Showing posts with label family time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family time. Show all posts


Grandparents visit...

 Mimi is the best!
Williams Soccer


Early Christmas

Bill and Shelly were wonderful and came to tend while we went to NYC.
When we got home we had a celebration with them and the kids were showered with Christmas gifts. 
It was a wonderful day!


Birthday Surprise Weekend: NYC

 It was so easy breezy traveling with one baby.
I had major Oliver bonding time on the trip which was wonderful.
Thanks to our dear Grandparents that came to watch the other two darlings.
 Surprise to CK! Happy Birthday dear Mother.
 It was a splendid weekend. 

 Love my brothers.
 Great to catch up with the cousins in NYC. 
D Man chilling at Shake Shack.
 The MOMA. 


Saying goodbye...

I may have had to drag myself out of bed the day after she left- 
living away from our families is plain old hard sometimes.


Oliver 2 weeks: happenings

 He is becoming more alert and having little wakeful periods.
 We are really enjoying this fall weather where we can get out and about with Oliver.
 It is a must to bake with Grandma. Cookies are the tradition!


Conference Weekend

  We enjoyed conference weekend. 

She loves to hold Oliver.
 Visited a delicious cider mill with amazing fresh donuts, we admittedly have been back a few times this fall.
 Grandma love.
Bike rides with Dad in the "wild kingdom" on the island.


Model T

Field Trip to Greenfield Village at the Henry Ford Museum
Model T ride


Lunch on the Porch

Lunch on the porch is a favorite of ours.
Left over salmon, pajamas and the tiger mask make it a very special occasion!


Begrudgingly we left the beach and went back to the city.


William's Birthday

Sweet William turned 2 while we were at the beach. 
We had such a wonderful time and he was such a happy boy.


 Summer afternoons spent with Mimi and Papa. The kids are in heaven playing with Ralph.

 The kids love playing with Papa and Mimi.
 A birthday party for Eliza and William. 
So sweet of GG, Mimi, Papa, Aunt Marie and sweet Aunt Jessie.



Cousin time


Bike Ride!

Bike rides with Ben, a  summer time favorite.
Also Eliza's new smile is really making her look older!


Tulip Festival

 The kids and I took at day trip to Iowa with some friends to attend the Pella, Iowa Tulip Festival. It was fantastic. The lighted parade at the end of the day was the kids favorite.
 William ran and ran and loved playing all day!

 Eliza was excited to find a purple tractor!


Grandma Care

 Grandma Care came to visit!
Pure joy for all.
We got to visit the Kansas City temple open house, beautiful.
I may have a horizontal stripe problem, evidence is showing.
 Fun days of shopping, quilting, finishing projects, pedicures, phones dropped in pedicure tubs, getting things done Carolyn-style (which means you get ALOT done) and just having fun hanging out. We miss her!
It was so hard to say good bye. Eliza had a total break down in the car, no idea where she gets that from. We love having visitors! Thanks for coming Mom!
