Dah seminggu 2011, baru la nak buat entry new year.. cehh..
I was sick for several weeks, so did Irfan. Zuhri was sick on and off. It was bad- I think it was flu or something. Irfan siap demam for coupleof days. It all started when... hummpphs malas nye nak cite b/c I was really pissed at the whole thing. To keep it short, there was a/an
moron inconsiderate family datang nak singgah rumah on the way diaorg nak ke X
ala-ala roadtrip la and the family was sick at the time. Demam hokey- ye la nak kata kesian kat diaorg kami la yg terima segala virus & germs and sakit for TWO freaking weeks. Sape la yg datang rumah org tengah demam2kan, saje ke nak spread the germs, tak pikir ke org kat rumah tu kang berjangkit. Orang lain bukan la tak de plan nakdo krumah terima penyakit yg ko bagi dgn rela hatikan..
Tak taula.. Zuhri cakap aku nimcm psycho nak marah lebih2... ye la sape yg kena jaga si kenit yg cranky sakit tu pakcik oi. Time tak sakit pun si kenit tu whinning.. cranky.. nangis.. clingy you name it la...24/7.. ini kan pulak time sakit. Haish... aku ni banyak jela bersabar..
Anyway mmg la nabi pernah berpesan kena layan tetamu etc... tapi tetamu mangkuk ayun ni aku tak tau la kan... kang aku baling mangkuk ayun kat kepala ko kang.. anak ade 3 org patut boleh pikir la kan mcm mana la menyusahkan org bawak penyakit- rent a freaking motel dude!
So since dah sakit, my #1 New Year Resolution pun dah went down the drain. I wanted to potty train Irfan during the winter break- didn't happen. This week pulak dia still sakit so IA next week. See.. menyusahkan tak mangkuk ayun ni... mana la aku tak panas kan.
2010 wasn't a good year for me, infact it was one of the worse. I'm out of job, dead broke and honestly.. I don't really know what to do with my life, period. I have done some thinking, just that with Irfan in the picture, everything seems so out of reach. All my life, I have never imagined myself being a housewife at age 27! I guess that's life for you.. all you have to do is pick up the pieces and move on..
I pray that 2011 will be a better year.. please pray for us too Amin..
(I'm not talking aboutAmin-Gem ye)