Mak called me about an hour ago. E is at the hospital, warded ke tak, I'm not so sure. He's been having fever for the past few days, and now they suspect that he might have been infected by the babi flu. Aiyoh...another member in my family kena the babi flu. Previosly was Nadiah, adik Zuhri, kena time keje kat hospital. I might call auntie some time today.. Hope E is doing ok..Insyaallah. Baru je chat dgn mamat tu aritu and dia gelak2 pasal babi flu ni tsk tsk..
Eih sounds scary ye kat Msia the swine flu is everywhere. I think they didn't take the precautions of using hand sanitizer etc.. Kat US dah tak dgr pape..or issit because the country is so big that all this small small matter doesn't matter anymore? ihiks ayat keling.
Noi..I have a suggestion. Why don't ko buat like a weekly entry on all the medical terms and advices on the things that you've learnt. I know you are very the busy bee la kan...ihhhiiii...but dari ko tulis2 kat shoutbox tu baik tulis bebetul. I love to read a friend's blog, she's a doctor and she writes about her medical-every day life application.. unfortunately dia just update her blog like once a month huhu..
Ok la let's pray for E..for his full recovery. Amin..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009's getting closer!
It's end of July already?! I cannot believe it. We are a month away from moving to Kansas (yikes?).
I'll write more about the wedding soon..
- House to rent- Gem & Amin went to Indy last week. TQVM gem! Looked at three houses, we are OK with one of them, no garage thou. Rent is $700, but the look is no where close to ours that we are currently staying *sob sob*
- Packing- Tak buat ape lagi. The moving company will pack and unpack for us! We just need to supervise. sweet!
- Traveling- will be traveling to KC, stay there for a week or so kat rumah Gem before we make our move to our soon- to- be- hometown Indy, KS (double yikes?!).
- Last minute traveling in Oregon- To be determined.
I'll write more about the wedding soon..
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Happy 10 months old
Hello peeps..
Lama tak update. Been busy with my family, work, moving plan, career plan and business yg tak seberapa haha..
Family- Irfan turned 10 months old
Work- I'm still working
Moving plan- start packing nak pindah in Sept
Career plan- tgh pikir nak talk to my boss about working again or should I focus on going to grad school
Business- Keep updating my e-shop with new stuff. Ade org beli ke? Hihihi ade la skit2.. but we might put the e-shop on hold sbb nak pindah etc...and zuhri thinks i should focus on studying for the gre rather than business yg untung $1-$2 per item. Tu pun org bukan nak beli.
At 10 months old:
* Irfan dah boleh diri dalam cib
* He can stand on his feet very well
* He likes to put every single thing in his small mouth. Banyak kali makan kertas, sponge scary!
* He crawls really fast, sometimes I have to really RUN to stop him from crawling to the TV area. Imagine how fast this little rascal la.
* He really enjoys his bath time
* He can hold two blocks, one at each hand and knock them together
* Now susah sgt nak salin pakcik ni..dia akan flip over and start to crawl atas changing table! Wah sgt takut kalau dia jatuh ke ape.
* I think he still weighs about 15-16lbs. aishhh
Monday, July 20, 2009
Fishing Part II
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Keje dan keje
Hari ni first day sambung keje sbb boss dah balik from Kansas and dah tanye ape keje yg selama ni aku buat..heheh...terdiam jap then sengih then tanye's your vacation?
Tak buat keje la tu. Keje from rumah tido la jawabnye. Ni tak boleh tulis dlm english, kalau boss terbaca entry ni matila kan hehe.
Anyway I just started my shopping blog. Please please at least visit and beli sebarang dua. ihiks. Bagi la support sket kan. Keep checking the e-shop la ye since i'll keep updating it.
Some people ckp mahal, ade yg ckp murah and ingat brg2 ni siam mari. Mmmmm confuse sekejap sape yg betul ni? I dont shop for ugly stuff.. yg lawa sume pricey la kan huhaua.. Zuhri bersungguh gile nak suruh keep going cet. Malas nak layan la pakcik ni, dia bersemangat sgt to keep me busy so that aku tak bising..
Kb takde keje...pening dok rumah jek! Tak larat nak layan irfan!! Mcm mana dgn my career?! Nak mintak keje balik from boss..i dah tak nak dok rumah
Huhaua padahal zuhri tu bagi semangat jela kan suruh keep going. Baru je start 2-3 hari dah malas. eikkkkk...
Irfan baru je masuk 10 bln sabtu lepas... hari tu dia moody so dpt amik gamba dia tgh nangis je. The only pic. We all ni everymonth time bday akan amik gamba irfan so that boleh capture mcm mana muka dia bertukar every month.
Tak buat keje la tu. Keje from rumah tido la jawabnye. Ni tak boleh tulis dlm english, kalau boss terbaca entry ni matila kan hehe.
Anyway I just started my shopping blog. Please please at least visit and beli sebarang dua. ihiks. Bagi la support sket kan. Keep checking the e-shop la ye since i'll keep updating it.
Some people ckp mahal, ade yg ckp murah and ingat brg2 ni siam mari. Mmmmm confuse sekejap sape yg betul ni? I dont shop for ugly stuff.. yg lawa sume pricey la kan huhaua.. Zuhri bersungguh gile nak suruh keep going cet. Malas nak layan la pakcik ni, dia bersemangat sgt to keep me busy so that aku tak bising..
Kb takde keje...pening dok rumah jek! Tak larat nak layan irfan!! Mcm mana dgn my career?! Nak mintak keje balik from boss..i dah tak nak dok rumah
Huhaua padahal zuhri tu bagi semangat jela kan suruh keep going. Baru je start 2-3 hari dah malas. eikkkkk...
Irfan baru je masuk 10 bln sabtu lepas... hari tu dia moody so dpt amik gamba dia tgh nangis je. The only pic. We all ni everymonth time bday akan amik gamba irfan so that boleh capture mcm mana muka dia bertukar every month.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Fishing @ Smithville Lake
We went fishing for two weekends now. First time.. didn't catch any fish at all.. hahaha. I was still learning how to cast the fishing rod & what to do when the fish ate the bait. The hardest part was when I had to cut the worm into pieces and put it on the hook (euwww...)
Second time.. we went to the other side of the bridge at a more secluded area. I was more confident this time & managed to catch 4-5 bluegills :) And Amin catched more than I do.
My first bluegill!
We actually got 3 bigger fish, about 10 inches long. We didn't know what they were because I forgot to bring the Fish book. Amin said it might be a young white bass, so we had to release them (because the min length of white bass that we could keep is 12" and more).
Amin and the mysterious fish he caught.
Me and the mysterious fish I caught.
When we got back home, we searched the Fish book and on the Internet to see if the mysterious fish was really a white bass. Well.. we got it all wrong! It was a white crocker.. and we could keep it! If we just got one.. that was fine.. but we got three & we released all of them.. aiyoo.. very unlucky.
Lesson of the day: always bring the Fish book whenever you go fishing!
After the third time fishing, Amin really wanted to catch a bigger fish like carp. Sounds ambitious to me, but I told him, we would give it a try. Actually, while we were fishing at our regular spot, we saw carps jumping and playing around with our baits. Not once or twice.. but many times. Amin was pissed off.. so on the fourth time, we bought the stuff to catch carp: a big fishing net, a bigger hook, a thicker fishing line and sweet corn for the bait. And one of the Msian boy, Dzakiyy came with us to help Amin in case if he caught a big carp.
When we got there, Amin took a long time to set up his fishing rod to catch the carp. He got to cast the rod like 10x before he got a good spot. Then he tied the rod at a tree nearby. At that point, I said to myself that Amin was wasting his time.... I managed to catch some bluegills and he hadn't catch anything yet.. hmm...
After an hour waiting.. Amin's rod was pulled. He quickly grabbed the fishing rod while Dzakiyy helped untied the rod. 10-15 mins pulled and played with the carp, Amin brought the fish closed to the river bank, and Dzakiyy scooped the carp into the fishing net.
Amin and Dzakiyy with the carp.
19 inches long carp. Good job to both of you!
Amin hanged the fish on a tree so that it won't get away. (Looked like a prisoner to me :S)
After another 30 mins.. we went home. Very exhausted..
So, what did we do with the fish? Find out later.. to be continued...
Second time.. we went to the other side of the bridge at a more secluded area. I was more confident this time & managed to catch 4-5 bluegills :) And Amin catched more than I do.
We actually got 3 bigger fish, about 10 inches long. We didn't know what they were because I forgot to bring the Fish book. Amin said it might be a young white bass, so we had to release them (because the min length of white bass that we could keep is 12" and more).
When we got back home, we searched the Fish book and on the Internet to see if the mysterious fish was really a white bass. Well.. we got it all wrong! It was a white crocker.. and we could keep it! If we just got one.. that was fine.. but we got three & we released all of them.. aiyoo.. very unlucky.
Lesson of the day: always bring the Fish book whenever you go fishing!
After the third time fishing, Amin really wanted to catch a bigger fish like carp. Sounds ambitious to me, but I told him, we would give it a try. Actually, while we were fishing at our regular spot, we saw carps jumping and playing around with our baits. Not once or twice.. but many times. Amin was pissed off.. so on the fourth time, we bought the stuff to catch carp: a big fishing net, a bigger hook, a thicker fishing line and sweet corn for the bait. And one of the Msian boy, Dzakiyy came with us to help Amin in case if he caught a big carp.
When we got there, Amin took a long time to set up his fishing rod to catch the carp. He got to cast the rod like 10x before he got a good spot. Then he tied the rod at a tree nearby. At that point, I said to myself that Amin was wasting his time.... I managed to catch some bluegills and he hadn't catch anything yet.. hmm...
After an hour waiting.. Amin's rod was pulled. He quickly grabbed the fishing rod while Dzakiyy helped untied the rod. 10-15 mins pulled and played with the carp, Amin brought the fish closed to the river bank, and Dzakiyy scooped the carp into the fishing net.
After another 30 mins.. we went home. Very exhausted..
So, what did we do with the fish? Find out later.. to be continued...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tengah Pening
While I'm writing this, Irfan is sitting in front of our coffee table, with a bunch of magazines scattered everywhere. He's digging through all the old magazines that I stored under the table and tear them apart, gigit2, makan2 .. I tried to pull him away and placed him on his play mat. But his little arms and legs that he just started to put to work were tremendously... cepat bergerak. I gave up. I just let him play with all the papers and craps. I don't think it's a big deal pun main dgn kertas but the other day masa basuh pooppy, we found a piece of paper in his poop! It was blue with a siz of a dime! Zuhri terkejut, he told be to be more carful and really watch Irfan closely. I was like....... arggggghhhhhhh ok again it's my fault%$!@
Irfan can worn me out really bad sometimes.. there are times when zuhri got home and I'd be lying on the bed couldn't even say a word.
I never thought taking care of a baby can be this tiring and stressful. I think my job as an engineer pun not as bad.. well I'll be sitting on my ass, attend meeting, do some calculation and make decision.. hehue of course not too bad la tapi nak perform tu hard work la jugak. I keep wondering mcm mana org yg ade 6 or more anak survive. They are insane, even with people with two kids! At least I know I will be insane if I have another shild to take care of. Believe me, having a kid is 10% Fun 90% Hard work!!! Somebody should have warned me. Ok la Irfan dah mengamuk.. anyway I think this is one part of life that you have to go through to make you a better person.
Irfan can worn me out really bad sometimes.. there are times when zuhri got home and I'd be lying on the bed couldn't even say a word.
I never thought taking care of a baby can be this tiring and stressful. I think my job as an engineer pun not as bad.. well I'll be sitting on my ass, attend meeting, do some calculation and make decision.. hehue of course not too bad la tapi nak perform tu hard work la jugak. I keep wondering mcm mana org yg ade 6 or more anak survive. They are insane, even with people with two kids! At least I know I will be insane if I have another shild to take care of. Believe me, having a kid is 10% Fun 90% Hard work!!! Somebody should have warned me. Ok la Irfan dah mengamuk.. anyway I think this is one part of life that you have to go through to make you a better person.
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July weekend
Just got back from Portland. Went to the zoo, ingat Irfan suka la.. tapi Zuhri yg terlebih excited haha. Well..Zuhri mmg suka Zoo. We have been to all the zoos kat tmpt yg kitaorg pernah tinggal, Indianapolis Zoo, Chicago Zoo and now Portland Zoo. It was alrite.. I'm not a fan of captured animals. I'll post some pics later. Now busy mengemas.
So I put up a poll on the left side of this blog to see if I should start a shopping blog. Only 10 people voted ahaks. Nampak sgt la takde org nak beli. But I will start the blog soon anyway.. just to share my passion in shopping. I'm just going to offer my service je, kalau ade yg berminat. I know it's hard to get affordable branded stuff in Malaysia. My family members pun slalu pesan barang from sini.. Some people tak kisah sgt pasal brand or high end items (me neither? erk ye ke haha ok ok i'm BRAND and AUTHENTIC cautious) but there are times when you should just invest a bit more to get the desired quality and satisfaction. For example my coach handbag, dah pakai 2 tahun and I use it everyday, still looks brand new! I need to move on from coach but they are just too cute to let go.
OK Enuff said. If sape2 ade idea ape yg korang nak, pls email me at Or you can leave a message here pun takpe.
So I put up a poll on the left side of this blog to see if I should start a shopping blog. Only 10 people voted ahaks. Nampak sgt la takde org nak beli. But I will start the blog soon anyway.. just to share my passion in shopping. I'm just going to offer my service je, kalau ade yg berminat. I know it's hard to get affordable branded stuff in Malaysia. My family members pun slalu pesan barang from sini.. Some people tak kisah sgt pasal brand or high end items (me neither? erk ye ke haha ok ok i'm BRAND and AUTHENTIC cautious) but there are times when you should just invest a bit more to get the desired quality and satisfaction. For example my coach handbag, dah pakai 2 tahun and I use it everyday, still looks brand new! I need to move on from coach but they are just too cute to let go.
OK Enuff said. If sape2 ade idea ape yg korang nak, pls email me at Or you can leave a message here pun takpe.
Friday, July 3, 2009
my master,, \(^0^)/
hye everyone,,diz is my 1st post,,ooppsss actually 2nd..hihihih next week i will start my 1st class for my master,,n i have decided to take applied mathematic,,i dont noe whether it is easy or not,,but from the name i think its quite tough,,huuhhu,, and now i guess i have started doing on my thesis because my lecturer email me diz evening and gave me an example of journal to guide me for my thesis,,so i will confirm with my lecturer about it diz monday,,(tp tkut la nk jmpe die),,hihihihi For my thesis, im doing about chaos,,and i dont really noe about it and im still studying it,,so i cant explain to all of u,,hihiih,, so later after i master about chaos i will tell u all k,, hurm i tried to upload my graft about chaos but it doesnt work,, sbb format die laen,,huhuh so xley la nk tjuk kt korng,, pas 2 every week i have progress report,,kne present depan my lecturer and his phd student,,(terkontang kanting aku awal2),,kne report la pe yg kte dpt dlm week 2,,huhuuh,, and every day bace journal,,ngantokss nak2 lagi pagi2 dtg office pas 2 bace,, almost every morning aku tertdo dlm blik 2,,hikhikhik,,ok la 2 je nak cite,,nanti si janet bising tnye ble aku nk post dlm blog nih,,gems pon same,,hahhaha
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy 25th Birthday to Me :D
Last week Amin asked if I wanted ice cream cake or a regular cake for my birthday. Well I'm not really into cake because the icing makes me stuffed. Just one or two slices and I wish I never had it hahaha..
So I told him, I'm just going to make brownies since I have the fudge brownie mix already at home. To make it more fancy, I checked out on the Internet things I could add on top of it. And I ended up choosing the cream cheese.
The process:
Scoop.. scoop.. scoop..
Cut.. cut.. cut...
Bake... 30 mins later.. taddaaaa... Marbled Cheese Brownies
I also received a Birthday card from Malaysia..
Sooo sweettt.. thankss everyone!
For lunch, we went to Thai Place restaurant which is 15 mins away from home. Amin ordered Phad Thai, & Pineapple Fried Rice for me.
Both of us got this Thai style salad with sweet sauce.
The photos are not that pretty because I used my camera phone.
And when Amin got home from work, he bought me a rose, just like he promised :)
So I told him, I'm just going to make brownies since I have the fudge brownie mix already at home. To make it more fancy, I checked out on the Internet things I could add on top of it. And I ended up choosing the cream cheese.
The process:
I also received a Birthday card from Malaysia..
Sooo sweettt.. thankss everyone!
For lunch, we went to Thai Place restaurant which is 15 mins away from home. Amin ordered Phad Thai, & Pineapple Fried Rice for me.
And when Amin got home from work, he bought me a rose, just like he promised :)
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