Sunday, January 31, 2010

Videos 14-15 months

Video2 comel Irfan. The first one ni kat rumah auntie Cah but we had the house all by ourselves because auntie Cah kat Pennsylvania. Irfan gelak tekekek2 sbb I was pretending that I was going to bite him.

Second video pulak Irfan tgh bermanja dgn dada. Time ni tgh makan kat luar and Irfan nak bersihkan muka dada sbb ade nasi tertinggal heheh...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My 16 months old baby

Irfan's bday was 2 weeks ago. As usual mama dia lambat update. Takpela better late than never.

Zuhri turned 28 this month too! I hope he's not just getting a year older but wiser too. Zuhri keep saying yg we all ni dah tua...eeuuurrrgghh I absolutely disagree. I'd like to think that I'm always young and fabulous. Anyhow, we didn't do much for his bday. I got a gift for him and we went to Wichita to visit a friend yg baru dapat baby. Met some Malaysian family there. Zuhri sgt excited sbb dia mmg suka gathering2 ni. Soo not me huahua.. bukannye ape sometimes bila jumpa org baru ni mcm tak kamching sgt la. But I guess that's how you get to know people la kan. Zuhri ok la dia banyak ckp, aku plak pemalu huahua.

Ok la milestone Irfan pulak. At 16 months:
* He can say few words but not so consistent, Mama, Dada, Allah, Fish, Shoes

* He's starting to show tempers when he gets frustrated hehe contoh nye bila nak amik toys that are not within his reach. Mengamuk I tell you..

* He can blow a kiss (sometimes ikut mood dia) and buat bunyi sambil tepuk2 tgn kat mulut *you have to see it then you'll know what I'm talking about*, can kick and throw a ball very well, dah excel in putting the stacking ring toys in place. Shape sorter pulak only the easy shape like round and square. He also likes to play with the pull- along toys...habis dia drag all the toys all over the house.

* He's getting really attached to me. Suka sgt manja2 peluk2.. when we pick him up at the daycare he will run towards me instead of daddy hehe.. kesian dada. When Irfan is in a bad mood nangis2 only I can calm him down. Kalau lapar pun dtg kat mama.. Usually he won't fuss if dada is in charge so it kinda make it easy for Zuhri. Oh well.

* As far as makan... very2 picky. No veggie at all. People told me to gaul2 veggie in his rice etc but man he's super smart when it comes to differentiating between sayur or not. Dia akan ludah balik. So I have to feed him, sambil suap ayam selit2 la sayur sikit. The only veggie that he'll take are coleslaw (his favorite), carrot, broccoli, spinach (if you are lucky). But if you look at the toddler's eating chart, man...3 servings of veggie a day! I think Irfan is only getting one. I know for sure he won't eat sayur at the daycare.
I just learned a trick to give Irfan broccoli or sayur during snack time when he's kinda hungry. It worked the other day when I tried it. Usually time lunch/ dinner Irfan picky sbb dia nampak ade food lain. It's really a struggle but I'm trying my best.
Meat is easy. He'll eat chicken, daging, telur, ikan anything in a sec. Same goes with fruits, his favorite are grapes and tangerine (limau).
At the moment his fav food are pizza, mac & cheese, nasi + sup, nasi + singgang

* Another problem that we are facing is toothbrushing. Nangis meraung2 la. Try la ape cara pun, I sing to him etc but still no no. So berus gigi meraung2 la huhu nak buat mcm mana

* I think Irfan likes animal just like his dada. There's a fish tank at his doc's office and he is so excited bila nampak ikan and he'll say...''. And the other day he saw a cat right before we went into the house. He kept staring at the cat and started making his excited sound 'hurghhh...hurrghhh' heheh and lepas tu nak kejar kucing tu. Comel.

Next month in February Irfan will have another echo to check on his heart. Please pray for a good result Insyaallah.

1/12/10 pic. No front view pic. lupa =(

Visiting E at Wichita

The Wichita gathering. Note Zuhri wearing his Bday T.

Me with two kids. Apsal muka aku nampak mcmbaru lepas beranak?!

Munir, Najmiah and baby Muhriz.

Irfan getting ready for finger painting activity

His masterpieces

Friday, January 22, 2010

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


All I need is a big sister now. I'm sick being the eldest and have to figure out every single thing by myself.
* I remember the first few weeks at school. I was totally lost. I didn't even know how to buy food. The very first thing that I bought at school was a 10 cent 'jambu batu with asam' and that's the only thing that I ate everyday for months. How I wish I had a bigger sister back then..

* I remember being so very pregnant, wasn't ready for labor and suddenly my water broke. I had no one to turn to except Zuhri who didn't have any experience with labor at all. Both of us were so freaked out. How I wish I had a bigger sister back then..

* I really need a big sister now. Life is so challenging now that I feel so stressed out. I need someone that can listen to my ramblings about Irfan and share the experience in raising kids with me.. kalau tak makan sayur nak buat ape, the best way nak berus gigi, nape irfan nangis je...sakit ke manja sgt...aishh pening

I guess a psychiatrist would work too..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ape nak jadi..

Rasa tension.. maybe sbb pms kot..

Irfan dah few nights tido tak betul.. malam2 bangun nangis. Ntah la nape..
Apparently he's not taking nap at daycare either.. teacher pun dah pening..

Gigi Irfan makin kuning.. dia marah kalau org nak berus gigi dia..
Ape la nak jadi..
Mcm mana org lain berus gigi toddler eh..sigh

Irfan tak nak makan veggie..
So kena potong veggie kecik2 and sumbat dalam nasi or food lain then sumbat dalam mulut dia..
Doa2 dia telan la..
Sometimes keluar balik..
Tak cukup nutritient nanti dia jugak yg susah...

Irfan tak nak guna sippy cup..
Tak nak minum susu whole milk..

Pening nya kepala ... ape nak buat ni!?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dangerously Cold Wind Chills Hit Kansas City

I'm sick with this cold weather already, and yet we got some more snow and very very cold wind chills, -27 degree F!

Someone has to plow the snow at our driveway..

.. and that would be me! Working my butt off pushing the snow to the side (not plowing hehehe).

I wish I am somewhere strolling on a beach in Msia. It's so depressing to get stuck in this cold winter urgh!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ahlan 2010

My entry is always late by few days sometimes weeks. Selalu cerita dah basi la ... nak buat mcm mana my responsibilities as a tukang masak, tukang kemas, tukang jaga anak, tukang segala2nye have been keeping me busy.

Esok keje..adeh malasnye. Sometimes work can drive me nuts, maybe I should say most of the time. Keje dgn mat saleh ni boleh tahan pening la, language barrier etc. Takpe takpe... when I'm over with this holiday mode things will change.

2009 was a tough year for us.
Jan 2009 - started with a 2nd round of layoff right after we got back from Malaysia. I was devastated.
Feb 2009 - I was a short timer at work.
March 2009 - Irfan was ill from Kawasaki Disease at the end of the month
Apr 2009 - Irfan recovering. We were in pain thinking about Irfan days and nights. Another big hit, the company announced shut down.
May 2009 - I was on leave taking care of my baby.
June 2009 - Back to work. Approved to work from home.
July 2009 - Spending my time with Irfan
Aug 2009 - Irfan's echo was back to normal. Alhamdulillah. It's really a miracle. Then we were on our way to Kansas. 11 days road trip in Ramadhan aishh...
Sep 2009 - We started working at Indy KS. Eid with family member for the first time after 10 years beraya diperantauan. Irfan turned 1 year old.
Oct 2009 - My Bday at Fairfield Inn Marriot Tulsa.
Nov 2009 - Sakit month
Dec 2009 - Anniversary at Hyatt KC

I'm hoping for a better year twenty 10. Bring it on!

avaTar 3D,,bbeessttt =))

hhyyeee seemmuuaaa,,,hurm last new year hols i was going out wif my friends,,cuti sampai 3 hari sebab new year (jumaat,sabtu,ahad),,bosan gle la kalau dok terperap kat ukm je,,so kteorg planned nak tgk avatar 3D,,n kua ukm kol8am (semangat gile) sbb takut kat komuter jam ramai org ,,sampai midvalley at 930am,,jadi tukang bukak kedai jap,,huahuahua n kteorg pon tunggu la queue tok beli tiket sebab kaunter blum bukak lg,,n bile kaunter dah bukak wayang tok avatar 3D was selling fast!!!wwoowww,,n luckily we got the tickets,,hehehe kalau x gigit jari je loorrr,,b4 waiting the movie at 1145am,,we went for brunch (breakfast + lunch) at popeyes,,the food cam ala2 kfc gitu,,agak sedap gak la,,then msuk tgk wayang,,this was my 1st time watching 3D's movie,,memang best la,,nampak cam real,,tapi bukan sepanjang masa la nampak 3D nya,,

tttaaaaddddaaa~~ posing wif 3D's spec

in the cinema,,sempat lagi 2 posing,,

After watching the movie,,we went for shopping!!!!!!but we were separated because taste kedai kteorg xsame,,huehuehue so shopping jela sorg2,,tapi rase enjooyy sgt,, =))

Friday, January 1, 2010

Three Years Together

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY DEAR HUBBY... Zuhri Mohd Lotfy =) Three years and counting.

Lambat wish sbb anniversary week pi layan Nur Kasih la pulak. But we had fun at Kansas City celebrating our three-years together as hubby and wifey. Stayed at Hyatt Overland Park for couple of days and we had a great time. Dok hotel sgt syiok!

We got married three years ago on Dec 25 2006. Very well prepared, there's nothing I'd change about it.. oh maybe it'd be nice to have Gem with us.

So ape perasaan bila dah 3 tahun kawin? The exact same feeling on the day I got married * Blessed and hoping that the marriege will last ke akhir hayat*. Zuhri and I have been best friend and partner in every way. He's my better half; salin diapers and mandikan Irfan sbb I couldn't lift my baby montess no more, drive nak gi shopping even though dah penat, pack food and bekal to office pagi2 even though it's my responsibility, share the never ending house chores load...
Thanks abang for putting up with me. Love you so much.

Semoga jodoh kami berkekalan Amin..

Few days after we got married at KLCC. Melawat tempat dating hehe.

Me showing the three years sign.

Irfan looking at the view from our hotel room

The view

turtle bay