Sunday, March 17, 2013

The St. Patricks Day Fail of 2012

This was our St. Patty's Day last year. That naughty leprechaun made such a mess of the cereal, peed in our toilet, colored our milk, left foot prints all over and gave the kids mustaches. Bennett was not amused, freaked out even. He wanted everything cleaned up and thrown away asap, including the treat and toy he brought him.  This year I spared him the trauma and did nothing. A win win for all.
Check out that face, so ticked! I showed him these pictures today, he stared long and hard. Then finally after a few deep breathes said "I didn't like that day".  I find it hilarious. I had no idea he would love it. A fun Mom fail I guess.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Favorites @ 5

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Favorites @ 2

Libby Lou is 2

It's tradition at our house that the birthday child wakes up to their room decorated. Libbys was a little weak this year since I got rid of all my birthday decorations before the move. But we improvised. Toilet paper is pretty much streamers right!?!

Her present from us.

It was Cow-Chicken (Chick-Fil-A) for dinner.

 We were lucky enough to have my brother and his family come down that weekend from PA and also Jons brother and family came to visit one afternoon. So we were able to have her a little party with family on the weekend.
Movie snacks.
I made these but some how they did not get pictured before we dug in. I stole these of the web and they probably look a tad better than mine did anyway. In the way of the rest of the menu it was all Libby's favorites, pizza, apple sauce, string cheese and apple juice.

The kids got goody bags with goldfish crackers and crayons, but again, they did not get pictured before being ravished.

Can you tell me how to get....

 Libby had a Sesame birthday this year. There is a Sesame Street theme park a couple hours from us so we headed up to celebrate her birthday there. Libby is afraid of giant characters so we opted out of torturing her for her birthday. But she enjoyed them from afar and loved watching them in the shows and parade.
 Elmo does thriller!!
 This little area was made up to look like the Twiddle Bugs area. Those were my absolute favorite when I was little.
 Now is the part where I give my review of the park. I give it a 5 out of 10. Ouch, right. Here is why. It is really over priced, especially for the time of year we went. I would say it is 70% water park. Well we went in the fall when the water park is closed. The rest of the park was about 8 rides crammed into a small area. The fact that the water area was closed made it extremely crowded. I was also sad to see very few characters and the Sesame Street its self is just a tiny short, fake section. However the shows were sun and kept the kids interested. We loved being in a real live Elmo's World. We did get to see it lightly decorated for Halloween.  They had trick or treating through out and a couple of mazes for Halloween set up. The kids thought that was fun and an added bonus. I thought is was nice to have a few extra things since the water part was closed, giving you very little to fill up your entire day. I am glad we went because I have always wanted to since Bennett was little, but will we go again, probably not.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Retirement {National Harbor}

 When people say, "I want to retire there" I could never relate. I have never really thought of that, but I had never been to National Harbor before. The kidlets and I joined Jon at a conference right after we moved here. I LOVED it, cute shops, yoga on the pier, quiet, great food and fun little things to see. I want to retire there. This past November there was a alot of campaigning to turn this place into a "vegas". They wanted to legalize gambling to this part of Maryland. It broke my heart and I gladly voted against it. When the votes came in atleast I got one piece of good news that it did not pass. I am glad it will continue to be a fun place that we can family vacation, couples weekend or Girls night to. Can't wait to go back!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Antietam Battlefield

 The Battle of Antietam, also known as the Bloodiest Day of the Civil War, took place just a short drive from where we live. You can learn more about it here, it sounds pretty awful. In commemoration of it's 150th anniversary they held special events. We decided to check it out. 

 A lot of people were hanging out dressed the part. They are like the trekkies of the Civil War.
 We have been there in other times with out all the fluff. I have to say I prefer it that way.  It is miles and miles of rolling fields of crops, a few pre-civil war buildings and barns, a cemetery, little dirt roads throughout and monuments all around. It is quiet and peaceful, just how it should be, yet gives you a hollowing feeling that you cannot even grasp all that took place on those grounds. I definitely prefer to visit it with out all the news vans, intercoms, balloons, event tents, performances, and tour guides.