinals in the WS
(but Cardinals in 7 for LCS)
3:19 PM
Anonymous....You are a loser, FUCK OFF.
When Wagner comes into the game to close out the win for us tonight I hope he melts the radar gun. NOTHING BUT FILTHY HEAT MUTHAFUCKA!!!!!!
The bats will arrive tonight and bash Suppan like he was a white man dripping gold jewelry walking through Camden!
Lets go Mets!!!
3:43 PM
I give Anon guy credit for being funny at least.
I'm pumped man...heading off to Stout in NYC in a few.
4:27 PM
Guys, you really need to check out how hilarious this is. Scroll to the bottom where the give the number to call if you want to be vendors at Shea...I spit water all over my keyboard at the office.
4:52 PM
Ahh my magic is gone.
I won't be able to go to Game 7 :(
But for whoever is going, have fun!
4:55 PM
"Anonymous....You are a loser, FUCK OFF"
Written like a true savant
I will take that fuck off and toast you with a congratulatory sip of bubbly from the visiting side.
Cardinals in 7
Cardinals in 6 (live from Detroit)
5:24 PM
Its called being fucking asshole.
6:00 PM
Scott Scott Scott...
You are definitely getting your panties all bunched up over this. You should calm down and prepare to be my bitch after tonight.
Good girl...
6:05 PM
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