"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's about Time!!!

As many of you know, Gwy had his tonsils out last week! What a trooper! He was a miserable soul for many days. Between Gwy and his tonsils, Eric with Bronchitis, Maddux with an ear infection, Macee with Strep and Mick with the swine flu.... Needless to say, I have had my share of sleepless nights for awhile. I would have uploaded more pics but it's 2 am and I am tired! I added a bunch to facebook so you can check them out there!Work has never been crazier. My poor husband is ready to put a hole through the computer. He has been home fairly early (6ish) now that it get's dark quicker (love it!). He says he pulls up and still sees Shari's car in the driveway and cringes.... I am hoping one of these life times it slows down but judging on the last few weeks... It's not that I am behind... it's just that I can't keep up? I have no clue why that is underlined... anyway... Halloween was a success... my kiddos love Halloween. Eric's sis, Em and his mom, Vicki threw a big bash the night before Halloween for all the little kiddos! They had so much fun! We bobbed for apples, ate doughnuts off string... ate nummy food and got LOTS of candy. We headed down to Cleveland after Mick's football game on Halloween and surprised my mom! It was fun and we actually did the old fashion door-to-door trick or treating. My kids loved it. Someone called Jenny while we were out and told her that if we had time to run to Elmo and go to the assisted living home. All the old people had dressed up and was waiting for trick-or-treaters but none had shown. We loaded all 13 kids up in the car and headed for Elmo! It was heart warming! All these cute elderly folks were ecstatic to see these little Buzz and Woody's and princesses.... The kids sang some Halloween songs and LOADED up on candy. Macee still talks about how it gave her a "warm fuzzy."
Anyway, Macee is just getting ready for the Nutcracker now. Performances will be Mon, Nov 30th and Tue, Dec 1st. I am going to pre-order tickets next week and they are $5. Please let me know if you would like to attend. Tickets at the door are $7!!! Many long hours of dance goes into this preparation.
As for the rest of us.. Mick started basketball and we are all getting ready for the Madsens to come and spend Thanksgiving with us! We can't wait... my big debate.... do I put up my Christmas decor before or after? I know traditionally it's supposed to be after but I have all this new fun stuff to decorate the house with and have never been able to decorate for Christmas. We moved in last year the week before Christmas so we were lucky to have a tree!!! Ta Ta til next month!!! Did I mention my hot husband turns 40 next week???? CRAZY!!!


Traci said...

How cute are they all? Seriously Adoreable!!! So sorry that everyone has been sick and work has been so crazy. I am sure all you need is for all of us Madsens to hit your house for Thxgiving. (Sorry!) Since you aren't coming to Phx for thanksgiving...Maybe you should take a quick vacay by yourself (or with the fam) and head down to AZ for a quick shopping spree. Or wait until Jan. when everyone is back in school and winter has really set in and come enjoy the "heat" (not super hot then, but definitely warmer than UT!)
You are SUPERWOMAN!!! Seriously! You amaze me day after day! Hang in there! We love ya!

T said...

Glad you got to go home for Halloween! I bet your Mom loved the surprise. I say decorate NOW!!! I already have everything but my tree up. I'm crazy I know, but we are going out of town for Thanksgiving and I wanted to come home to a decorated home. I think it makes the Thanksgiving holiday so cozy to have the decorations up. It will be GONE the day after Christmas though. I'm one that needs the mess cleaned up and out of the house asap. I say go for it!