Sunday, October 7, 2012

Antietam Battlefield

 The Battle of Antietam, also known as the Bloodiest Day of the Civil War, took place just a short drive from where we live. You can learn more about it here, it sounds pretty awful. In commemoration of it's 150th anniversary they held special events. We decided to check it out. 

 A lot of people were hanging out dressed the part. They are like the trekkies of the Civil War.
 We have been there in other times with out all the fluff. I have to say I prefer it that way.  It is miles and miles of rolling fields of crops, a few pre-civil war buildings and barns, a cemetery, little dirt roads throughout and monuments all around. It is quiet and peaceful, just how it should be, yet gives you a hollowing feeling that you cannot even grasp all that took place on those grounds. I definitely prefer to visit it with out all the news vans, intercoms, balloons, event tents, performances, and tour guides.


Our Little Corner said...

Yes, but without the fluff, you wouldn't have gotten those adorbs photos of the kids. I must say that one of Libby with her little hands clasped together is my favorite photo of her lately.