Showing posts with label Places. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Places. Show all posts

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tower of The Changer 1pg Dungeon

Get it HERE.

Okay, the idea here was to create a training ground to teach a group how to think about dungeon exploration without killing them outright. The levels I'm working on now will be considerably more lethal and should be done sometime around 2015 at the rate I'm going.

Edit: there were two small mistakes in the original version. I fixed them and re-uploaded. Sorry.

Edit #2: 04/07 Once again, I've uploaded a new version. this time with a better lay out and some links and shit.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Short Gazetteer part 3 of 3- the map and and what isn't on it.

(Dedicated to James at The Underdark Gazette)

Short Gazetteer Part III

"The present is not the unified product of one past. Rather it is the result of many possible pasts, entwined like the threads of a garment or, more likely, mashed together like the ingredients of a cheap sausage. Who is to know what made the end product? Not you, not the lords of the cities or the sea, and certainly not I. All one can do is eat the sausage and hope the fragrence of the forthcoming flatulence will be of the milder sort."

-Bhanal the Mystic, shortly before he was cast into the wilderness by the Circle of Ssaur for public drunkenness and inciting religious sentiment.

The Metal Earth is vast; what is shown on the map and detailed here in the gazetteer represents only the smallest fraction of what is out there. The map is intended to be both inaccurate and difficult to obtain (in my own game it hangs in the office of the Chief Elder of the Council of the city Head). Aside from traders, outcasts and bandits, people stay in the cities. Banishment is the most common criminal punishment everywhere, and it is effectively, in most cases, execution.
The area depicted is meant to represent a common culture area. Certainly this culture area displays regional, racial and ethnic differences within its confines, and indeed within its individual components, but there is a common language (so old and pervasive that it really doesn't have a name) and a widely shared cultural package including such things as dietary preferences, pottery styles, sexual taboos, and ideas regarding cosmology and religion. Obviously different groups and different areas all "interpret" the package in thier own way, but even so, on any given evening, a hand of Mür in Zil are likely to sit down to a meal not all that different from what can be had in the dockside taverns of Shards. Although anyone who has had burritos in Texas and New Mexico, or hamburgers both in the US and Europe, or chicken wings in Buffalo, NY and any other place at all really, can tell you that subtle differences can be quite telling.

Part of this cultural package is the shared belief in the reality of places the existence of which can, at best, be evinced by indirect means. For example: there are Snow Apes, they are civilized and have high technology; they do not live amongst the general population of the Rüinlands; therefore, they must have a city of there own.

Such conclusions, drawn (at least tenuously) from logical deductive processes, nevertheless provide the foundation upon which fanciful rumor can be built. Furthermore, there are some travelers in the world, and half remembered historical accounts from the Earth's long, long history. These rumors and accounts blend together to create the descriptions of the legendary places (some if not most of which actually do exist one in some form or another) discussed below. The truth is, perhaps, buried or hinted at somewhere within the legends and myths- or perhaps not...

Secret city of the Snow Apes: According to rumor the secret city of the Snow Apes is located in the Spires ( the northern mountain chain of Xur the northern continent. Snow Apes travel the world in groups of three, often in advanced vehicles and perform what seems to be an endless scientific survey. They are perhaps the most xenophobic race native to the planet (if they are natives) and they place little or no value on the lives of other sentient beings; in fact, they will literally kill you just to watch you die- often taking notes during the course of it. Their supposed city has countless names in legend, but is most often referred to just as "the Secret City." unruly children are often told that if they do not behave they will be whisked away to the Secret City. Sometimes it actually happens.

The Enclave: The enclave is the supposed last, hidden refuge of the humans. Legends and rumors as to its location are varied and vague. It is thought that the human residents of southern Xäl relocated to the Enclave some 3-5 centuries in the past. Human player characters are often from the Enclave or looking for it, or in some cases, both.

The Fountain: It is undeniable that the Fountain actually exists and there are a few people who know where it is. However, humans can gain the power to use sorcery if they drink from it, and its location is therefore a closely guarded secret. Most legends place it in the Jungle of Nool; somewhere up on the Würm; in the War Waste; or on an island in the Archipelago of Nom.

The War Waste: Myth describes the War Waste as a haunted, time-lose, super-continent size battlefield of varied and unpredictable climate and composition. The landscape is composed of the rusted out or otherwise destroyed remnants of war machines and the decaying bodies of soldiers from all the ages of the Earth. The clash of steel, gunfire and sounds of fighting can often be heard in the distance and it is not uncommon to run up against a Nazi patrol, or squad of Roman legionnaires. It is thought to lie in the great unnamed ocean east of Zansall (the southern continent).

The Island of the Changers: The island of the Changers is another place that actually, without question exists. Many poor souls have been taken there, altered and then later released in their own homelands. However its location is unknown. Count Brood, the great human hero of days gone by, is said to have visited the Island of the Changers during the course of his adventures in the Rüingulf. These stories, the veracity of which is open debate, place the island some days sail to the south of Skeeme. Regardless, the Island of the Changers is the legendary home of these evil scientists, and it said to be the place where they do most of there experimenting.

Koristanasalix: the last great city of the humans lost or destroyed during the Wars of Unreason. The streets are said to be paved with arcanum, and attractive erotically augmented autonms and synthetics see to you every need. Food is grown in the sunshine, not in the dark recesses of greenshafts and everyone who resides there lives for 10,000 years... and so on. Nobody knows weather it exists or not, much less where it is. Selling maps to Koristanasalix is such a popular grift that in many cities it is grounds for banishment.

Anyway, my next few posts are going to focus more on mechanics. First up you will see how I plan to pervert/expand the saving throw system in order to use it in lieu of skills. then come the classes, and I still need to post the (non contest) 1pg dungeon I did...

Addendum: I changed the blog's title pic, as much as I liked the original pic (it was a part of screen cap from Thundarr) I felt like i should have something of mine up there.

Also- I spent my first old school dollars today (unless we count the paper route money I blew in the early '80's, of course)- I bought the S&W White Box... er box from here.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Short Gazetter part 2 of 3, and unrelated pic.

Short Gazetteer Part II

Big islands and major bodies of water:

Sea of Ghosts: Once long ago, a green glowing stone, from some evil and unknown somewhen, fell through a hole in space and tumbled into the Shimmering Sea. The stone exploded upon impact with the sea. The once crystal clear waters turned dark and murky as they became infected with the evil of the stone. Malign currents stirred the silty, soul filled sea bottom and disturbed the spirits of an eon, tearing them from the bosom of death and forcing them into a tortuous half life. The Sea of Ghosts is haunted by the specters of a thousand thousand generations of sailors, sea monsters, and everything else that has lived in died in the ocean. Ghostly ships prowl the wave tops , spectral u-boats prowl the depths alongside liopleurodon zombies, and vampire trilobites scuttle across the seabed. Aside from the Mür, who have mastered some secret of passage, the living avoid the Sea Of Ghosts. A homicidal and suicidal madness will overcome any crew caught out on the sea after dark.

Sea of Ice: The Sea of Ice is a cold and treacherous body of water, ripped by rogue currents and clogged with ice. However, the waters support a thriving ecosystem of varied cold water taxa; primitive and warlike, nomadic bands of beastkin, cave apes and cyborg mongrels make their homes upon the ice in the winter, moving to the coastland and the banks of the Ugörr in the summer.

The Ruingulf: The Ruingulf is the central feature of the region. It connects the disparate settlements, providing the fabric for the web of culture, warfare and trade in which they are forever entwined. The depth of the ocean varies greatly from place to place, but the waters are nearly uniformly clear, especially in the south. The Ruingulf takes its name from the seeming endless assortment of algae and coral covered ruins that cover its sandy bottom.

Xäl: Mostly wilderness now, five hundred years ago, during the time of Artimus Brood, southern Xäl was the last area of the region still controlled and occupied by humans. Since that time the settlements have been abandoned and the southland has, like so many places in the world, been reclaimed by the wilderness. As to what became of Brood’s people, rumors are many, but certainty is nonexistent. The ruling family of Head name Brood as the founder of their line, but many doubt the veracity of this claim.

Skeeme: A world unto itself, the island of Skeeme encompasses a variety of environments and peoples. Rocketmen, Ratlings, Slavers, Neanderthals, Minotaurs, Hawkmen and monsters of every description live, fight and die on Skeeme. The island is featured heavily in the Saga of Brood and is rumored to be a treasure house of ancient technology.

The Hungry Shore: The Hungry Shore is an especially treacherous area of the Rüingulf ; sharp, ship breaking reefs, time storms, hurricanes, meglodon, kraken and savage mere people slavering for sailor’s flesh are just some of the hazards faced by ships crossing this area. The secret of passage through the maze of reefs and semi permanent vortexes is known only to a few, and their services never come cheap. The fishing is good, though.

The Archipelago of Nom: Contemporary scholars know little in regard to the Archipelago of Nom. According to legend, each one of the several dozen islands (only the largest of which show on the map) contains a unique wonder: one island is said to have a castle made of pure Arcanum, another supposedly is crowded with an endless array of erotic statuary, a third is said to be the home of the Cyclops. It is also said that the same individual can never visit any island twice.

Geographic features of Zansall, the southern continent:

The Desert of Rust: The Desert of Rust is a huge scorching-hot wasteland of broken and decaying machines. Forever hunted by giant iron eating robot worms as well as other fell and depraved monsters, autonms and other mechanicals eek out a living there, lurking and scavenging amongst the wreckage.

The Burning Peaks: The Burning Peaks, a ring of active volcanoes, are said to be the home of extraterrestrial creatures known as the Scorn. The Scorn are sadistically cruel, ethereally tall humanoids with purple skin and gaunt nose-less faces. Why they chose to settle the region of the burning peaks is unknown. They cannot survive direct contact with the volcanoes any better they the native inhabitants of the planet and live in shielded, hidden obsidian cities powered by geothermal heat. The Scorn provide the Slavers of Gear with some of their best custom, and it is not uncommon for overland slave caravans to make there way along the southern edge of the Desert of Rust up into the Burning Peaks in order to delver merchandise.

The Lake of Fire: The lake of fire is in reality a volcano that is erupting very slowly though fissures lining the bottom of a huge basin. The area contains a complete ecosystem, though, and is controlled by Salamanders and Magmen, who have little contact with the outside world but are continually at war with one another.

Jungle of Nool: The Jungle of Nool is a huge rainforest the true dimensions of which should not even to be speculated about. The jungle teems with life like no other place on the planet, and hides more secrets than any other local as well. The ruins and remains of whole civilizations are lost in the shadows of the deep forest concealed beneath the massive and tangled vegetation.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Map and Short Gazetteer Part I

As far as the map goes, there have been some additions and changes. Anyway, it sucks less than the old map.
Notice my lack of commentary on the infrequency of new posts.
Short Gazetteer Part I


Ssaur: Located almost in the shadow of the Würm glacier, Ssaur is an ancient city famous for its handicrafts, cheese and beer. An oppressed multi-racial majority is ruled over by the Shae who are in turn ruthlessly dominated by their own sorcerous elite. The city is rumored to house the headquarters of a secret cabal of sorcerers and scientists who work to retard the progress of the Würm.

Shards: Built on the ruins of a much older city or, as seems more likely, cities, Shards is a strange patchwork town strewn across a myriad of tightly packed coastal islands of varying size; some of the gaps between islands can be jumped, some islands have bridges, and others have access restricted to watercraft.

Shards is a wealthy city; this wealth is based upon the Arcanum mines in the mountains to the west. However, a secondary economy, based upon the slave trade and all manner of vice- legal and otherwise, thrives in the city as well. The city is nominally controlled by the local aristocracy, most of whom have stakes in the mines, but, in reality, the wealth has drawn vice and chaos. Shards is a contested battleground, fought over by racial groups, tribes, guilds and criminal gangs.

Head: Located on the northern coast of the island Xäl, Head is a parasite city built inside the cranium of a defunct giant humanoid robot. The post cranial body of the robot is buried (in a standing position) beneath the ground. The main industry of the city is mining the remains of the robot. Currently, operations have only extended into the upper part of the neck. Many secondary industries exist, mostly involved in metalwork. Head is the steel mill and the gun factory for this region of the Metal Earth. The city is ruled by a consul of elected officials, who are controlled by a group of rat- men from Skeeme.

Gear: Gear is the city of the Slavers. It has a couple of dockside taverns and shops, but the majority of the city is designed to process and move slaves, most of whom are taken from raids made along the coast south of the Hungry Shore. Slavers never show their faces to outsiders, and seem to be perpetually cold; they wear heavy winter attire regardless of season or conditions. The slavers of gear are closely aligned with the Ratmen of Skeeme and the Changers.

The Nameless City:

The Nameless city is a blasted ruin along the southern Hungry Shore. Once, how long ago is unknown, the Nameless city came into conflict an unknown enemy. A terrible war ensued. The Nameless City lost. Their adversary raised and salted their land, killed or sold all of their people off into slavery, and, through a combination of conventional and sorcerous means, destroyed all evidence of the city’s past, even its name. All that remains are the ruins along the coast, covered with script no one can remember how to read, and a fleeting half formed memory shared by some, that once, something was there.

Zil: Zil is the stronghold of the Mür and the seat of their Madling ruler Autocrix Mandolo Boneaxe. The entire city, home to the Mür breeding vats, is carved from a single piece of black basalt. No non-Mür have ever seen the inside of Zil and lived. The city is impregnable; many have tried over the course of last several thousand years to destroy it; all have failed. The fall of the Minotaur Empire of the last epoch is thought by many scholars to be partially due to an overzealous commitment of resources in this regard.

Krall: A city of Therasens (sentient dinosaurs) originating at the period at the end of the Jurassic and transported to the Metal Earth by a Time Storm. The remainder of the island is a forested wilderness inhabited by cretaceous fauna and Neanderthal man. Krall is well fortified and well protected. Mür raiders have paid a terrible price in blood for molesting the Therasens in the past, and currently avoid the island as a whole. Some say that other strange creatures lost in time roam the island, however, those foolish enough to explorer Krall rarely return, so the truth of this claim remains unknown.

Geographic Features of Xur, the northern continent.

The Crumbled Mountains: An ancient range of weathered limestone peaks, the Crumbled Mountains are honeycombed with hundreds of micro-climatic valleys, which contain lost worlds from every conceivable time period in the history of the Earth (see The Forgotten Depths). The mountains are covered by the Würm at their northern expanse, but extend far to the southeast along the coast; no resident of the Ruinlands knows what lies beyond them.

The Würm: Already, it covers most of Xur, the northern continent; and the great Würm Glacier moves a little further south each year. Legends tell of cities and cultures devoured over the eons by the unstoppable and crushing glacial flow; other tales contain fanciful accounts of glittering caches of treasure and technology, or lost oases of warmth, hidden within the endless expanse of cold.

Lake Brood: Ssaur is located on an island in the center of Lake brood, a body of glacial melt water adjacent to the crumbled Mountains.

The River Sphere: The Sphere is the main conduit for goods moving from Ssaur to Shards, but it is a treacherous, swift moving river. The Sphere’s cloudy, plesiosaur infested waters hide rocks and sand bars; ravenous beasts stalk it’s wooded banks. Also the water is a bit cold.

The Haunted Wood: Huge and monster-infested, the Haunted Wood is a coniferous forest dominated by giant (redwood sized) pines. The woodland covers what was once a great megalopolis, known today only as Ak-hurr; entire regions of which are rumored to remain intact, or nearly so, beneath the forest floor. The Haunted wood is stormy and cold and winter and sweltering and bug infested during the summer.

The Wound: According to legend, the Wound was created at some time during the final stages of the War of Unreason; however it is far more likely that it was created by natural tectonic forces as southern and northern Xur began to move away from each other on separate plates. Whatever the cause of its creation, the Wound is thousands of feet deep. Whole ecosystems exist on its walls and countless terraces; what lies on its floor, so far from the light of the sun, is unknown; however, whatever it is, you can bet walking dead people and carnivorous fungus are probably involved.

The Ugörr River: Flowing down from a glacial headwater in the north, the Ugörr waters Dagon’s Foot and the northern expanse of the Haunted Wood. Its smaller branch, the Lesser Ugörr turns into the Wound, dropping away to create the most spectacular waterfall in the known world.

Dagon’s Foot: The peninsula named Dagon’s foot is a cursed place, barren and swarming with the undead.

The Spires: The jagged, barren mountain chain to the north is known as the Spires, and is rumored to be home to the secret city of the snow apes.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Forgotten Depths 1pg wilderness.

Once a seabed, now a tropical wilderness hidden away in the cold north. What secrets does it contain? What horrors of the dark and deep places remain, nurturing their unwholesome appetites, waiting for a chance to feed?

Anyway, one night about a month ago I was reading Warlord of Mars and, although there is no atmosphere plant in the story itself, there are references to the one Carter visited at the end of Under the Moons of Mars, which got me thinking about such things and how they might impact the landscape around them, which led to this-

One page wilderness hextravaganza... Metal Earth Style.
Get it here:
The Forgotten Depths

Note- there are no game stats with the hex descriptions, but I'm working on a short Metal Earth Critter Kodex (TM) that will give stats for all the varmints. Look for it soon; expect it later.
There is also a 1pg dungeon adventure in the works (it's pretty much done, I just need to redraw the map. It's called The Tower of the Changer, and is located in hex 0501 of the map above. I tried to get all three ready for the holidays, but it didn't work out.

I'll try to post one of the two over the next week or so.
Also, I have three new character classes in the works: Scout, Emissary and Slayer.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Desert of Rust

The desert at night (Click on pic for full image)

The Desert of Rust:
The area that is now the Desert of Rust was once occupied by a spaceport, and a great city. Once the Earth became a forgotten galactic backwater, the disused spaceport gradually fell into ruin, and, over the course of the following millennia, the city was abandoned. Some say that a great earthquake broke open the city’s power plants, resulting in the spread of harmful radiation which forced the residents to flee. Others say it was a war, or a strange emanations from a alien starship that made the city unlivable. Grumpy old folks maintain that people just got tired of cleaning the place and left. Eventually, however, for what ever reasons, the city was both abandoned and shunned.
The great spires of glass and metal and the massive machines of the city were forgotten and left to rot. Furthermore, the nations of Xurk (the northern continent) and the peoples of the Archipelago of Nom commenced to using the region as a dumping ground for waste- hazardous and otherwise. Despite this, the place gradually became reinhabited, criminals and and renegade autonms found refuge in the collapsing ruin of the place, and fierce strains of animal and plant life evolved there as well.
Time crawled on.
Over the ages, the machines have rusted and decayed, until a thick layer of fine, silty rust lies across the entire landscape. The once great city has all but vanished beneath the red dust. In some places, seas of unbroken red dunes rise and fall from horison to horizon; in others , the remnants of machines and structures great and small thrust up through the dust, like jagged fingers clutching at the uncaring, blood-colored sky.
Deranged mechs, nomadic bands of depraved autonms and mutants wander this wasteland, dwelling in subterranean remnants of the lost city and and even in the open desert, living off dying batteries, dwindling hydraulic fluid and harvesting what metal they can. Huge mechanical worms move beneath the surface; strange beasts of unknown origin and aspect lurk in the red shadows, hungry for whatever sustenance they can find, be it ferrous or fleshy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Ssaur is one of the oldest extant cities on Xurk (the north continent) It is, and has always been the main home of the Shae. the city is divided into four districts, and can only be entered from the outside from the eastern most district: the Horn. Movement between districts is highly regulated. Only Shae, Lizardmen, and Greys are allowed to venture outside of the Horn. Humans are not allowed into the city at all except for in very special circumstances. The island upon which the city is built is generally very hilly; altitude increases sharply as one moves to the west; Stairs are as common as streets in the two lower most districts. Streets and stairs are absent from The Arbors and the High city both- these districts are restricted to higher caste Shae and their servants (mostly lower caste Shae). A closed network of Teleportation disks is the main method of conveyance in these areas.

Population: 25k
20% Shae
10% Lizard men
10% Grey
10% Mongrel
40% Minotaur
10% other


The Horn:
The lowermost area of the city is rundown and extremely overcrowded. It contains both entrances to the cities Agricultural caverns (referred to as the Greenshaft), and most of the residents are employed in food production. Hron (similar to manatee, but domesticated) are raised in pools located on the lowermost levels of the Greenshaft. Crime is rife here, and injustice is the norm. A huge Tyrannical Minotaur named Braxis manages the Greenshaft for his Shae masters, and subsequently rules the Horn itself.

The streets of the Horn are little more than muddy alleys winding between closely packed ramshackle buildings of wood, mudbrick and wattle.

The stink is so bad the locals have given it a name: The Waft. Characters who hole up in the horn for any length of time will carry the smell of it (one part bovine, one part rancid vegetable, three parts rotten fish, four parts unknown) for 3-8 days (1d6+2). Furthermore characters who have been there for over a week, will have to make perception (or equivalent) to even know that they smell that bad. Entering other districts of the city smelling of the waft is against the law and will lead to a Level One reprimand (see below). Entering the Haunted wood stinking of the Waft is the equivalent to offering a dinner invitation to every hungry predator within several leagues.

Market Town:
Market Town is where most of the city's business takes place. Higher class artisans and merchants (mostly low caste Shae) live here. The granite cobbled streets are patrolled by squads of Shae guards. Market Town is an exponentially more pleasant place than the Horn. Indoor plumbing is the norm and there are several (racially segregated) public baths. That said, it is far, far easier to get arrested in Market Town. The Circle (the city's ruling oligarchy) has a much firmer grip on Market Town than it does on the Horn, and their wishes are largely carried out by the guard commander and high judge (a Lizard Man) Korid Firescale. However there is a thriving black market in Hron meat (especially the bacon-like Glisglis), magic/tech items and green lingerie.

There is a working Teleportation pool in a disused temple. It leads to similar pool in Shards. Some trade is carried out between the two cities utilizing the pool, but the tariff is so high that many merchants prefer the risks of using one of the thrice yearly caravans to convey their goods.

The Arbors:
The Arbors is a lovely wooded residential area filled with circular clusters of Shae roundhouses. Magically Tame animals and monsters roam at will- and enforce the peace. Shae belonging to the highest seven castes (there are 24 total) live here. There are roughly thirty families livng in the Horn. The members of the so called "Overcaste" are selected from these families- this designation is usually based on Magical ability. Entering the Arbors without special permission will result in an instant Level three punishment (see below).

The High City:
Similar in many ways to the Arbors, The High City is the home of the Overcaste, or the Circle, the city's ruling elite. Members of this "non-caste" and their immediate families are considered to have transcended caste distinction. They display their unconcern for such things by eschewing the color green in their garments and domiciles and living in elaborate rectilinear houses, some of which even have scandalous and decadent features such as stairs and windows. Members of the Circle are Powerful sorcerers
A huge Ziggarut juts above all the other structures in the High City. It is rumored to be older than the city itself. No one, not even members of the Circle, ever talks about it.

The Law:
Sumptuary Laws:
Non Shae are prohibited from living in round structures, owning magic/tech items, anything green (or made from jade), using wheeled carts, congregating in groups of twelve or more and eating Hron (see below) meat. Religion is not completely outlawed, but it is generally frowned upon by most of the city's residents from high to low- as is common all over the ME.

Criminal Law
The Horn is ruled by the law of the jungle, but in the other sections of the city it is really easy to get arrested; guard captains are authorized to pronounce sentence on the spot, and the punishments are harsh to say the least. These punishments come in three varieties:

Level 1: (social impropriety censure). If you talk to loud, smell bad, commit an act of rudeness against a Shae (or sometimes a Lizard Man) or are found in Market Town when you shouldn't be there, you receive a level one punishment. This consists of 10 lashes, six months of penal servitude in the Greenshaft (usually involving the most dangerous work, and branding with a fool's mark (on the ass).

Level 2: (petty theft, murder of a non-Shae, unauthorized possession of contraband) Same as above, except it's a year in the Greenshaft, the brand goes on the transgressor's forehead, and the criminal is expelled into the wilderness at the close of the sentence, forbidden to return to Ssaur.

Level 3: (Grand theft, public drunkeness, murder or assault of a Shae or any of their agents, wearing green in public) Simply put they drop you down into the so called bottomless pit on the Isle of Solitude. No one has ever returned; therefore branding and flogging are considered redundant.