Friday, December 25, 2009

Malia's First REAL Haircut

Malia had an unofficial hair cut when she was about 1 1/2, really just me trimming some bangs. Other than that, I have followed David's wishes to not cut her hair. Plus, I am cheap and can't see putting out so much money for a simple trim. However, my cousin Aly came home for Christmas and is currently attending Paul Mitchell The School in Provo, Utah. Malia and I scheduled appointments and Aly went to work.

Here is Malia after her wash. She is SO into wrapping her hair in a towel lately. Such a big girl!

The beautician beginning her work...

Malia thoroughly enjoying herself...

Malia's interest started to wane so Mari tried to entertain her...

Just a LITTLE trim. I promise honey, you can barely tell! Just enough to even it out and get rid of split ends...
And now interest entirely lost... enter the attitude...


Quick! Get the girl some grub! Once fed, she felt a bit better. Talk about pampering!

The finished product...

I just got a trim too. While doing so, I amused myself by "squishing" Abram's head with a hair clip. I'm easily entertained!

Now if I could only schedule Aly to show up wherever I am living every other month! In the mean time, I'm thinking about investing in a pair of actual cutting shears so that I can trim Mali's hair myself. Then again maybe not. Britt and Aly just told me how much they cost! Holy Cow! Guess we will just see. I do know that Abram's hair is David's department. When he comes back for leave, he said he is going to buzz Abram's head. Once again, we'll have to see...


This Idaho Girl said...

What is it with men and girls having long hair? Patrick is always trying to get me to grow mine out. Malia's haircut makes her look so big. If David is going to Buzz Abram's hair, why not give him a mowhawk? I'll be anxiously awaiting those pictures.

Tara Oliver said...

oh my gosh! what a cutie!! Savannah is 3 and I still haven't cut her hair. not one bit. but wow, Mali has so much hair!

I had to click on one of the pictures of Aly to see if she had a ring yet. nope, don't see one! ;)