"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One Last Post....

(My favorite picture)...
That is... before I go to bed! Please read on below... yes... I posted 4 times tonight! I can't believe how far behind I was! It has been such a busy month! I finally was able to hook up my laptop so I unloaded pictures tonight. Unfortunately there is no rhyme or reason to these random pictures that I am going to post. I just thought they were very cute and "blog worthy"

I know... mean mom that let's her kid cry while taking a picture... Well... he was actually throwing quite the tantrum and it made him very angry when I took a picture of it! Cute little naked man (Maddux had just fixed his hair in the bath tub).

My cute ballerina!

I am guessing Gwy had his own personal photo shoot in my car!
I personally can't get enough of these pics... the eyes... the cute freckles...

Many of you may wonder how my crying school boys are doing? Well as for Maddux... the gum idea worked (thanks Tiff). And as for Mays... Our cute friends that own AWESOME Harley's agreed to take Mays on rides every day he didn't cry... he is cured! Thank you Thank you!

My cute Woody and Buzz (upside backwards).

I loved this pic of my boys and Eric's parents! I totally lucked out in the in-law department!


T said...

Wow! Cute pics of McGwire!! He could be a profesh photographer one day. I love, love, the first picture. What a handsome bunch of boys. I don't know how you got them all to hold still and actually look at the camera at the same time. And of course Macee always looks beautiful!!

Glad everyone is doing better with going to school. You can cross that one off the "things that stress me out" list!!! Bridal Veil Falls looks beautiful. A perfect time of year to go!

Sommer said...

Jess, I LOVED catching up on what you guys have been doing! I know we have talked, but I am a "visual" person, so it was so fun to SEE the pics! LOVE the Tigers shirts in the first picture! Boston wore his today, and he loved it! Had to pull out the long sleeves with this freaking cold weather we are having! I'm pretty sure summer is over! :(
We need to get the girls together SOON! Friday is Zach's birthday, so maybe Sat?
Maddog's touchdown was so awesome! He is a special little kid! We love him! Thanks for letting him stay with Bosto the other night, they had fun!

carrie said...

Love the photos! I think the McGwire close ups are AWESOME! I love his little freckles! Macee is such a beautiful ballerina! Bella would have a heart attack over that photo of her....'cause she has asked for a fancy ballerina dress/outfit for Christmas. Isn't that hilarious?? She loves them. Anyway, cute kids as always. I'm excited to catch up on all your posts! :o)

griffin gossip said...

I love it when they take pics of themselves! It's great to have great in laws! Macee is beautiful in her ballerina outfit. No chance that is what the Softball girls wear up there? lol. Karen

melanie h said...

Great pictures Jess and all blog worthy!!! Love McGuire's photo shoot with those beautiful blue eyes. All your kids are so dang cute!!

things we love... said...

Okay so really.. where has time gone and what have you done with your kids that are supposed to be like 7 and under?????? They are so darling, but growing tooo fast!!!!! You are such a great mommy!!!

Sara said...

I just had to let you now that I checked your blog, and had the music on and Tootsie started dancing, she loves it ;)

Emily H said...

What adorable kids you have!! Love all the pictures.

Anonymous said...

i would love a shot at his tight, naked ass i bet he can take 4" in him, my daughter could at that age