Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bad day

We had a great Thanksgiving break but I'll blog about it some other day. Need to upload some pics first anyway.
Earlier today we had an unfortunate incident. We were at a Akikah event in KC, Irfan was happy running around chasing some balloons and suddenly he fell down and bleeding so bad. I was so panicked nasib ade Zuhri and Gem. Darah memang banyak..Irfan jatuh tersembam and pecah bibir atas and his gums too. I felt so miserable.. I was watching him play and dia jatuh depan mata ku but I couldn't do anything. Seeing Irfan bleeding and crying in pain really broke my heart.. I was speechless and tiba2 panick sgt. Takutnyee I will never ever let him get hurt again.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm so pening right now.
  • Rumah bersepah tahap agung. Since pindah dah kemas sikit then kena pack balik stuff since pest control datang spray umah because of spider issue. Now dah bersepah balik..
  • Laundry! Loads of laundy. Everyday ade je baju nak basuh. Baju ygtak terlipat pun banyak. Raja kecik pakai baju 5-6 helai sehari. Every time 'cherry' kena salin baju lain sbb bersepah huhu
  • Toilet kotor nak kena cuci...aiyak
  • Dishes nak kena basuh
  • Pants and jeans Irfan nak kena jahit...panjang2 sgt
  • Mail and paperwork nak kena go thru. Mail dah berlambak2 tak sort and baca lagi
  • Tudung nak kena special basuh... handwash warggghhh mana ade masa
  • Kitchen nak kena kemas. One problem is we dont have a place for most of the items. So semua barang2 bersepah atas kitchen table la.. boxes stacking la....
Dah la after writing this entry rasa I better off kemas rumah la. Ni dah memang duduk dalam storage area je rasa. Warrrggghhhh the never ending chores! Welcome to parenthood.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Baby Irf4n- 14 months old

I missed Irfan's 13 month milestone! Sorry yumi.
Last month was brutal. All of us were sick terribly for the whole month! First was the Flu, both Irfan and I had it for almost 2 weeks. I missed work for a week. The doc even told me that I might had the swine flu. Crazy. Then Irfan got ear infection. It took him two weeks to get better. The antibiotic wasn' working at first so we had to switch.
The following week the whole family had stomach flu. Started with Irfan, he picked it up from the daycare and shared the virus with us. Kesian dia muntah2 and diarhea. We were sick for another week.

Alhamdulillah now semua org dah better. Last week we had our house sprayed to get rid of the bown recluse spiders. Kansas is actually one of the states yg ade banyak brown reluse, one of the most dangerous spiders in the US. Memang la sgt depressing when you found 7-10 spiders in the house within 2 months. Few of them were the recluse. I was scared to death. There were few times when Irfan was playing and the spider was just 1-2 ft away from him!! Ya Allah tolong la lindungi kami..

Anyway back to the milestone
  • Irfan started walking towards the end of 12 months old.
  • Irfan dah pandai minum pakai straw, turn on and off switch at 14 months old
  • He likes to imitate me for example bunyi2 that I made using my mouth
  • He likes to throw stuff on the floor... whatever that he comes accross
  • He loves to play with his toys...kalau dulu dia tak nak main sgt. But now every morning soon after he opens his eyes he will look forward to play with the toys. The mickey plane used to be his favorite.. now tak sure la eh
  • His weight is not quite 20 lbs yet.. sedihnye kecik anak m0mma
  • Irfan is very picky when it comes to his meal. Memilih sangat..semua tak nak makan. Meat mmg jarang la makan.. veggie pun no-no. Susah la. The only food he cares are banana and grapes adoi dah la budak ni kecik mcm tak cukup makan. He doesnt like most ofthe stuff that I cook too...sedey2
  • Gigi Irfan dah penuh..morlar sume dah ade. I think he has 12 teeth all together
Here are some random pictures of Irfan within this few months.

Our last baby gathering

Bestnye tido dgn Irfan

Zuhri decorated the hotel room for my birthday

My birthday celebration tgh sakit2

Irfan 14 months old with the bday present

Irfan likes the box better

Our prince charming

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Halal Turkey

I went to 3 local groceries stores today to buy some food that are on sale. Guess what I found?

HALAL turkey at Food Festival! I bought a tom, 13+lbs @ $1.79/lb.

And.. guess what else I found?

They now have a section at the frozen area full of al-Safa halal burgers/nuggets/pizza. This is the first American store I found in KC that sold halal items. We usually have to go to Somali/Arab/Pakistani grocery stores at downtown to buy these. I wonder, if they start selling Crescent whole chicken/legs/wings, then that will hurt the local Muslim businesses.. hohoho.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Snow in KC!

When I woke up yesterday morning...

.. our first snowy day.. yeehaa..
But the snow melted later during the day.

Last weekend, we babysit Irfan while Janet & Zuhri cleaned up their house.

Irfan was so happy playing with his toys in the hotel room. Comey sgt... see ya all again in a week! We are still looking for a turkey to cook on thanksgiving day :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Friday, November 13, 2009

"sweet 21"

huhuhu on my bday....
some1 gave me thss...
hahaha im soooo eppy.....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trip to Independence KS

It was a sunny day & warmer. Nice trip to go down south.

We got there around 12.30pm. Irfan was very shy when he saw us. Been hiding near Janet/Zuhri for a couple of hours.

Then he started walking/running around the living room & playing with his toys. That was when Janet put on this weird helmet on Irfan... for his head protection.

Ifran and his favorite basketball.

Can you guys see the similarity?? (very funny :D)

We got a new toy for Irfan. A rocking horse... he looked scared at first when we put him on it. But I think one day he'll be rocking on it like mat remp-it ahahahaha

PSU won!!

Just got some time to post some more photos..


PSU players & PSU fans were so thrilled they ran to the field after the game ended.

It took us an hour to go back to our hotel. There were 110,000+ people attended the game, so you could imagine how everyone wanted to get out at once. Very slowww.. slower than a snail :S

We had dinner with the PSU Alumni from KC.

They were very friendly and nice people. We had a great time with them :)

Sunday: We left the hotel early around 8am since we would have 12 long hours of driving later hmm..
Stopped at U Mich campus for a cup of coffee & sightseeing..

Showing off his muscles? *chuckles*

In front of Michigan Union :)

We stopped in Chicago at another Halal KFC/A&W for lunch. Amin ordered Turkey Bacon Cheeseburger while I tried the new KFC Grilled Chicken.

The cheeseburger was awesome. First time we tried the bacon strips & we loved it. The grilled chicken was just so-so. I think we grilled chicken better than this one hahaha. Before we left, we bought 24 pieces of KFC crispy chicken, 12 for Janet & the rest was for us (mmg sangat tamak bile jumpe KFC hohoho).

The trip back to KC wasn't as bad. It rained a little for some time, and then stopped. And we got 4 hours of sunlights. Then rained again..

We stopped at St Louis again for prayer & dinner..

We loved Fu Lin House so much that we went there again ahahaha...

This time we ordered Kung Pao Chicken & Mongolian Beef.

Then, another 3 hours driving to KC. We arrived home at 12pm. Very tired and sleepy :)