Here it is fans, Our intro video of "Last Time, on Themendous" This is part 1 of a great sizzle put together for us by 2CMedia, who has graciously allowed us to air it on our social channels. The video was shot and edited by the talented husband/wife team of Zeus and Jennifer Leyva of Cabana Pictures. There will be more to come from this sizzle, as it covers a hard hit deadline for a project we made for Jimmy Buffet's Margartiaville in Jamaica. (having just gotten hit by Hurrican Sandy, they had an urgent need to rebuild, and came to us Themendous, for that very help. Believe it or not, we were already scheduled to film a sizzle revolving around a different build, when the hurricane happened to hit. The footage from this project just fell in place.
Tremendous Theming by Themendous is your one stop shop for all your Fun Center Theming and Entertainment Art needs! For oversized props, displays, character costumes, mini golf sets, and 3D signage, we are a full fabrication studio. Contact us today at for your next install!